Name: Nyx Packer Short Name: nyx-packer URL: Version: 0 Date: 2022/08/05 Revision: a2403befd860415725d0b6d64df69fd000aca541 License: MIT and GPL2 License File: NOT_SHIPPED Security Critical: no CPEPrefix: unknown Description: Nyx Packer is used to create a Nyx sharedir, which contains bundled data required to run a virtual machine for a given fuzz testing (fuzzing) target. The only file used from this library is 'nyx.h' for the low-level interface definitions. Local Modifications: We add '', which is an aid for creating a CL to roll our copy of the 'nyx.h' header file. It fetches the latest version of 'nyx.h' from the upstream repository and then updates this README file with the latest commit hash and date.