#!/bin/bash CRYPTSETUP=../src/cryptsetup DEV_NAME=dummy DEV_NAME2=dummy2 DEV_NAME3=dummy3 ORIG_IMG=luks-test-orig IMG=luks-test KEY1=key1 KEY2=key2 LUKS_HEADER="S0-5 S6-7 S8-39 S40-71 S72-103 S104-107 S108-111 R112-131 R132-163 S164-167 S168-207 A0-591" KEY_SLOT0="S208-211 S212-215 R216-247 A248-251 A251-255" KEY_MATERIAL0="R4096-68096" KEY_MATERIAL0_EXT="R4096-68096" KEY_SLOT1="S256-259 S260-263 R264-295 A296-299 A300-303" KEY_MATERIAL1="R69632-133632" KEY_MATERIAL1_EXT="S69632-133632" TEST_UUID="12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc" LOOPDEV=$(losetup -f 2>/dev/null) function remove_mapping() { [ -b /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME3 ] && dmsetup remove $DEV_NAME3 [ -b /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME2 ] && dmsetup remove $DEV_NAME2 [ -b /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME ] && dmsetup remove $DEV_NAME losetup -d $LOOPDEV >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -f $ORIG_IMG $IMG $KEY1 $KEY2 >/dev/null 2>&1 } function fail() { [ -n "$1" ] && echo "$1" remove_mapping echo "FAILED" exit 2 } function skip() { [ -n "$1" ] && echo "$1" exit 0 } function prepare() { [ -b /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME ] && dmsetup remove $DEV_NAME case "$2" in wipe) remove_mapping dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMG bs=1k count=10000 >/dev/null 2>&1 sync losetup $LOOPDEV $IMG ;; new) remove_mapping bzip2 -cd compatimage.img.bz2 > $IMG losetup $LOOPDEV $IMG ;; reuse | *) if [ ! -e $IMG ]; then bzip2 -cd compatimage.img.bz2 > $IMG losetup $LOOPDEV $IMG fi ;; esac if [ ! -e $KEY1 ]; then dd if=/dev/urandom of=$KEY1 count=1 bs=32 >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ ! -e $KEY2 ]; then dd if=/dev/urandom of=$KEY2 count=1 bs=16 >/dev/null 2>&1 fi cp $IMG $ORIG_IMG [ -n "$1" ] && echo "CASE: $1" } function check() { sync [ -z "$1" ] && return ./differ $ORIG_IMG $IMG $1 || fail } function check_exists() { [ -b /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME ] || fail check $1 } function valgrind_setup() { which valgrind >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail "Cannot find valgrind" CRYPTSETUP_BIN=$($CRYPTSETUP --lt-debug --version 2>&1 \ | grep "newargv\[0\]" \ | sed 's/.*newargv\[0\]\:[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)$/\1/g') [ -z "$CRYPTSETUP_BIN" ] && fail "Unable to get location of cryptsetup executable." export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../lib/.libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" } function valgrind_run() { INFOSTRING="$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[1]})-line-${BASH_LINENO[0]}" ./valg.sh ${CRYPTSETUP_BIN} "$@" } [ $(id -u) != 0 ] && skip "WARNING: You must be root to run this test, test skipped." [ -z "$LOOPDEV" ] && skip "Cannot find free loop device, test skipped." [ -n "$VALG" ] && valgrind_setup && CRYPTSETUP=valgrind_run # LUKS tests prepare "[1] open - compat image - acceptance check" new echo "compatkey" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail check_exists ORG_SHA1=$(sha1sum -b /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME | cut -f 1 -d' ') [ "$ORG_SHA1" = 676062b66ebf36669dab705442ea0762dfc091b0 ] || fail prepare "[2] open - compat image - denial check" new echo "wrongkey" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail check # All headers items and first key material section must change prepare "[3] format" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -i 1000 -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -s 128 luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail check "$LUKS_HEADER $KEY_SLOT0 $KEY_MATERIAL0" prepare "[4] format using hash sha512" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -i 1000 -h sha512 -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -s 128 luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail check "$LUKS_HEADER $KEY_SLOT0 $KEY_MATERIAL0" prepare "[5] open" echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail check_exists # Key Slot 1 and key material section 1 must change, the rest must not. prepare "[6] add key" echo -e "key0\nkey1" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV || fail check "$KEY_SLOT1 $KEY_MATERIAL1" echo "key1" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail # Unsuccessful Key Delete - nothing may change prepare "[7] unsuccessful delete" echo "invalid" | $CRYPTSETUP luksKillSlot $LOOPDEV 1 2>/dev/null && fail check # Delete Key Test # Key Slot 1 and key material section 1 must change, the rest must not prepare "[8] successful delete" $CRYPTSETUP -q luksKillSlot $LOOPDEV 1 || fail check "$KEY_SLOT1 $KEY_MATERIAL1_EXT" echo "key1" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2> /dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail # Key Slot 1 and key material section 1 must change, the rest must not prepare "[9] add key test for key files" echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV $KEY1 || fail check "$KEY_SLOT1 $KEY_MATERIAL1" $CRYPTSETUP -d $KEY1 luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail # Key Slot 1 and key material section 1 must change, the rest must not prepare "[10] delete key test with key1 as remaining key" $CRYPTSETUP -d $KEY1 luksKillSlot $LOOPDEV 0 || fail check "$KEY_SLOT0 $KEY_MATERIAL0_EXT" echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen -d $KEY1 $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail # Delete last slot prepare "[11] delete last key" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksKillSlot $LOOPDEV 0 || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail # Format test for ESSIV, and some other parameters. prepare "[12] parameter variation test" wipe $CRYPTSETUP -q -i 1000 -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -s 128 luksFormat $LOOPDEV $KEY1 || fail check "$LUKS_HEADER $KEY_SLOT0 $KEY_MATERIAL0" $CRYPTSETUP -d $KEY1 luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail prepare "[13] open/close - stacked devices" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksOpen /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME $DEV_NAME2 || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksClose $DEV_NAME2 || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksClose $DEV_NAME || fail prepare "[14] format/open - passphrase on stdin & new line" wipe # stdin defined by "-" must take even newline #echo -n $'foo\nbar' | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV - || fail echo -n $'foo\nbar' | $CRYPTSETUP -q --key-file=- luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail echo -n $'foo\nbar' | $CRYPTSETUP -q --key-file=- luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksClose $DEV_NAME || fail echo -n $'foo\nbar' | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail # now also try --key-file echo -n $'foo\nbar' | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV --key-file=- || fail echo -n $'foo\nbar' | $CRYPTSETUP -q --key-file=- luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksClose $DEV_NAME || fail # process newline if from stdin echo -n $'foo\nbar' | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail echo 'foo' | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksClose $DEV_NAME || fail prepare "[15] UUID - use and report provided UUID" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat --uuid blah $LOOPDEV 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat --uuid $TEST_UUID $LOOPDEV || fail tst=$($CRYPTSETUP -q luksUUID $LOOPDEV) [ "$tst"x = "$TEST_UUID"x ] || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksUUID --uuid $TEST_UUID $LOOPDEV || fail tst=$($CRYPTSETUP -q luksUUID $LOOPDEV) [ "$tst"x = "$TEST_UUID"x ] || fail prepare "[16] luksFormat" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat --master-key-file /dev/urandom $LOOPDEV || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat --master-key-file /dev/urandom $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat --master-key-file /dev/urandom -s 256 --uuid $TEST_UUID $LOOPDEV $KEY1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen -d $KEY1 $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksClose $DEV_NAME || fail prepare "[17] AddKey volume key, passphrase and keyfile" wipe # masterkey echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV --master-key-file /dev/zero --key-slot 3 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 3: ENABLED" || fail echo "key1" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV --master-key-file /dev/zero --key-slot 4 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 4: ENABLED" || fail echo "key2" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV --master-key-file /dev/null --key-slot 5 2>/dev/null && fail # [0]key0 [1]key1 [2]$KEY1/1 [3]$KEY1 [4]$KEY2 $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV $KEY1 --key-slot 3 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 3: ENABLED" || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 --key-slot 3 2>/dev/null && fail # keyfile/keyfile $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 --key-slot 4 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 4: ENABLED" || fail # passphrase/keyfile echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 --key-slot 0 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 0: ENABLED" || fail # passphrase/passphrase echo -e "key0\nkey1\n" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV --key-slot 1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 1: ENABLED" || fail # keyfile/passphrase echo -e "key1\n" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV $KEY1 --key-slot 2 --new-keyfile-size 1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 2: ENABLED" || fail prepare "[18] RemoveKey passphrase and keyfile" reuse $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV $KEY1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 3: DISABLED" || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV $KEY1 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV $KEY2 --keyfile-size 1 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV $KEY2 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 4: DISABLED" || fail # kill slot using passphrase from 1 echo "key1" | $CRYPTSETUP luksKillSlot $LOOPDEV 2 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 2: DISABLED" || fail # remove key0 / slot 0 echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 0: DISABLED" || fail # last keyslot, in batch mode no passphrase needed... $CRYPTSETUP luksKillSlot -q $LOOPDEV 1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 1: DISABLED" || fail prepare "[19] create & status & resize" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV --hash xxx 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --cipher aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 --offset 3 --skip 4 --readonly || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q status $DEV_NAME | grep "offset:" | grep -q "3 sectors" || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q status $DEV_NAME | grep "skipped:" | grep -q "4 sectors" || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q status $DEV_NAME | grep "mode:" | grep -q "readonly" || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q resize $DEV_NAME --size 100 || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q status $DEV_NAME | grep "size:" | grep -q "100 sectors" || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q resize $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q status $DEV_NAME | grep "size:" | grep -q "19997 sectors" || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q status $DEV_NAME >/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME --hash sha1 $LOOPDEV || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q create $DEV_NAME --hash sha1 $LOOPDEV || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q create $DEV_NAME --hash sha1 --size 100 $LOOPDEV || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q status $DEV_NAME | grep "size:" | grep -q "100 sectors" || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail # verify is ignored on non-tty input echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --verify-passphrase || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 --key-size 255 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 --key-size -1 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 -l -1 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d blah 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d /dev/urandom || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail prepare "[20] Disallow