package keymanager // keymanager does the allocation, rotation and distribution of symmetric // keys to the agents. This is to securely bootstrap network communication // between agents. It can be used for encrypting gossip between the agents // which is used to exchange service discovery and overlay network control // plane information. It can also be used to encrypt overlay data traffic. import ( cryptorand "crypto/rand" "encoding/binary" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // DefaultKeyLen is the default length (in bytes) of the key allocated DefaultKeyLen = 16 // DefaultKeyRotationInterval used by key manager DefaultKeyRotationInterval = 12 * time.Hour // SubsystemGossip handles gossip protocol between the agents SubsystemGossip = "networking:gossip" // SubsystemIPSec is overlay network data encryption subsystem SubsystemIPSec = "networking:ipsec" // DefaultSubsystem is gossip DefaultSubsystem = SubsystemGossip // number of keys to mainrain in the key ring. keyringSize = 3 ) // map of subsystems and corresponding encryption algorithm. Initially only // AES_128 in GCM mode is supported. var subsysToAlgo = map[string]api.EncryptionKey_Algorithm{ SubsystemGossip: api.AES_128_GCM, SubsystemIPSec: api.AES_128_GCM, } type keyRing struct { lClock uint64 keys []*api.EncryptionKey } // Config for the keymanager that can be modified type Config struct { ClusterName string Keylen int RotationInterval time.Duration Subsystems []string } // KeyManager handles key allocation, rotation & distribution type KeyManager struct { config *Config store *store.MemoryStore keyRing *keyRing ctx context.Context cancel context.CancelFunc mu sync.Mutex } // DefaultConfig provides the default config for keymanager func DefaultConfig() *Config { return &Config{ ClusterName: store.DefaultClusterName, Keylen: DefaultKeyLen, RotationInterval: DefaultKeyRotationInterval, Subsystems: []string{SubsystemGossip, SubsystemIPSec}, } } // New creates an instance of keymanager with the given config func New(store *store.MemoryStore, config *Config) *KeyManager { for _, subsys := range config.Subsystems { if subsys != SubsystemGossip && subsys != SubsystemIPSec { return nil } } return &KeyManager{ config: config, store: store, keyRing: &keyRing{lClock: genSkew()}, } } func (k *KeyManager) allocateKey(ctx context.Context, subsys string) *api.EncryptionKey { key := make([]byte, k.config.Keylen) _, err := cryptorand.Read(key) if err != nil { panic(errors.Wrap(err, "key generated failed")) } k.keyRing.lClock++ return &api.EncryptionKey{ Subsystem: subsys, Algorithm: subsysToAlgo[subsys], Key: key, LamportTime: k.keyRing.lClock, } } func (k *KeyManager) updateKey(cluster *api.Cluster) error { return store.Tx) error { cluster = store.GetCluster(tx, cluster.ID) if cluster == nil { return nil } cluster.EncryptionKeyLamportClock = k.keyRing.lClock cluster.NetworkBootstrapKeys = k.keyRing.keys return store.UpdateCluster(tx, cluster) }) } func (k *KeyManager) rotateKey(ctx context.Context) error { var ( clusters []*api.Cluster err error ) store.ReadTx) { clusters, err = store.FindClusters(readTx, store.ByName(k.config.ClusterName)) }) if err != nil { log.G(ctx).Errorf("reading cluster config failed, %v", err) return err } cluster := clusters[0] if len(cluster.NetworkBootstrapKeys) == 0 { panic(errors.New("no key in the cluster config")) } subsysKeys := map[string][]*api.EncryptionKey{} for _, key := range k.keyRing.keys { subsysKeys[key.Subsystem] = append(subsysKeys[key.Subsystem], key) } k.keyRing.keys = []*api.EncryptionKey{} // We maintain the latest key and the one before in the key ring to allow // agents to communicate without disruption on key change. for subsys, keys := range subsysKeys { if len(keys) == keyringSize { min := 0 for i, key := range keys[1:] { if key.LamportTime < keys[min].LamportTime { min = i } } keys = append(keys[0:min], keys[min+1:]...) } keys = append(keys, k.allocateKey(ctx, subsys)) subsysKeys[subsys] = keys } for _, keys := range subsysKeys { k.keyRing.keys = append(k.keyRing.keys, keys...) } return k.updateKey(cluster) } // Run starts the keymanager, it doesn't return func (k *KeyManager) Run(ctx context.Context) error { ctx = log.WithModule(ctx, "keymanager") var ( clusters []*api.Cluster err error ) store.ReadTx) { clusters, err = store.FindClusters(readTx, store.ByName(k.config.ClusterName)) }) if err != nil { log.G(ctx).Errorf("reading cluster config failed, %v", err) return err } cluster := clusters[0] if len(cluster.NetworkBootstrapKeys) == 0 { for _, subsys := range k.config.Subsystems { for i := 0; i < keyringSize; i++ { k.keyRing.keys = append(k.keyRing.keys, k.allocateKey(ctx, subsys)) } } if err := k.updateKey(cluster); err != nil { log.G(ctx).Errorf("store update failed %v", err) } } else { k.keyRing.lClock = cluster.EncryptionKeyLamportClock k.keyRing.keys = cluster.NetworkBootstrapKeys } ticker := time.NewTicker(k.config.RotationInterval) defer ticker.Stop() k.ctx, k.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx) for { select { case <-ticker.C: k.rotateKey(ctx) case <-k.ctx.Done(): return nil } } } // Stop stops the running instance of key manager func (k *KeyManager) Stop() error { defer if k.cancel == nil { return errors.New("keymanager is not started") } k.cancel() return nil } // genSkew generates a random uint64 number between 0 and 65535 func genSkew() uint64 { b := make([]byte, 2) if _, err := cryptorand.Read(b); err != nil { panic(err) } return uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b)) }