## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in SUBDIRS=docs REC1 REC2 REC general namespaces keys numbers documents \ extensions reports xmlspec multiple xinclude XSLTMark docbook \ exslt plugins all: # Each subdirectory has it's own Makefile to cater for the unique # requirements of that subdirectory. In general, xsltproc will be # run on the *.xsl / *.xml file combinations, and the output of that # run will be compared with the "expected" output contained in *.out # and (if errors are expected) in *.err test tests: @(cur=`pwd` ; for dir in $(SUBDIRS) ; do cd $$dir ; $(MAKE) CHECKER='$(CHECKER)' tests ; cd $$cur ; done) valgrind: @echo '## Running the regression tests under Valgrind' @echo '## Go get a cup of coffee it is gonna take a while ...' $(MAKE) CHECKER='libtool --mode=execute valgrind -q --leak-check=full' tests full: tests docbook_tests docbook_tests: @(cd docbook ; $(MAKE) full)