msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_ENCRYPT_DEVICE" msgstr "Encrypt device" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ENCRYPTING_ING" msgstr "Encrypting..." msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_OK" msgstr "OK" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_PASSWORD" msgstr "Password" msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_CANCEL" msgstr "Cancel" msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_DELETE_ABB3" msgstr "Delete" msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_BACK" msgstr "Back" msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_NEXT" msgstr "Next" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_SD_CARD_DECRYPTED" msgstr "SD card decrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_SD_CARD_ENCRYPTED" msgstr "SD card encrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_DONE" msgstr "Done" msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_ENTER_SD_CARD_PASSWORD" msgstr "Enter SD card password" msgid "IDS_ST_POP_YOUR_SD_CARD_IS_ENCRYPTED_TAP_OK_AND_ENTER_YOUR_SD_CARD_PASSWORD_TO_USE_THE_SD_CARD" msgstr "Your SD card is encrypted. Tap OK and enter your SD card password to use the SD card." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_USE_ENCRYPTED_SD_CARD" msgstr "Use encrypted SD card" msgid "IDS_LCKSCN_NPBODY_ENTER_PASSWORD" msgstr "Enter password" msgid "IDS_LCKSCN_NPBODY_INCORRECT_PASSWORD_ENTERED" msgstr "Incorrect password entered" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_YOU_HAVE_1_ATTEMPT_LEFT" msgstr "You have 1 attempt left." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_IF_AN_INCORRECT_PASSWORD_IS_ENTERED_1_MORE_TIME_YOU_WILL_NO_LONGER_BE_ABLE_MSG" msgstr "If an incorrect password is entered 1 more time, you will no longer be able use any of the SD cards encrypted by this device." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_REMEMBER_PASSWORD" msgstr "Remember password" msgid "IDS_ST_POP_MAKE_SURE_YOU_REMEMBER_YOUR_PASSWORD_IF_YOU_FORGET_IT_YOU_WILL_NO_LONGER_BE_ABLE_TO_USE_ANY_MSG" msgstr "Make sure you remember your password. If you forget it, you will no longer be able to use any of the SD cards encrypted by this device." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_DELETE_SD_CARD_PASSWORD" msgstr "Delete SD card password" msgid "IDS_ST_POP_YOUR_DEVICE_WILL_FORGET_ALL_SD_CARDS_THAT_HAVE_PREVIOUSLY_BEEN_ENCRYPTED_BY_THIS_DEVICE_MSG" msgstr "Your device will forget all SD cards that have previously been encrypted by this device and their password. You will no longer be able to use any of the SD cards encrypted by this device." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ENCRYPTING_YOUR_PHONE_WILL_SECURE_THE_APPS_DATA_AND_OTHER_CONTENT_ON_IT_N_NTO_DECRYPT_YOUR_PHONE_ONCE_MSG" msgstr "Encrypting your phone will secure the apps, data, and other content on it.\n\nTo decrypt your phone once it has been encrypted, you will need to unlock the screen every time you turn on the phone. You will not receive any calls, messages, or notifications, and alarms will not sound, until the phone has started up." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_ENCRYPTION_PROCESS_MAY_TAKE_A_LONG_TIME_DEPENDING_ON_THE_AMOUNT_OF_DATA_THAT_IS_ENCRYPTED_INTERRUPTING_MSG" msgstr "The encryption process may take a long time depending on the amount of data that is encrypted. Interrupting this process may cause data loss, so make sure you have time for it to finish before you start." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_TO_ENCRYPT_YOUR_DEVICE_C_ABB" msgstr "To encrypt your device:" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_CHARGE_THE_BATTERY_TO_AT_LEAST_PDP" msgstr "Charge the battery to at least %d%." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_CONNECT_THE_DEVICE_TO_A_CHARGER" msgstr "Connect the device to a charger." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_SET_THE_SCREEN_LOCK_TYPE_TO_PASSWORD" msgstr "Set the screen lock type to Password." msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_SCREEN_LOCK_TYPE_ABB" msgstr "Screen lock type" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_TAP_ENCRYPT_TO_START_THE_ENCRYPTION_PROCESS" msgstr "Tap Encrypt to start the encryption process." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_ENCRYPTION_CANT_BE_CANCELLED_AND_DATA_WILL_BE_LOST_IF_THE_PROCESS_IS_INTERRUPTED_DURING_MSG" msgstr "The encryption can't be canceled and data will be lost if the process is interrupted. During the encryption process, your device can't be used. After the encryption, your device will restart." