# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # ============================================================================== # TEST SETUP # ============================================================================== import("//build/config/chromeos/args.gni") import("//build/config/chromeos/ui_mode.gni") import("//build/config/devtools.gni") import("//build/config/gclient_args.gni") import("//build/rust/rust_static_library.gni") import("//build_overrides/build.gni") declare_args() { # Some component repos (e.g. ANGLE) import //testing but do not have # "location_tags.json", and so we don't want to try and upload the tags # for their tests. # And, some build configs may simply turn off generation altogether. tests_have_location_tags = generate_location_tags } # On Fuchsia, the test executable has a suffix and is a dependency of the # common |target_name| target. For `visibility`, the executable must be # specified. Cross-platform targets that include `test` targets in their # visibility lists, add `${exec_target_suffix}` immediately after the test # target name. This is not necessary when the target is a `source_set`. if (is_fuchsia) { exec_target_suffix = "__exec" } else { exec_target_suffix = "" } if (is_android) { import("//build/config/android/config.gni") import("//build/config/android/create_unwind_table.gni") import("//build/config/android/extract_unwind_tables.gni") import("//build/config/android/rules.gni") import("//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni") } else if (is_fuchsia) { import("//build/config/chromecast_build.gni") import("//build/config/fuchsia/generate_runner_scripts.gni") import("//third_party/fuchsia-gn-sdk/src/cmc.gni") import("//third_party/fuchsia-gn-sdk/src/component.gni") import("//third_party/fuchsia-gn-sdk/src/package.gni") } else if (is_chromeos && is_chromeos_device) { import("//build/config/chromeos/rules.gni") import("//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni") import("//build/util/generate_wrapper.gni") } else if (is_ios) { import("//build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni") import("//build/config/ios/ios_test_runner_wrapper.gni") import("//build/config/ios/rules.gni") } else { import("//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni") import("//build/util/generate_wrapper.gni") } # This template generates the test target (of type `target_type`) but also # generates a rust library that includes all .rs files found in sources and # depends on that from the test target. template("mixed_test") { assert(defined(invoker.target_type) && invoker.target_type != "") # The crate_root variable would transform the target into a Rust binary # which is incorrect. To not use a generated crate root set: # ``` # test_crate_root = "path/to/root.rs" # ``` assert(!defined(invoker.crate_root)) _rs_vars = [ "sources", # We split this list into two. "crate_name", # Android test template overrides the crate name. ] if (defined(invoker.sources)) { _rs_sources = filter_include(invoker.sources, [ "*.rs" ]) _cc_sources = filter_exclude(invoker.sources, [ "*.rs" ]) } else { _rs_sources = [] _cc_sources = [] } if (_rs_sources != []) { if (defined(invoker.crate_name)) { _rust_target_name = "${invoker.crate_name}_rust_objects" } else { _rust_target_name = "${target_name}_rust_objects" } # We could automatically add `deps += [ "//testing/rust_gtest_interop" ]` # if `rs_sources` is non-empty. But we don't automatically provide # //testing/gtest either so it would be asymmetric and could break in that # case. So, we act instead as if //testing/rust_gtest_interop is part of # the //testing/gtest dependency. If you add one, and have `rs_sources` # listed, you get both. _gtest_is_in_deps = false if (defined(invoker.deps) && invoker.deps != []) { foreach(dep, invoker.deps) { if (get_label_info(dep, "label_no_toolchain") == "//testing/gtest:gtest") { _gtest_is_in_deps = true } } } # TODO(danakj): This could be a rust_source_set perhaps, the point being # that we need to link in all the .o object files inside the library, # instead of dropping unreachable ones during linking (which would drop the # tests). Alternatively we could use a special name suffix or other similar # trick perhaps to ensure that all object files are linked in here. rust_static_library(_rust_target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "allow_unsafe", "deps", "generate_crate_root", "public_deps", ]) configs += [ "//build/rust:test" ] if (defined(invoker.test_crate_root)) { crate_root = invoker.test_crate_root } else { generate_crate_root = true } sources = _rs_sources if (_gtest_is_in_deps) { deps += [ "//testing/rust_gtest_interop" ] } } } else { not_needed(invoker, _rs_vars) } if (invoker.target_type == "shared_library_with_jni") { # Needed for shared_library_with_jni. Keeping