# Rust third-party code Use of Rust is being experimented with. As such, code outside of that experiment should not depend on targets in this directory. ## Directory structure We store each third-party crate in a directory of the same name. Under that directory a folder named based on the crate epoch version is created. If the crate's version has a major version greater-than 0, then that is used as its version folder, such as `v1`. Otherwise, the name includes all leading zeros in the version, such as `v0_3` or `v0_0_6`. For example, the `tutelage` crate at version **1.4.3** would be stored at ```sh //third_party/rust/tutelage/v1 ``` Whereas the verion **0.2.8** version would be stored at ```sh //third_party/rust/tutelage/v0_2 ``` ## OWNERS We do not require OWNERS in each crate's directory at this time, however this will be revisted when Rust goes to production. ## Vendoring vs DEPS In order to move quickly and reduce our processes, we will vendor third-party code directly into Chromium src.git under this directory. ## Testing All third-party crates should have their tests added to a Chromium test suite. These tests will be run on the Rust FYI bots, and may move to a blocking bot when Rust goes to production. ## Tooling Contents of the `third_party/rust` directory are managed using the tools under [`tools/crates`](../../tools/crates/README.md). Manual edits should not be needed, except to configure and guide the tools (e.g. via `third_party.toml`). ## Review process At this time adding new 3rd party crates requires a review by: - `//build/rust/OWNERS`- i.e. a Chrome ATL review is not needed while broader Rust usage is not allowed / while Rust usage remains an experiment. - security@chromium.org (or chrome-security@google.com, Google-only) - Earlier examples of audits/documents/emails that are good role models of the review process: `toml` crate (e.g. see [here](https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/chromium.org/g/security/c/K686pSg-gZc/m/Pn2QzqahAwAJ)) - Bug tracking having a more centralized database of crate review status (i.e. leveraging reviews already done by other teams): TODO.