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_ENCRYPTION_OPTIONS_ABB" msgstr "Encryption options" msgid "IDS_ST_MBODY_FULL_ENCRYPTION" msgstr "Full encryption" msgid "IDS_ST_SBODY_ENCRYPT_NOT_ONLY_THE_USED_PHONE_STORAGE_BUT_ALSO_ANY_EMPTY_SPACE_THIS_WILL_TAKE_MORE_TIME" msgstr "Encrypt not only the used phone storage but also any empty space. This will take more time." msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_ENCRYPT_ABB2" msgstr "Encrypt" msgid "IDS_ST_NPBODY_ENCRYPTING_DEVICE_ING" msgstr "Encrypting device..." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_PDP_M_PERCENT" msgstr "%d%" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_PLEASE_WAIT" msgstr "Please wait." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ONLY_USED_DEVICE_STORAGE_WILL_BE_ENCRYPTED" msgstr "Only used device storage will be encrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ONCE_THE_DEVICE_IS_ENCRYPTED_IT_WILL_RESTART" msgstr "Once the device is encrypted, it will restart." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_STARTING_PHONE_ING" msgstr "Starting phone..." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_DECRYPT_DEVICE" msgstr "Decrypt device" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_DECRYPTING_YOUR_DEVICE_WILL_DECRYPT_THE_APPS_DATA_AND_OTHER_CONTENT_ON_YOUR_DEVICE" msgstr "Decrypting your device will decrypt the apps, data, and other content on your device." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THIS_MAY_TAKE_A_LONG_TIME_DEPENDING_ON_THE_AMOUNT_OF_DATA_INTERRUPTING_THIS_PROCESS_MAY_CAUSE_MSG" msgstr "This may take a long time depending on the amount of data. Interrupting this process may cause data loss, so make sure you have time for it to finish before you start." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_TO_DECRYPT_YOUR_DEVICE_C_ABB" msgstr "To decrypt your device:" msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_CONFIRM_DECRYPTION" msgstr "Confirm decryption" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_TAP_DECRYPT_TO_START_THE_DECRYPTION_PROCESS" msgstr "Tap Decrypt to start the decryption process." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_DECRYPTION_CANT_BE_CANCELLED_AND_DATA_WILL_BE_LOST_IF_THE_PROCESS_IS_INTERRUPTED_DURING_THE_DECRYPTION_MSG" msgstr "The decryption can't be canceled and data will be lost if the process is interrupted. During the decryption process, your device can't be used. After the decryption, your device will restart." msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_DECRYPT_DEVICE" msgstr "Decrypt device" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_DECRYPTING_DEVICE_ING" msgstr "Decrypting device..." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_PLEASE_WAIT_NONCE_THE_DEVICE_IS_DECRYPTED_IT_WILL_RESTART" msgstr "Please wait.\nOnce the device is decrypted, it will restart." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_ENCRYPT_SD_CARD" msgstr "Encrypt SD card" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ENCRYPTING_YOUR_SD_CARD_WILL_PROTECT_ITS_DATA_IF_ITS_LOST_OR_STOLEN_ENCRYPTED_SD_CARDS_CAN_ONLY_MSG" msgstr "Encrypting your SD card will protect its data if it's lost or stolen. Encrypted SD cards can only be read on the phone used to encrypt them." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ONCE_THE_SD_CARD_IS_ENCRYPTED_A_PASSWORD_IS_REQUIRED_TO_USE_IT_THE_SAME_PASSWORD_MUST_MSG" msgstr "Once the SD card is encrypted, a password is required to use it. The same password must be used for all encrypted SD cards. If you enter an incorrect password 15 times in a row, you will no longer be able to use any of the SD cards encrypted by this phone. If your phone is reset to factory default settings, it will be unable to read encrypted SD cards." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_ENCRYPTION_PROCESS_MAY_TAKE_A_LONG_TIME_DEPENDING_ON_THE_AMOUNT_OF_DATA_MSG" msgstr "The encryption process may take a long time depending on the amount of data that is encrypted. Interrupting this process may cause data loss, so make sure you have time for it to finish before you start." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_MAKE_SURE_THAT_THE_BATTERY_IS_CHARGED_AND_KEEP_THE_PHONE_PLUGGED_IN_UNTIL_ENCRYPTION_IS_COMPLETE" msgstr "Make sure that the battery is charged and keep the phone plugged in until encryption is complete." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_TO_ENCRYPT_YOUR_SD_CARD_C" msgstr "To encrypt your SD card:" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_INSERT_THE_SD_CARD_ABB" msgstr "Insert the SD card." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_CREATE_AN_SD_CARD_PASSWORD" msgstr "Create an SD card password." msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_CREATE_PASSWORD" msgstr "Create password" msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_CHANGE_PW_ABB" msgstr "Change PW" msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_DELETE_PW_ABB" msgstr "Delete PW" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_TAP_ENCRYPT_SD_CARD_TO_START_THE_ENCRYPTION_PROCESS" msgstr "Tap Encrypt SD card to start the encryption process." