/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation. * * Author: Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) * * * This file is part of Rygel. * * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ using Soup; using Gee; public errordomain Rygel.TestError { SKIP = 77, TIMEOUT } public errordomain Rygel.ClientHacksError { NA } public class Rygel.ClientHacks { public static ClientHacks create (Message? message) throws Error { var headers = message.request_headers; if (headers.get_one ("clienthacks.test.rygel") != null) { return new ClientHacks (); } else { throw new ClientHacksError.NA (""); } } public void apply (MediaObject? item) { } public bool force_seek () { return false; } } public class Rygel.TestRequestFactory { public Soup.Message msg; public Soup.Status expected_code; public TestRequestFactory (Soup.Message msg, Soup.Status expected_code) { this.msg = msg; this.expected_code = expected_code; } internal HTTPGet create_get (HTTPServer http_server, Soup.Server server, Soup.Message msg) { HTTPGet request = new HTTPGet (http_server, server, msg); request.handler = null; return request; } } public class Rygel.HTTPGetTest : GLib.Object { protected HTTPServer server; protected HTTPClient client; private bool server_done; private bool client_done; private MainLoop main_loop; private Error error; private ArrayList requests; private TestRequestFactory current_request; public static int main (string[] args) { try { var test = new HTTPGetTest (); test.run (); } catch (TestError.SKIP error) { return error.code; } catch (Error error) { critical ("%s", error.message); return -1; } /* Avoid some warnings about unused methods: */ var item = new VideoItem(); assert (!item.is_live_stream()); assert (!item.streamable()); return 0; } public HTTPGetTest () throws Error { this.server = new HTTPServer (); this.client = new HTTPClient (this.server.context); this.main_loop = new MainLoop (null, false); this.create_test_messages(); } public virtual void run () throws Error { Timeout.add_seconds (3, this.on_timeout); this.server.message_received.connect (this.on_message_received); this.client.completed.connect (this.on_client_completed); this.start_next_test_request (); this.main_loop.run (); if (this.error != null) { throw this.error; } } private void create_test_messages () { requests = new ArrayList (); Soup.Message request = new Soup.Message ("POST", this.server.uri); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); request = new Soup.Message ("HEAD", this.server.uri); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.OK)); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", this.server.uri); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.OK)); string uri = this.server.create_uri ("VideoItem"); uri = uri + "/tr/MP3"; request = new Soup.Message ("HEAD", uri); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.OK)); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", this.server.uri); request.request_headers.append ("transferMode.dlna.org", "Streaming"); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.OK)); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", this.server.uri); request.request_headers.append ("transferMode.dlna.org", "Interactive"); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE)); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", this.server.uri); request.request_headers.append ("Range", "bytes=1-2"); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.OK)); uri = this.server.create_uri ("AudioItem"); uri = uri + "/th/0"; request = new Soup.Message ("GET", uri); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.NOT_FOUND)); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", this.server.uri); request.request_headers.append ("TimeSeekRange.dlna.org", "0"); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE)); uri = this.server.create_uri ("AudioItem"); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", uri); request.request_headers.append ("TimeSeekRange.dlna.org", "0"); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.BAD_REQUEST)); uri = this.server.create_uri ("AudioItem"); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", uri); request.request_headers.append ("TimeSeekRange.dlna.org", "npt=1-2049"); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE)); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", this.server.uri); request.request_headers.append ("clienthacks.test.rygel", "f"); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.OK)); request = new Soup.Message ("GET", this.server.uri); request.request_headers.append ("clienthacks.test.rygel", "t"); requests.add (new TestRequestFactory (request, Soup.Status.OK)); } private HTTPGet create_request (Soup.Message msg) throws Error { HTTPGet request = this.current_request.create_get (this.server, this.server.context.server, msg); return request; } private void on_client_completed (StateMachine client) { if (requests.size > 0) { this.start_next_test_request (); } else { this.main_loop.quit (); this.client_done = true; } } private void start_next_test_request() { this.current_request = requests.remove_at (0); this.client.msg = this.current_request.msg; this.client.run.begin (); } private void on_message_received (HTTPServer server, Soup.Message msg) { this.handle_client_message.begin (msg); } private async void handle_client_message (Soup.Message msg) { try { var request = this.create_request (msg); yield request.run (); assert ((request as HTTPGet).object != null); debug ("status.code: %d", (int) msg.status_code); assert (msg.status_code == this.current_request.expected_code); if (this.client_done) { this.main_loop.quit (); } this.server_done = true; } catch (Error error) { this.error = error; this.main_loop.quit (); return; } } private bool on_timeout () { this.error = new TestError.TIMEOUT ("Timeout"); this.main_loop.quit (); return false; } } public class Rygel.HTTPServer : GLib.Object { private const string SERVER_PATH = "/RygelHTTPServer/Rygel/Test"; public string path_root { get { return SERVER_PATH; } } public MediaContainer root_container; public GUPnP.Context context; public string uri { owned get { return create_uri("VideoItem"); } } public string create_uri (string item_id) { var item = new VideoItem (); item.id = item_id; var item_uri = new HTTPItemURI (item, this); return item_uri.to_string (); } public signal void message_received (Soup.Message message); public HTTPServer () throws TestError { try { this.context = new GUPnP.Context (null, "lo", 0); } catch (Error error) { throw new TestError.SKIP ("Network context not available"); } assert (this.context != null); assert (this.context.host_ip != null); assert (this.context.port > 0); this.context.server.add_handler (SERVER_PATH, this.server_cb); this.root_container = new MediaContainer (); } private void server_cb (Server server, Soup.Message msg, string path, HashTable? query, ClientContext client) { this.context.server.pause_message (msg); this.message_received (msg); } public Transcoder get_transcoder (string target) throws Error { if (target == "MP3") { return new Transcoder ("mp3"); } throw new HTTPRequestError.NOT_FOUND ( "No transcoder available for target format '%s'", target); } } public class Rygel.HTTPClient : GLib.Object, StateMachine { public GUPnP.Context context; public Soup.Message msg; public Cancellable cancellable { get; set; } public HTTPClient (GUPnP.Context context) { this.context = context; } public async void run () { SourceFunc run_continue = run.callback; this.context.session.queue_message (this.msg, (session, msg) => { run_continue (); }); yield; this.completed (); } } public class Rygel.MediaContainer : Rygel.MediaObject { public async MediaObject? find_object (string item_id, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error { SourceFunc find_object_continue = find_object.callback; Idle.add (() => { find_object_continue (); return false; }); yield; debug ("item id: %s", item_id); if (item_id == "VideoItem") { return new VideoItem (); } else if (item_id == "AudioItem") { return new AudioItem (); } else { return null; } } } internal abstract class Rygel.HTTPGetHandler { public HTTPResponse render_body (HTTPGet get_request) { return new HTTPResponse (get_request); } public void add_response_headers (HTTPGet get_request) {} public bool knows_size (HTTPGet request) { return false; } } internal class Rygel.HTTPTranscodeHandler : Rygel.HTTPGetHandler { public HTTPTranscodeHandler (Transcoder transcoder, Cancellable cancellable) {} } internal class Rygel.HTTPIdentityHandler : Rygel.HTTPGetHandler { public HTTPIdentityHandler (Cancellable cancellable) {} } internal class Rygel.HTTPPlaylistHandler : Rygel.HTTPGetHandler { public HTTPPlaylistHandler (string? arg, Cancellable cancellable) {} public static bool is_supported (string? arg) { return true; } } public abstract class Rygel.MediaItem : Rygel.MediaObject { public long size = 1024; public ArrayList uris = new ArrayList (); public bool place_holder = false; public bool is_live_stream () { if (this.id == "VideoItem") return false; else return true; } public bool streamable () { return true; } } private class Rygel.AudioItem : MediaItem { public int64 duration = 2048; public AudioItem () { this.id = "AudioItem"; } } private interface Rygel.VisualItem : MediaItem { public abstract int width { get; set; } public abstract int height { get; set; } public abstract int color_depth { get; set; } public abstract ArrayList thumbnails { get; protected set; } public bool is_live_stream () { return false; } public bool streamable () { return false; } } private class Rygel.VideoItem : AudioItem, VisualItem { public int width { get; set; default = -1; } public int height { get; set; default = -1; } public int color_depth { get; set; default = -1; } private ArrayList ts; public VideoItem () { this.id = "VideoItem"; } public ArrayList thumbnails { get { this.ts = new ArrayList(); ts.add(new Rygel.Thumbnail()); return this.ts; } protected set {} } public ArrayList subtitles = new ArrayList (); } private class Rygel.MusicItem : AudioItem { public Thumbnail album_art; } public class Rygel.Thumbnail { public long size = 1024; public string file_extension; } public class Rygel.Subtitle { public long size = 1024; public string caption_type; } internal class Rygel.HTTPResponse : Rygel.StateMachine, GLib.Object { public Cancellable cancellable { get; set; } private Soup.Message msg; private Soup.Server server; public HTTPResponse (HTTPGet get_request) { this.msg = get_request.msg; this.msg.response_headers.set_encoding (Soup.Encoding.CONTENT_LENGTH); this.server = get_request.server; } public async void run () { SourceFunc run_continue = run.callback; Idle.add (() => { run_continue (); return false; }); yield; this.msg.set_status (Soup.Status.OK); this.server.unpause_message (msg); this.completed (); } } public class Rygel.MediaObject { public string id; public string mime_type = ""; } public class Rygel.Transcoder : GLib.Object { public string extension { get; protected set; } public Transcoder (string extension) { this.extension = extension; } }