IoTivity Build VM from Vagrant ============================== Vagrant can use the files in this directory to provision an Ubuntu 12.04 development environment for IoTivity. To create a new VM type % vagrant up in the current directory. You can then connect to the VM with % vagrant ssh On the newly provisioned VM, the IoTivity repo will be checked out in the `iotivity` directory in the vagrant user's home directory and configured to use the Arduino SDKs which are automatically downloaded and installed in the home directory and patched when the VM is provisioned. Using Vagrant to build a VM might be useful for: * Testing the build process on a clean install to make sure all dependencies are captured * Configuring a Linux build environment for Windows or Mac users * Configuring build VMs for build automation The and files can be used independent of Vagrant to configure a existing Ubuntu environment. How to do so is left as an exercise for the reader. (Hint: try `sudo &&`.) For more information about Vagrant, please see Assumptions =========== * The ${HOME}/.ssh/ directory contains config, id_rsa,, and known_hosts, that when copied to the VM will allow connection to the git repo. (And that you don't mind those files being copied to the VM.) * If a USER environment variable, it has the user name to use for git otherwise, USERNAME has the user ID for git. USER should work for Linux and USERNAME works inside Git bash on Windows. To Do ===== * Everything is dumped into the top-level directory. A cleaner layout would be better (e.g., move the Arduino libraries to iotivity/extlibs). * Verify on more configurations (tested on Git bash under Windows) * Try with Ubuntu 14.04 * Have a more flexible way to determine the git user name * Install Android NDK