# This file lists all dependencies used from first-party code. It should not # include transitive dependencies, as those will be determined from Cargo. # # All versions should be specified as a version epoch (a single non-zero version # component such as "2" or "0.3"). # e.g. # santas-workshop = "2" # # Any features used by first-party code must be declared here in order to ensure # they are included in the crate when it is built. # e.g. # santas-workshop = { version = "3", features = [ "candycanes" ] } # # We have some extensions in order to provide additional info for the BUILD.gn # files that can't be derived from Cargo. Any extension should be added to # the dependency crate's set of properties. # e.g. # santas-workshop = { version = "3", some-extension = true } # # Extensions: # # allow-first-party-usage: If false, the crate should not be visible to first # party code even though it is present in this file. It defaults to true. Use # this if you need to declare extensions for a crate that is only meant for # use as a transitive dependency of third-party crates. # e.g. allow-first-party-usage = false # # build-script-outputs: A list of file paths, rooted from where the BUILD.gn # file is located, of files generated by the crate's build script. # e.g. build-script-outputs = [ "crate/src/gen/gen_stuff.rs" ] # Crates listed in dependencies will have a :lib GN target built for them in # their BUILD.gn file. The :lib target can be depended on from Chromium # production and test code. Third-party crates that are not listed in this # file are not visible to Chromium code. # Since cxx-gen is used as a standalone binary, rather than as a library, we # can't depend on it in the usual way. Add it as a workspace member so cargo can # resolve its dependencies. [workspace] members = [ "cxxbridge_cmd/v1/crate", ] [dependencies] bitflags = "1" cfg-if = "1" cxx = "1" cxxbridge-cmd = "1" lazy_static = "1" memoffset = { version = "0.6", features = [ "unstable_const" ] } proc-macro2 = "1" qr_code = "2" quote = "1" serde = "1" static_assertions = "1" syn = {version = "2", features = ["full"]} read-fonts = "0.11" font-types = "0.4" skrifa = "0.10" rustc-demangle-capi = "0.1" [dependencies.serde_json_lenient] version = "0.1" features = [ "unbounded_depth", "float_roundtrip" ] [dependencies.rustversion] version = "1" allow-first-party-usage = false build-script-outputs = [ "version.rs" ] [dependencies.unicode-linebreak] version = "0.1" allow-first-party-usage = false build-script-outputs = [ "tables.rs" ] # Crates listed in testonly-dependencies will have a :test_support GN target # built for them in their BUILD.gn file, which is marked testonly=true. This # allows them built in a configuration that can be used from Chromium tests, but # not used from production. # # Note this is not the same as dev-dependencies: any features requested here # also affect regular dependencies. They just have restricted visibility in GN. [testonly-dependencies] anyhow = "1" hex = "0.4" hex-literal = "0.4" lazy_static = "1" log = "0.4" rand = "0.8" rand_pcg = "0.3" regex = "1" rstest = {version = "0.17", default-features=false} rstest_reuse = "0.5" serde_json = "1" small_ctor = "0.1" wycheproof = "0.4"