# This file contains a X.509 certificate with a UID field, encoded as # an IA5String rather than DirectoryString (i.e., TeletexString, # PrintableString, UniversalString, UTF8String, or BMPString) which is # the correct approach. For compatibility, it seems good to make sure # that newer versions of GnuTLS continue to be able to read such # certificates. # Thanks to Max Kellermann who reported this problem # to gnutls-dev@gnupg.org, see Message-ID: # <20061220125309.GA2668@roonstrasse.net>. # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. X.509 certificate info: Version: 3 Serial Number (hex): 00 Subject: UID=simon Issuer: UID=simon Signature Algorithm: RSA-SHA Validity: Not Before: Wed Dec 27 10:28:27 2006 Not After: Thu Dec 28 10:28:30 2006 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: RSA (512 bits) modulus: bd:a2:fc:48:9e:c0:4c:e9:57:d0:48:17:58:6e:1f: 74:e3:15:d5:80:db:9d:31:0b:dd:29:a2:f3:05:45: 80:70:78:02:fe:9c:a1:92:f3:86:47:ea:f7:e9:36: 8c:28:10:fd:fa:3f:1d:74:7b:bb:f3:0e:8b:99:44: 05:0e:11:6f: public exponent: 01:00:01: X.509 Extensions: Basic Constraints: (critical) CA:FALSE Subject Key ID: 5E:AE:28:4A:25:2D:BD:EC:74:DC:71:E1:5E:23:9A:96:05:D8:4B:D7 Other information: MD5 Fingerprint: E3:26:D8:E5:5F:54:AA:34:B9:DF:4C:1C:D6:82:CF:F2 SHA1 Fingerprint: 5F:6E:FB:6D:B5:85:81:63:A8:1A:DC:9F:50:75:0D:57:56:53:FB:83 Public Key ID: 5E:AE:28:4A:25:2D:BD:EC:74:DC:71:E1:5E:23:9A:96:05:D8:4B:D7 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBRjCB86ADAgECAgEAMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEBBTAXMRUwEwYKCZImiZPyLGQBARYF c2ltb24wHhcNMDYxMjI3MDkyODI3WhcNMDYxMjI4MDkyODMwWjAXMRUwEwYKCZIm iZPyLGQBARYFc2ltb24wWTALBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEDSgAwRwJAvaL8SJ7ATOlX0EgX WG4fdOMV1YDbnTEL3Smi8wVFgHB4Av6coZLzhkfq9+k2jCgQ/fo/HXR7u/MOi5lE BQ4RbwIDAQABoy8wLTAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRerihKJS297HTc ceFeI5qWBdhL1zALBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUDQQBUuTMcLeWAXr6ihKcEdMm+pIRc5XGb 5Y7m+47risTzyqpPnDzwXI4vJm4BxHmCQg8oarkBNHaKv7nA6hCFi48w -----END CERTIFICATE-----