this import guarded so # that projects who import //testing but not //third_party/jni_zero # don't have issues. import("//third_party/jni_zero/jni_zero.gni") } target(invoker.target_type, target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + _rs_vars) forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY) sources = _cc_sources if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } if (!defined(ldflags)) { ldflags = [] } if (_rs_sources != []) { deps += [ ":${_rust_target_name}" ] } if (current_os != "aix" && !is_win) { # Inform the build system that this binary contains Rust unit tests. The # test-containing rlibs linked into it must not be discarded by the linker # even if there will be no edges going into them. # # For C++ this is done by not putting them in a library at all, but Rust # must be compiled into an rlib. # # On AIX there's no flag to avoid pruning unit tests in this library from # the linking step. On Windows, there's no need for it. if (_rs_sources != []) { ldflags += [ "-LinkWrapper,add-whole-archive=${_rust_target_name}.rlib" ] } # Do the same for any Rust dependencies with unit tests in them. This will # only match rust targets by looking for rlib extensions. foreach(d, deps) { _dep_target_name = get_label_info(d, "name") ldflags += [ "-LinkWrapper,add-whole-archive=${_dep_target_name}.rlib" ] } } } } # Define a test as an executable (or apk on Android) with the "testonly" flag # set. # Variable: # use_xvfb: (optional) whether to run the executable under Xvfb. # use_raw_android_executable: Use executable() rather than android_apk(). # use_native_activity: Test implements ANativeActivity_onCreate(). # test_runner_shard: (Fuchsia, optional): for CFv2 tests, use the given test # runner shard rather than the default shard for the ELF runner when # assembling the test component. This is useful, for example, to use the # elf_test_ambient_exec_runner for tests that require # job_policy_ambient_mark_vmo_exec. # fuchsia_package_deps: (Fuchsia, optional) List of fuchsia_component() # targets that this test package contains. # is_xctest: (iOS, optional) whether to build the executable as XCTest. # Similar to the GN arg 'enable_run_ios_unittests_with_xctest' but # for build targets. # allow_cleartext_traffic: (Android, optional) whether to allow cleartext # network requests during the test. # enable_fuzztest: whether to allow the use of the FUZZ_TEST macro to # include fuzzing tests alongside unit tests. This introduces an # extra dependency and also creates additional metadata so that our # fuzzing infrastructure can find and run such tests. template("test") { testonly = true if (!is_ios) { assert(!defined(invoker.is_xctest) || !invoker.is_xctest, "is_xctest can be set only for iOS builds") } if (!is_android) { assert(!defined(invoker.allow_cleartext_traffic), "allow_cleartext_traffic can be set only for Android tests") } _fuzztest_deps = [] if (defined(invoker.enable_fuzztest) && invoker.enable_fuzztest) { _output_name = invoker.target_name _fuzzer_options_target = "${_output_name}__fuzzer_options" _fuzztest_deps = [ ":${_fuzzer_options_target}", "//third_party/fuzztest", ] # Generate minimal .options file so that ClusterFuzz knows to pass the # -fuzz= argument. It's possible that in future we would want more # fuzzing parameters to be configurable for FUZZ_TESTS, in which case # perhaps we would want to abstract more of the logic from # //testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni. config_file_name = _output_name + ".options" action(_fuzzer_options_target) { script = "//testing/libfuzzer/gen_fuzzer_config.py" args = [ "--config", rebase_path("$root_build_dir/" + config_file_name, root_build_dir), "--libfuzzer_options", "fuzz=", ] outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/$config_file_name" ] } } if (is_android) { assert(!defined(invoker.use_xvfb) || !invoker.use_xvfb) _use_default_launcher = !defined(invoker.use_default_launcher) || invoker.use_default_launcher if (!defined(invoker.use_raw_android_executable)) { # Checkouts where build_with_chromium == false often have a custom GN # template wrapper around test() which sets use_default_launcher == false. # Set the _use_raw_android_executable default so that test() targets which # do not use the custom wrapper # (1) Do not cause "gn gen" to fail # (2) Do not need to be moved into if(build_with_chromium) block. _use_raw_android_executable = !build_with_chromium && _use_default_launcher } else { not_needed([ "_use_default_launcher" ]) _use_raw_android_executable = invoker.use_raw_android_executable } # output_name is used to allow targets with the same name but in different # packages to still produce unique runner scripts. _output_name = invoker.target_name if (defined(invoker.output_name)) { _output_name = invoker.output_name } _test_runner_target = "${_output_name}__test_runner_script" _wrapper_script_vars = [ "android_test_runner_script", "ignore_all_data_deps", "shard_timeout", ] assert(_use_raw_android_executable || enable_java_templates) if (_use_raw_android_executable) { not_needed(invoker, [ "add_unwind_tables_in_apk" ]) _exec_target = "${target_name}__exec" _dist_target = "${target_name}__dist" _exec_output = "$target_out_dir/${invoker.target_name}/${invoker.target_name}" _crate_name = "${target_name}" mixed_test(_exec_target) { target_type = "executable" # Use a crate name that avoids creating a warning due to double # underscore (ie. `__`). crate_name = _crate_name # Configs will always be defined since we set_defaults in # BUILDCONFIG.gn. configs = [] forward_variables_from( invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + _wrapper_script_vars + [ "data_deps", "extra_dist_files", ]) # Thanks to the set_defaults() for test(), configs are initialized with # the default shared_library configs rather than executable configs. configs -= [ "//build/config:shared_library_config", "//build/config/android:hide_all_but_jni", ] configs += [ "//build/config:executable_config" ] if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) { data_deps = invoker.data_deps } else { data_deps = [] } if (!defined(data)) { data = [] } if (tests_have_location_tags) { data += [ "//testing/location_tags.json" ] } if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } deps += _fuzztest_deps # Don't output to the root or else conflict with the group() below. output_name = rebase_path(_exec_output, root_out_dir) } create_native_executable_dist(_dist_target) { dist_dir = "$root_out_dir/$target_name" binary = _exec_output deps = [ ":$_exec_target" ] if (defined(invoker.extra_dist_files)) { extra_files = invoker.extra_dist_files } } } else { _library_target_name = "${target_name}__library" _library_crate_name = "${target_name}_library" _apk_target_name = "${target_name}__apk" _apk_specific_vars = [ "allow_cleartext_traffic", "android_manifest", "android_manifest_dep", "android_manifest_template", "app_as_shared_lib", "product_config_java_packages", "loadable_modules", "loadable_module_deps", "min_sdk_version", "proguard_configs", "proguard_enabled", "srcjar_deps", "target_sdk_version", "use_default_launcher", "use_native_activity", ] _add_unwind_tables_in_apk = defined(invoker.add_unwind_tables_in_apk) && invoker.add_unwind_tables_in_apk && target_cpu == "arm" # Adds the unwind tables from unstripped binary as an asset file in the # apk, if |add_unwind_tables_in_apk| is specified by the test. if (_add_unwind_tables_in_apk) { # TODO(crbug.com/1315603): Remove generation of v1 unwind asset when # `CFIBacktraceAndroid` is replaced with `ChromeUnwinderAndroid`. _unwind_table_name = "${_library_target_name}_unwind_v1" unwind_table_v1(_unwind_table_name) { library_target = ":$_library_target_name" } if (use_android_unwinder_v2) { _unwind_table_v2_name = "${_library_target_name}_unwind_v2" unwind_table_v2(_unwind_table_v2_name) { library_target = ":$_library_target_name" } } _unwind_table_asset_name = "${target_name}__unwind_assets" android_assets(_unwind_table_asset_name) { sources = [ "$target_out_dir/$_unwind_table_name/$unwind_table_asset_v1_filename" ] disable_compression = true deps = [ ":$_unwind_table_name" ] if (use_android_unwinder_v2) { sources += [ "$target_out_dir/$_unwind_table_v2_name/$unwind_table_asset_v2_filename" ] deps += [ ":$_unwind_table_v2_name" ] } } } _generate_final_jni = !defined(invoker.generate_final_jni) || invoker.generate_final_jni mixed_test(_library_target_name) { if (_generate_final_jni) { target_type = "shared_library_with_jni" java_targets = [ ":$_apk_target_name" ] } else { target_type = "shared_library" } # Configs will always be defined since we set_defaults in # BUILDCONFIG.gn. configs = [] # Prevent list overwriting warning. configs = invoker.configs forward_variables_from( invoker, "*", [ "configs", "deps", ] + _apk_specific_vars + _wrapper_script_vars + TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY) # Use a crate name that avoids creating a warning due to double # underscore (ie. `__`). crate_name = _library_crate_name # Native targets do not need to depend on java targets. Filter them out # so that the shared library can be built without needing to wait for # dependent java targets. deps = _fuzztest_deps if (defined(invoker.deps)) { deps += filter_exclude(invoker.deps, java_target_patterns) } if (_use_default_launcher) { deps += [ "//testing/android/native_test:native_test_native_code" ] } } unittest_apk(_apk_target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, _apk_specific_vars) shared_library = ":$_library_target_name" if (_generate_final_jni) { srcjar_deps = [ "${shared_library}__jni_registration" ] } apk_name = invoker.target_name if (defined(invoker.output_name)) { apk_name = invoker.output_name } if (defined(invoker.deps)) { deps = invoker.deps } else { deps = [] } if (defined(loadable_module_deps)) { deps += loadable_module_deps } # Add the Java classes so that each target does not have to do it. if (_use_default_launcher) { deps += [ "//base/test:test_support_java" ] } if (defined(_unwind_table_asset_name)) { deps += [ ":${_unwind_table_asset_name}" ] } } } test_runner_script(_test_runner_target) { forward_variables_from(invoker, _wrapper_script_vars) if (_use_raw_android_executable) { executable_dist_dir = "$root_out_dir/$_dist_target" data_deps = [ ":$_exec_target" ] } else { apk_target = ":$_apk_target_name" incremental_apk = incremental_install # Dep needed for the test runner .runtime_deps file to pick up data # deps from the forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") on the library. data_deps = [ ":$_library_target_name" ] } test_name = _output_name test_suite = _output_name test_type = "gtest" } # Create a wrapper script rather than using a group() in order to ensure # "ninja $target_name" always works. If this was a group(), then GN would # not create a top-level alias for it if a target exists in another # directory with the same $target_name. # Also - bots run this script directly for "components_perftests". generate_wrapper(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ]) executable = "$root_build_dir/bin/run_$_output_name" wrapper_script = "$root_build_dir/$_output_name" deps = [ ":$_test_runner_target" ] if (_use_raw_android_executable) { deps += [ ":$_dist_target" ] } else { # Dep needed for the swarming .isolate file to pick up data # deps from the forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") on the library. deps += [ ":$_apk_target_name", ":$_library_target_name", ] } if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) { data_deps = invoker.data_deps } else { data_deps = [] } data_deps += [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] if (tests_have_location_tags) { data = [ "//testing/location_tags.json" ] } } } else if (is_fuchsia) { assert(!defined(invoker.use_xvfb) || !invoker.use_xvfb) _output_name = invoker.target_name _pkg_target = "${_output_name}_pkg" _exec_target = "${_output_name}__exec" _program_name = get_label_info(":${_exec_target}", "name") _crate_name = _output_name # Generate a CML fragment that provides the program name. _test_program_fragment_target = "${target_name}_program-fragment" _test_program_fragment = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}_program.test-cml" generated_file(_test_program_fragment_target) { contents = { program = { binary = _program_name } } outputs = [ _test_program_fragment ] output_conversion = "json" } _test_runner_shard = "//build/config/fuchsia/test/elf_test_runner.shard.test-cml" if (defined(invoker.test_runner_shard)) { _test_runner_shard = invoker.test_runner_shard } # Collate the complete set of elements to include in the test component's # manifest. _manifest_fragments = [ _test_program_fragment, _test_runner_shard, ] # Select the Fuchsia test realm in which to run the test. if (defined(invoker.run_as_chromium_system_test) && invoker.run_as_chromium_system_test) { _manifest_fragments += [ "//build/config/fuchsia/test/chromium_system_test_facet.shard.test-cml", "//build/config/fuchsia/test/system_test_minimum.shard.test-cml", ] } else { _manifest_fragments += [ "//build/config/fuchsia/test/chromium_test_facet.shard.test-cml", "//build/config/fuchsia/test/minimum.shard.test-cml", ] } if (is_asan) { # TODO(crbug.com/1465997): Remove the extra cml segment for asan. _manifest_fragments += [ "//build/config/fuchsia/test/asan_options.shard.test-cml" ] } _test_component_manifest = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}.cml" _merged_manifest_name = "${_output_name}.cml" if (defined(invoker.additional_manifest_fragments)) { _manifest_fragments += invoker.additional_manifest_fragments } # Generate the test component manifest from the specified elements. _test_component_manifest_target = "${target_name}_component-manifest" cmc_merge(_test_component_manifest_target) { sources = _manifest_fragments output_name = "${_merged_manifest_name}" deps = [ ":${_test_program_fragment_target}" ] } # Define the test component, dependent on the generated manifest, and the # test executable target. _test_component_target = "${target_name}_component" fuchsia_component(_test_component_target) { deps = [ ":$_test_component_manifest_target" ] data_deps = [ ":$_exec_target" ] manifest = _test_component_manifest visibility = [ ":*" ] } _test_component_targets = [ ":${_test_component_target}" ] # Define components for each entry in |additional_manifests|, if any. Since # manifests