ColorCalForm2_base ColorCalForm2_base 0 0 952 327 HP Device Manager - Color Calibration unnamed CancelButton Cancel ContinueButton Next > spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 270 20 buttonGroup unnamed Icon 0 0 0 0 true textLabel2_2 <b>A page of color patches is printing. When it is complete, follow these steps:</b> <p><b>1.</b> Hold the page approximately 8 inches (~20cm) in front of your eyes. <p><b>2.</b> Slowly move the page away from you until the numbered patches fade to match the background. <p><b>3.</b> Select the number (below) between <i>1</i> and <i>81 </i>of the numbered patch that <b>best </b>matches the background: WordBreak|AlignVCenter layout3 unnamed textLabel1 Number of best matching patch (1-81): SpinBox 81 1 spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 351 20 spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 251 20 spacer5 Vertical Expanding 20 21 spacer6 Vertical Expanding 20 61 CancelButton clicked() ColorCalForm2_base reject() ContinueButton clicked() ColorCalForm2_base accept() SpinBox valueChanged(int) ColorCalForm2_base SpinBox_valueChanged(int) buttonGroup_clicked( int ) SpinBox_valueChanged( int )