X-Git-Url: http://review.tizen.org/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=init-tools.cmd;h=b483d72571caaa82a408b50957d706e68608f370;hb=30e6f2786fb3d80a2b7543304f7765c180cd44d5;hp=ec21fe808dac0e1ceb93bfd7308c042992cd1ef9;hpb=17de92ef10d5a56db312fd368671912e614741a6;p=platform%2Fupstream%2Fcoreclr.git diff --git a/init-tools.cmd b/init-tools.cmd index ec21fe8..b483d72 100644 --- a/init-tools.cmd +++ b/init-tools.cmd @@ -1,14 +1,18 @@ @if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal +:: Clear the 'Platform' environment variable for this session +:: This avoids overriding the default value from BuildTools projects used for initialization +set Platform= + set INIT_TOOLS_LOG=%~dp0init-tools.log -if [%PACKAGES_DIR%]==[] set PACKAGES_DIR=%~dp0packages\ +if [%PACKAGES_DIR%]==[] set PACKAGES_DIR=%~dp0.packages if [%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%]==[] set TOOLRUNTIME_DIR=%~dp0Tools -set DOTNET_PATH=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\dotnetcli\ +set DOTNET_PATH=%~dp0.dotnet\ if [%DOTNET_CMD%]==[] set DOTNET_CMD=%DOTNET_PATH%dotnet.exe if [%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%]==[] set BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE=https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v3/index.json set /P BUILDTOOLS_VERSION=< "%~dp0BuildToolsVersion.txt" -set BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=%PACKAGES_DIR%Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools\%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%\lib\ +set BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=%PACKAGES_DIR%\Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools\%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%\lib set INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT=%~dp0init-tools.msbuild set BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% set BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE=%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%\init-tools.completed @@ -16,7 +20,7 @@ set BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE=%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%\init-tools.completed :: if force option is specified then clean the tool runtime and build tools package directory to force it to get recreated if [%1]==[force] ( if exist "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" rmdir /S /Q "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" - if exist "%PACKAGES_DIR%Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools" rmdir /S /Q "%PACKAGES_DIR%Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools" + if exist "%PACKAGES_DIR%\Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools" rmdir /S /Q "%PACKAGES_DIR%\Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools" ) :: If semaphore exists do nothing @@ -47,43 +51,75 @@ echo Running %0 > "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" set /p DOTNET_VERSION=< "%~dp0DotnetCLIVersion.txt" if exist "%DOTNET_CMD%" goto :afterdotnetrestore -echo Installing dotnet cli... -if NOT exist "%DOTNET_PATH%" mkdir "%DOTNET_PATH%" -set DOTNET_ZIP_NAME=dotnet-sdk-%DOTNET_VERSION%-win-x64.zip -set DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH=https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/dotnet/Sdk/%DOTNET_VERSION%/%DOTNET_ZIP_NAME% -set DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH=%DOTNET_PATH%%DOTNET_ZIP_NAME% -echo Installing '%DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH%' to '%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%' >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" -powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "$retryCount = 0; $success = $false; $proxyCredentialsRequired = $false; do { try { $wc = New-Object Net.WebClient; if ($proxyCredentialsRequired) { [Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = [Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials; } $wc.DownloadFile('%DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH%', '%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%'); $success = $true; } catch { if ($retryCount -ge 6) { throw; } else { $we = $_.Exception.InnerException -as [Net.WebException]; $proxyCredentialsRequired = ($we -ne $null -and ([Net.HttpWebResponse]$we.Response).StatusCode -eq [Net.HttpStatusCode]::ProxyAuthenticationRequired); Start-Sleep -Seconds (5 * $retryCount); $retryCount++; } } } while ($success -eq $false); Add-Type -Assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem' -ErrorVariable AddTypeErrors; if ($AddTypeErrors.Count -eq 0) { [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%', '%DOTNET_PATH%') } else { (New-Object -com shell.application).namespace('%DOTNET_PATH%').CopyHere((new-object -com shell.application).namespace('%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%').Items(),16) }" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" -if NOT exist "%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%" ( - echo ERROR: Could not install dotnet cli correctly. 