PaperEdgeAlignForm_base PaperEdgeAlignForm_base 0 0 618 233 HP Device Manager - Paper Edge Alignment unnamed spacer37 Horizontal Expanding 80 20 ContinueButton Next > CancelButton Cancel buttonGroup 1 5 0 0 Paper Edge unnamed layout24 unnamed radioButton1 1 true radioButton2 2 radioButton3 3 radioButton4 4 radioButton5 5 radioButton6 6 radioButton7 7 radioButton8 8 radioButton9 9 radioButton10 10 radioButton11 11 radioButton12 12 radioButton13 13 Icon 0 0 0 0 true textLabel4_2 Choose the <b>numbered arrow</b> that <b>best </b>marks the edge of the paper. WordBreak|AlignVCenter CancelButton clicked() PaperEdgeAlignForm_base reject() ContinueButton clicked() PaperEdgeAlignForm_base accept() buttonGroup clicked(int) PaperEdgeAlignForm_base buttonGroup_clicked(int) buttonGroup_clicked(int)