package data import "" // Serializer is an interface that can marshal and unmarshal TUF data. This // is expected to be a canonical JSON marshaller type serializer interface { MarshalCanonical(from interface{}) ([]byte, error) Marshal(from interface{}) ([]byte, error) Unmarshal(from []byte, to interface{}) error } // CanonicalJSON marshals to and from canonical JSON type canonicalJSON struct{} // MarshalCanonical returns the canonical JSON form of a thing func (c canonicalJSON) MarshalCanonical(from interface{}) ([]byte, error) { return json.MarshalCanonical(from) } // Marshal returns the regular non-canonical JSON form of a thing func (c canonicalJSON) Marshal(from interface{}) ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(from) } // Unmarshal unmarshals some JSON bytes func (c canonicalJSON) Unmarshal(from []byte, to interface{}) error { return json.Unmarshal(from, to) } // defaultSerializer is a canonical JSON serializer var defaultSerializer serializer = canonicalJSON{} func setDefaultSerializer(s serializer) { defaultSerializer = s }