[general] #Current profile name which should match a profile section name profile = profile.tizen [profile.tizen] #Common authentication info for whole profile #user = #CAUTION: please use the key name "passwd" to reset plaintext password #passwd = obs = obs.tizen #Comma separated list of repositories repos = repo.public_latest, repo.devel-gcc49-base, #repos = repo.tizen_main, repo.tizen_base #Build config for gbs build #buildconf = #Comma separated list of additional packages be excluded building #exclude_packages = libtool,gettext [obs.tizen] #OBS API URL pointing to a remote OBS. url = https://api.tizen.org #Optional user and password, set if differ from profile's user and password #user = #passwd = #Repo section example [repo.public_latest] #Build against repo's URL url = http://download.tizen.org/snapshots/2.4-mobile/common/latest/repos/target-TM1/packages/ #Optional user and password, set if differ from profile's user and password #user = #passwd = [repo.devel-gcc49-base] url = http://download.tizen.org/releases/2.4/2.4-base/tizen-2.4-base_20151027.1/repos/standard/packages/