PluginForm2_base PluginForm2_base 0 0 585 375 HP Device Manager - Plugin Download and Install unnamed titleTextLabel Driver Plug-in Install line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 390 20 cancelPushButton Cancel actionPushButton Download and Install true textLabel1 You may download the plug-in directly from an HP authorized server, or, if you already have a copy of the file, you can specify a path to the file. WordBreak|AlignVCenter spacer11 Vertical Expanding 20 50 sourceGroup Plug-in Source unnamed radioButton5 Use an exisiting copy of the plug-in file (advanced): 1 browsePushButton false Browse... radioButton4 Download the plug-in from an HP authorized server (recommended) true 0 pathLineEdit false spacer13 Vertical Expanding 20 21 sourceGroup clicked(int) PluginForm2_base sourceGroup_clicked(int) browsePushButton clicked() PluginForm2_base browsePushButton_clicked() pathLineEdit textChanged(const QString&) PluginForm2_base pathLineEdit_textChanged(const QString&) actionPushButton clicked() PluginForm2_base actionPushButton_clicked() cancelPushButton clicked() PluginForm2_base cancelPushButton_clicked() pluginform2_base.ui.h sourceGroup_clicked( int ) browsePushButton_clicked() pathLineEdit_textChanged( const QString & ) actionPushButton_clicked() cancelPushButton_clicked()