1>&2 - goto :error +REM Use x86 tools on arm64 and x86. +REM arm32 host is not currently supported, please crossbuild. +if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "arm" ( + echo "Error, arm32 arch not supported for build tools." + exit /b 1 +) + +if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "amd64" ( + set _Arch=x64 + goto ArchSet +) + +REM If this is not amd64 and not arm, then we should be running on arm64 or x86 +REM either way we can (and should) use the x86 dotnet cli +REM +REM TODO: consume native arm64 toolset, blocked by official arm64 windows cli +REM : release. See https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/19614 for more +REM : information +set _Arch=x86 + +echo "init-tools.cmd: Setting arch to %_Arch% for build tools" + +:ArchSet + +if NOT exist "%DOTNET_CMD%" ( + call %~dp0init-dotnet.cmd + if NOT exist "%DOTNET_CMD%" ( + echo ERROR: Could not install dotnet cli correctly. 1>&2 + goto :error + ) ) :afterdotnetrestore +REM We do not need the build tools for arm64/x86 +if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" == "arm64" ( + goto :EOF +) + +if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "arm64" ( + goto :EOF +) + if exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%" goto :afterbuildtoolsrestore echo Restoring BuildTools version %BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%... -echo Running: "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT%" --no-cache --packages %PACKAGES_DIR% --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% /p:ToolsDir=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" -call "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT%" --no-cache --packages %PACKAGES_DIR% --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% /p:ToolsDir=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" -if NOT exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%init-tools.cmd" ( +echo Running: "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT%" --no-cache --packages "%PACKAGES_DIR%" --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% /p:ToolsDir=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" +call "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT%" --no-cache --packages "%PACKAGES_DIR%" --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% /p:ToolsDir=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" +if NOT exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%\init-tools.cmd" ( echo ERROR: Could not restore build tools correctly. 1>&2 goto :error ) :afterbuildtoolsrestore -:: Ask init-tools to also restore ILAsm -set /p ILASMCOMPILER_VERSION=< "%~dp0ILAsmVersion.txt" - echo Initializing BuildTools... -echo Running: "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%init-tools.cmd" "%~dp0" "%DOTNET_CMD%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" -call "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%init-tools.cmd" "%~dp0" "%DOTNET_CMD%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" +echo Running: "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%\init-tools.cmd" "%~dp0" "%DOTNET_CMD%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" +call "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%\init-tools.cmd" "%~dp0" "%DOTNET_CMD%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" "%PACKAGES_DIR%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" set INIT_TOOLS_ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL% if not [%INIT_TOOLS_ERRORLEVEL%]==[0] ( echo ERROR: An error occured when trying to initialize the tools. 1>&2 goto :error ) +REM ILasm/ILDasm used to be restored by buildtools. The reference there was a netocreapp2.0, which was prior to our support of linux-musl. We initialize it locally as a 3.0 with the new SDK. +set /p ILASM_VERSION=< "%~dp0ILAsmVersion.txt" +if [%NATIVE_TOOLS_RID%] == [] set NATIVE_TOOLS_RID=win-x64 +echo Running: call "%DOTNET_CMD%" build "%~dp0tests\ilasm-restore\ilasm.depproj" --no-cache --packages "%PACKAGES_DIR%" -r "%NATIVE_TOOLS_RID%" /p:ILAsmPackageVersion="%ILASM_VERSION%" /p:ExpectedILAsmPath="%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\ilasm" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" +call "%DOTNET_CMD%" build "%~dp0tests\ilasm-restore\ilasm.depproj" --no-cache --packages "%PACKAGES_DIR%" -r "%NATIVE_TOOLS_RID%" /p:ILAsmPackageVersion="%ILASM_VERSION%" /p:ExpectedILAsmPath="%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\ilasm" + :: Create semaphore file echo Done initializing tools. if NOT exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%" mkdir "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%"