[plugin] modules=ico_ivi_common.so,ico_ivi_shell.so,ico_window_mgr.so,ico_window_animation.so,ico_input_mgr.so [shell] # default animation animation=none # animation time (ms) animation_time=600 # animation frame rate(frame/sec) animation_fps=15 # 0=hide on surface create(for with HomeScreen)/1=show on surface create(for Debug) visible_on_create=0 [debug] # option flag # 0x00000001 : =1, At the time of unvisible of surface, it travels surface outside a screen. # : =0, Exclude surface of the unvisible from a list of surface of Westons. option_flag=1 # 0=no debug write(1=err/2=warn/3=info/4=debug) ivi_debug=4