[perl #82098] Fix RT 61543 and remaining part of RT 63237
Extend bmodpow() to handle negative numbers.
- dist/Math-BigInt/lib/Math/BigInt.pm: Fix bmodpow() code and make the
documentation style more like that of other methods.
- dist/Math-BigInt/t/bigintpm.inc: Edit test results so they match new
behaviour, i.e., where earlier a NaN was returned, there are now
some cases where an integer is returned, since bmodpow() now also
handles negative numbers. Also include test cases from RT 63237. The
tests themselves have all been verified to be correct using other
- dist/Math-BigRat/t/bigratpm.inc: Fix test case so it matches the new
behaviour of Math::BigInt->bmodinv(). Math::BigRat->bmodinv() only
handles integers, and is essentially just a front-end to
- dist/Math-BigInt/t/bare_mbi.t: Increment test count.
- dist/Math-BigInt/t/bigintpm.t: Increment test count.
- dist/Math-BigInt/t/sub_mbi.t: Increment test count.