open/create if already mapped." wipe $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME2 $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP remove $DEV_NAME || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME2 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksClose $DEV_NAME || fail prepare "[21] luksDump" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat --uuid $TEST_UUID $LOOPDEV $KEY1 || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 0: ENABLED" || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q $TEST_UUID || fail echo "bad" | $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV --dump-master-key 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV --dump-master-key | grep -q "MK dump:" || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump -q $LOOPDEV --dump-master-key -d $KEY1 | grep -q "MK dump:" || fail prepare "[22] remove disappeared device" wipe dmsetup create $DEV_NAME --table "0 5000 linear $LOOPDEV 2" || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q -i 0 luksFormat /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksOpen /dev/mapper/$DEV_NAME $DEV_NAME2 || fail # underlying device now returns error but node is still present dmsetup load $DEV_NAME --table "0 5000 error" || fail dmsetup resume $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksClose $DEV_NAME2 || fail dmsetup remove $DEV_NAME || fail prepare "[23] ChangeKey passphrase and keyfile" wipe # [0]$KEY1 [1]key0 $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV $KEY1 --key-slot 0 || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 --key-slot 1 || fail # keyfile [0] / keyfile [0] $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 --key-slot 0 || fail # passphrase [1] / passphrase [1] echo -e "key0\nkey1\n" | $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV --key-slot 1 || fail # keyfile [0] / keyfile [new] $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY2 $KEY1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 0: DISABLED" || fail # passphrase [1] / passphrase [new] echo -e "key1\nkey0\n" | $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksDump $LOOPDEV | grep -q "Key Slot 1: DISABLED" || fail # use all slots $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -i 1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -i 1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -i 1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -i 1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -i 1 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -i 1 || fail # still allows replace $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 2>/dev/null && fail prepare "[24] Keyfile limit" wipe $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat -i1 $LOOPDEV $KEY1 --key-slot 0 -l 13 || fail $CRYPTSETUP --key-file=$KEY1 luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP --key-file=$KEY1 -l 0 luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP --key-file=$KEY1 -l -1 luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP --key-file=$KEY1 -l 14 luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP --key-file=$KEY1 -l 13 luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksClose $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -l 14 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -l -1 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -i1 -l 13 --new-keyfile-size 12 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV $KEY2 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV $KEY2 -l 12 || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -l 14 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksChangeKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY1 $KEY2 -i1 -l 13 || fail # -l is ignored for stdin if _only_ passphrase is used echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksAddKey $LOOPDEV -d $KEY2 -i1 || fail # this is stupid, but expected echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV -l 2 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key01" | $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV -d 4 2>/dev/null && fail echo -e "key0\n" | $CRYPTSETUP luksRemoveKey $LOOPDEV -d- -l 4 || fail prepare "[25] Create non-overlapping segments" wipe echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --offset 0 --size 256 || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME2 $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --offset 512 --size 256 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME2 $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --offset 512 --size 256 --shared || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME3 $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --offset 255 --size 256 --shared 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME3 $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --offset 256 --size 257 --shared 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME3 $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --offset 256 --size 1024 --shared 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME3 $LOOPDEV --hash sha1 --offset 256 --size 256 --shared || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME3 || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME2 || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail prepare "[26] Suspend/Resume" wipe # only LUKS is supported echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP create $DEV_NAME --hash sha1 $LOOPDEV || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksSuspend $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP luksResume $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail $CRYPTSETUP -q remove $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksSuspend $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail # LUKS echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksFormat $LOOPDEV || fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP -q luksOpen $LOOPDEV $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP luksSuspend $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q resize $DEV_NAME 2>/dev/null && fail echo "xxx" | $CRYPTSETUP luksResume $DEV_NAME -T 1 2>/dev/null && fail echo "key0" | $CRYPTSETUP luksResume $DEV_NAME || fail $CRYPTSETUP -q luksClose $DEV_NAME || fail remove_mapping exit 0