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ALL_OPEN_FILES_ON_SD_CARD_WILL_BE_CLOSED" msgstr "All open files on SD card will be closed." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_ENCRYPTION_CANT_BE_CANCELLED_AND_DATA_WILL_BE_LOST_IF_THE_PROCESS_IS_INTERRUPTED_DURING_THE_MSG" msgstr "The encryption can't be canceled and data will be lost if the process is interrupted. During the encryption process, your SD card can't be used. After the encryption, your SD card will be mounted again." msgid "IDS_ST_MBODY_ENCRYPT_NEW_FILES" msgstr "Encrypt new files" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ENCRYPT_ALL_NEW_FILES_SAVED_ON_THIS_SD_CARD_EXISTING_FILES_WILL_NOT_BE_ENCRYPTED" msgstr "Encrypt all new files saved on this SD card. Existing files will not be encrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_MBODY_ENCRYPT_ALL_FILES" msgstr "Encrypt all files" msgid "IDS_ST_SBODY_ENCRYPT_ALL_FILES_SAVED_ON_THE_SD_CARD_NEW_FILES_WILL_ALSO_BE_ENCRYPTED" msgstr "Encrypt all files saved on the SD card. New files will also be encrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ENCRYPTING_SD_CARD_ING" msgstr "Encrypting SD card..." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ALL_FILES_ON_THE_SD_CARD_WILL_BE_ENCRYPTED" msgstr "All files on the SD card will be encrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_SD_CARD_CANT_BE_USED_UNTIL_IT_HAS_BEEN_ENCRYPTED" msgstr "The SD card can't be used until it has been encrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_DECRYPT_SD_CARD" msgstr "Decrypt SD card" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_DECRYPTION_PROCESS_MAY_TAKE_A_LONG_TIME_MSG" msgstr "The decryption process may take a long time depending on the amount of data that is decrypted. Interrupting this process may cause data loss, so make sure you have time for it to finish before you start." msgid "IDS_ST_BUTTON_CHANGE_PASSWORD_ABB2" msgstr "Change password" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_DECRYPTION_CANT_BE_CANCELLED_AND_DATA_WILL_BE_LOST_IF_THE_PROCESS_IS_INTERRUPTED_MSG" msgstr "The decryption can't be canceled and data will be lost if the process is interrupted. During the decryption process, your SD card can't be used. After the decryption, your SD card will be mounted again." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_DECRYPTING_SD_CARD_ING" msgstr "Decrypting SD card..." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_THE_SD_CARD_CANT_BE_USED_UNTIL_IT_HAS_BEEN_DECRYPTED" msgstr "The SD card can't be used until it has been decrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_MBODY_ENCRYPTING_SD_CARD_ING" msgstr "Encrypting SD card..." msgid "IDS_ST_MBODY_SD_CARD_ENCRYPTED" msgstr "SD card encrypted" msgid "IDS_ST_MBODY_DECRYPTING_SD_CARD_ING" msgstr "Decrypting SD card..." msgid "IDS_ST_MBODY_SD_CARD_DECRYPTED" msgstr "SD card decrypted" msgid "IDS_ST_POP_TAP_RESET_TO_DELETE_THE_PASSWORD_YOU_CAN_USE_SD_CARDS_THAT_WERE_ENCRYPTED_BY_THIS_PHONE_MSG" msgstr "Tap Reset to delete the password. You can use SD cards that were encrypted by this phone if you format them. Formatting SD cards will erase all data on them." msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_COULDNT_USE_SD_CARD" msgstr "Couldn't use SD card" msgid "IDS_ST_HEADER_ENTER_NEW_PASSWORD_ABB" msgstr "Enter new password" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_MAKE_SURE_YOU_REMEMBER_YOUR_PASSWORD" msgstr "Make sure you remember your password." msgid "IDS_LCKSCN_BODY_THE_PASSWORD_MUST_CONSIST_OF_AT_LEAST_PD_ALPHANUMERIC_CHARACTERS_INCLUDING_AT_LEAST_1_LETTER" msgstr "The password must consist of at least %d alphanumeric characters, including at least 1 letter." msgid "IDS_ST_POP_CONFIRM_PASSWORD" msgstr "Confirm password" msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_YOU_HAVE_PD_ATTEMPTS_LEFT" msgstr "You have %d attempts left." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_IF_AN_INCORRECT_PASSWORD_IS_ENTERED_PD_MORE_TIMES_YOU_WILL_NO_LONGER_BE_ABLE_MSG" msgstr "If an incorrect password is entered %d more times, you will no longer be able use any of the SD cards encrypted by this device." msgid "IDS_ST_POP_AN_INCORRECT_PASSWORD_HAS_BEEN_ENTERED_15_TIMES_YOU_CAN_NO_LONGER_ACCESS_DATA_ON_ANY_MSG" msgstr "An incorrect password has been entered 15 times. You can no longer access data on any of the SD cards encrypted by this device.\nTo continue without an SD card, tap Cancel. To use the inserted SD card again, tap Reset to delete the password and format the SD card. All data on the SD card will be erased. You will not be able to recover this data. After formatting, the SD card will not be encrypted." msgid "IDS_ST_BODY_ENTER_PASSWORD_IN_PD_SECONDS" msgstr "Enter password in %d seconds."