./errors.tests: alias: illegal option: -x alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ] ./errors.tests: unalias: illegal option: -x unalias: usage: unalias [-a] [name ...] ./errors.tests: alias: `hoowah' not found ./errors.tests: unalias: `hoowah': not an alias ./errors.tests: `1': not a valid identifier declare -fr func ./errors.tests: func: readonly function ./errors.tests: unset: illegal option: -x unset: usage: unset [-f] [-v] [name ...] ./errors.tests: unset: func: cannot unset: readonly function ./errors.tests: declare: func: readonly function ./errors.tests: unset: XPATH: cannot unset: readonly variable ./errors.tests: unset: `/bin/sh': not a valid identifier ./errors.tests: unset: cannot simultaneously unset a function and a variable ./errors.tests: declare: unknown option: `-z' declare: usage: declare [-afFrxi] [-p] name[=value] ... ./errors.tests: declare: `-z': not a valid identifier ./errors.tests: declare: `/bin/sh': not a valid identifier ./errors.tests: declare: cannot use `-f' to make functions ./errors.tests: exec: illegal option: -i exec: usage: exec [-cl] [-a name] file [redirection ...] ./errors.tests: export: XPATH: not a function ./errors.tests: break: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop ./errors.tests: continue: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop ./errors.tests: shift: bad non-numeric arg `label' ./errors.tests: shift: too many arguments ./errors.tests: let: expression expected ./errors.tests: local: can only be used in a function ./errors.tests: logout: not login shell: use `exit' ./errors.tests: hash: notthere: not found ./errors.tests: hash: illegal option: -v hash: usage: hash [-r] [-p pathname] [name ...] ./errors.tests: hash: hashing disabled ./errors.tests: export: `AA[4]': not a valid identifier ./errors.tests: readonly: `AA[4]': not a valid identifier ./errors.tests: [-2]: bad array subscript ./errors.tests: AA: readonly variable ./errors.tests: AA: readonly variable ./errors.tests: readonly: ZZZ: cannot assign to array variables in this way ./errors.tests: shift: shift count must be <= $# ./errors.tests: shift: shift count must be >= 0 ./errors.tests: shopt: no_such_option: unknown shell option name ./errors.tests: shopt: no_such_option: unknown shell option name ./errors.tests: umask: `09' is not an octal number from 000 to 777 ./errors.tests: umask: bad character in symbolic mode: : ./errors.tests: umask: bad symbolic mode operator: : ./errors.tests: umask: illegal option: -i umask: usage: umask [-p] [-S] [mode] ./errors.tests: umask: bad character in symbolic mode: u ./errors.tests: VAR: readonly variable ./errors.tests: declare: VAR: readonly variable ./errors.tests: declare: VAR: readonly variable ./errors.tests: declare: unset: not found ./errors.tests: VAR: readonly variable ./errors.tests: command substitution: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file ./errors.tests: command substitution: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `done' ./errors.tests: command substitution: line 1: ` for z in 1 2 3; done ' ./errors.tests: cd: HOME not set ./errors.tests: cd: /tmp/xyz.bash: No such file or directory ./errors.tests: cd: OLDPWD not set ./errors.tests: cd: /bin/sh: Not a directory ./errors.tests: cd: /tmp/cd-notthere: No such file or directory ./errors.tests: .: filename argument required .: usage: . filename ./errors.tests: source: filename argument required source: usage: source filename ./errors.tests: .: illegal option: -i .: usage: . filename ./errors.tests: set: unknown option: q ./errors.tests: enable: sh: not a shell builtin ./errors.tests: enable: bash: not a shell builtin ./errors.tests: shopt: cannot set and unset shell options simultaneously ./errors.tests: read: var: invalid timeout specification ./errors.tests: read: `/bin/sh': not a valid identifier ./errors.tests: VAR: readonly variable ./errors.tests: readonly: illegal option: -x readonly: usage: readonly [-anf] [name ...] or readonly -p ./errors.tests: eval: illegal option: -i eval: usage: eval [arg ...] ./errors.tests: command: illegal option: -i command: usage: command [-pVv] command [arg ...] ./errors.tests: /bin/sh + 0: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/bin/sh + 0") ./errors.tests: /bin/sh + 0: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/bin/sh + 0") ./errors.tests: trap: NOSIG: not a signal specification ./errors.tests: trap: illegal option: -s trap: usage: trap [arg] [signal_spec ...] or trap -l ./errors.tests: trap: ERR: not a signal specification ./errors.tests: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script ./errors.tests: break: loop count must be > 0 ./errors.tests: continue: loop count must be > 0 ./errors.tests: builtin: bash: not a shell builtin ./errors.tests: bg: no job control ./errors.tests: fg: no job control ./errors.tests: kill: -s requires an argument ./errors.tests: kill: bad signal spec `S' ./errors.tests: kill: `': not a pid or valid job spec kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [sigspec] ./errors.tests: set: trackall: unknown option name ./errors.tests: `!!': not a valid identifier