ColorAdjForm_base ColorAdjForm_base 0 0 1013 164 HP Device Manager - Color Adjustment unnamed CancelButton Cancel ContinueButton Next > spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 270 20 buttonGroup unnamed Icon 0 0 0 0 true textLabel2_2 Choose the numbered colored box that the color <b>best </b>matches the background color of the bar. WordBreak|AlignVCenter layout2 unnamed radioButton1 8 1 radioButton2 8 2 radioButton3 8 3 radioButton4 8 4 radioButton5 8 5 radioButton6 8 6 radioButton7 8 7 radioButton8 8 8 radioButton9 8 9 radioButton10 8 10 radioButton11 8 11 true radioButton12 8 12 radioButton13 8 13 radioButton14 8 14 radioButton15 8 15 radioButton16 8 16 radioButton17 8 17 radioButton18 8 18 radioButton19 8 19 radioButton20 8 20 radioButton21 8 21 spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 750 20 layout3 unnamed LineLabel_2 Times New Roman <b><font size="+1">Line</font></b> LineLabel Times New Roman <b><font size="+1">X</font></b> CancelButton clicked() ColorAdjForm_base reject() ContinueButton clicked() ColorAdjForm_base accept() buttonGroup clicked(int) ColorAdjForm_base buttonGroup_clicked(int) buttonGroup_clicked( int )