net: axienet: make the 64b addresable DMA depends on 64b archectures
Currently it is not safe to config the IP as 64-bit addressable on 32-bit
archectures, which cannot perform a double-word store on its descriptor
pointers. The pointer is 64-bit wide if the IP is configured as 64-bit,
and the device would process the partially updated pointer on some
states if the pointer was updated via two store-words. To prevent such
condition, we force a probe fail if we discover that the IP has 64-bit
capability but it is not running on a 64-Bit kernel.
This is a series of patch (1/2). The next patch must be applied in order
to make 64b DMA safe on 64b archectures.
Signed-off-by: Andy Chiu <>
Reported-by: Max Hsu <>
Reviewed-by: Greentime Hu <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>