may themselves depend-on the outputs of |deps|, these components # must each individually depend on |invoker.deps|. if (defined(invoker.additional_manifests)) { foreach(filename, invoker.additional_manifests) { _additional_component_target = target_name + "_" + get_path_info(filename, "name") _test_component_targets += [ ":${_additional_component_target}" ] fuchsia_component(_additional_component_target) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ]) data_deps = [ ":$_exec_target" ] visibility = [ ":*" ] manifest = filename # Depend on |invoker.deps|, in case it includes a dependency that # creates this additional component's manifest. if (defined(invoker.deps)) { deps = invoker.deps } } } } # Define the package target that will bundle the test and additional # components and their data. fuchsia_package(_pkg_target) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "excluded_files", "excluded_dirs", "excluded_paths", ]) package_name = _output_name deps = _test_component_targets if (defined(invoker.fuchsia_package_deps)) { deps += invoker.fuchsia_package_deps } if (!defined(excluded_paths)) { excluded_paths = [] } excluded_paths += [ "${devtools_root_location}/*", "*.git/*", "*.svn/*", "*.hg/*", ] if (devtools_root_location != "") { excluded_paths += [ "${devtools_root_location}/*" ] } } # |target_name| refers to the package-runner rule, so that building # "base_unittests" will build not only the executable, component, and # package, but also the script required to run them. fuchsia_test_runner(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "data", "data_deps", "package_deps", "use_test_server", ]) is_test_exe = true package = ":$_pkg_target" package_name = _output_name if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } if (defined(invoker.deps)) { deps += invoker.deps } if (!defined(data)) { data = [] } if (tests_have_location_tags) { data += [ "//testing/location_tags.json" ] } if (!defined(data_deps)) { data_deps = [] } data_deps += [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] } mixed_test(_exec_target) { target_type = "executable" forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY) output_name = _exec_target if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } deps += _fuzztest_deps # Use a crate name that avoids creating a warning due to double # underscore (ie. `__`). crate_name = _crate_name } } else if (is_ios) { assert(!defined(invoker.use_xvfb) || !invoker.use_xvfb) _runtime_deps_file = "$root_out_dir/${target_name}.runtime_deps" declare_args() { # Keep the unittest-as-xctest functionality defaulted to off for # local builds and test executions. enable_run_ios_unittests_with_xctest = false } _test_target = target_name _wrapper_output_name = "run_${target_name}" ios_test_runner_wrapper(_wrapper_output_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "data", "deps", "executable_args", "retries", "shards", ]) _root_build_dir = rebase_path("${root_build_dir}", root_build_dir) if (!defined(executable_args)) { executable_args = [] } executable_args += [ "--app", "@WrappedPath(${_root_build_dir}/${_test_target}.app)", ] wrapper_output_name = "${_wrapper_output_name}" if (!defined(data)) { data = [] } if (tests_have_location_tags) { data += [ "//testing/location_tags.json" ] } } _resources_bundle_data = target_name + "_resources_bundle_data" bundle_data(_resources_bundle_data) { visibility = [ ":$_test_target" ] sources = [ "//testing/gtest_ios/Default.png" ] outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ] } force_xctest = enable_run_ios_unittests_with_xctest || (defined(invoker.is_xctest) && invoker.is_xctest) mixed_test(_test_target) { if (force_xctest) { target_type = "ios_xctest_test" } else { target_type = "ios_app_bundle" } testonly = true if (force_xctest && build_with_chromium) { xctest_module_target = "//base/test:google_test_runner" } forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY) # Provide sensible defaults in case invoker did not define any of those # required variables. if (!defined(info_plist) && !defined(info_plist_target)) { info_plist = "//testing/gtest_ios/unittest-Info.plist" } bundle_identifier = shared_bundle_id_for_test_apps if (!defined(bundle_deps)) { bundle_deps = [] } bundle_deps += [ ":$_resources_bundle_data" ] if (!defined(data_deps)) { data_deps = [] } data_deps += [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] # Include the generate_wrapper as part of data_deps data_deps += [ ":${_wrapper_output_name}" ] write_runtime_deps = _runtime_deps_file if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } deps += _fuzztest_deps } } else if ((is_chromeos_ash || (is_chromeos_lacros && is_chromeos_device)) && cros_board != "") { assert(!defined(invoker.use_xvfb) || !invoker.use_xvfb) # Building for a cros board (ie: not linux-chromeos or linux-lacros). _gen_runner_target = "${target_name}__runner" _runtime_deps_file = "$root_out_dir/gen.runtime/" + get_label_info(target_name, "dir") + "/" + get_label_info(target_name, "name") + ".runtime_deps" if (is_skylab && (defined(tast_attr_expr) || defined(tast_tests) || defined(tast_disabled_tests))) { generate_skylab_tast_filter(_gen_runner_target) { } } else { generate_runner_script(_gen_runner_target) { generated_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/run_" + invoker.target_name test_exe = invoker.target_name runtime_deps_file = _runtime_deps_file if (is_chromeos_lacros) { # At build time, Lacros tests don't know whether they'll run on VM or # HW, and instead, these flags are specified at runtime when invoking # the generated runner script. skip_generating_board_args = true } if (tests_have_location_tags) { data = [ "//testing/location_tags.json" ] } } } mixed_test(target_name) { target_type = "executable" forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY) forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ]) if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } if (!defined(data)) { data = [] } # We use a special trigger script for CrOS hardware tests. data += [ "//testing/trigger_scripts/chromeos_device_trigger.py" ] write_runtime_deps = _runtime_deps_file data += [ _runtime_deps_file ] deps += [ ":$_gen_runner_target" ] deps += _fuzztest_deps if (!defined(data_deps)) { data_deps = [] } data_deps += [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] } } else if (is_chromeos_lacros && !is_chromeos_device) { _runtime_deps_file = "$root_out_dir/${target_name}.runtime_deps" _executable = target_name _gen_runner_target = "${target_name}__runner" if (defined(invoker.use_xvfb)) { _use_xvfb = invoker.use_xvfb } else { _use_xvfb = false } # When use_xvfb is set by the invoker, it indicates that running this test # target requires a window, and in lacros build, ash-chrome serves as the # display server. Note that even though the tests themselves do not require # xvfb anymore, xvfb.py is still needed to invoke the lacros test runner # because ash-chrome is based on x11. _use_ash_chrome = _use_xvfb generate_wrapper(_gen_runner_target) { wrapper_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/run_" + _executable data = [] data_deps = [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] if (_use_xvfb) { executable = "//testing/xvfb.py" data += [ "//.vpython3" ] } else { executable = "//testing/test_env.py" } if (tests_have_location_tags) { data += [ "//testing/location_tags.json" ] } executable_args = [ "@WrappedPath(../../build/lacros/test_runner.py)", "test", "@WrappedPath(./${_executable})", "--test-launcher-bot-mode", ] if (_use_ash_chrome) { executable_args += [ "--ash-chrome-path" ] # Can't use --ash-chrome-path=path because WrappedPath # won't be expanded for that usage. executable_args += [ "@WrappedPath(./ash_clang_x64/test_ash_chrome)" ] } if (is_asan) { executable_args += [ "--asan=1" ] } if (is_msan) { executable_args += [ "--msan=1" ] } if (is_tsan) { executable_args += [ "--tsan=1" ] } if (use_cfi_diag) { executable_args += [ "--cfi-diag=1" ] } if (fail_on_san_warnings) { executable_args += [ "--fail-san=1" ] } data += [ "//build/lacros/test_runner.py" ] } mixed_test(target_name) { target_type = "executable" forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY) forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ]) if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } if (!defined(data_deps)) { data_deps = [] } data_deps += [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] write_runtime_deps = _runtime_deps_file deps += [ ":$_gen_runner_target" ] deps += _fuzztest_deps if (_use_ash_chrome && also_build_ash_chrome) { data_deps += [ "//chrome/test:test_ash_chrome(//build/toolchain/linux:ash_clang_x64)" ] } } } else if (!is_nacl) { if (is_mac || is_win) { assert(!defined(invoker.use_xvfb) || !invoker.use_xvfb) } _runtime_deps_file = "$root_out_dir/${target_name}.runtime_deps" _executable = target_name _gen_runner_target = "${target_name}__runner" if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && defined(invoker.use_xvfb)) { _use_xvfb = invoker.use_xvfb } else { _use_xvfb = false } generate_wrapper(_gen_runner_target) { wrapper_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/run_" + _executable data = [] data_deps = [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] if (_use_xvfb) { executable = "//testing/xvfb.py" } else { executable = "//testing/test_env.py" } if (tests_have_location_tags) { data += [ "//testing/location_tags.json" ] } executable_args = [ "@WrappedPath(./${_executable})", "--test-launcher-bot-mode", ] if (is_asan) { executable_args += [ "--asan=1" ] } if (is_msan) { executable_args += [ "--msan=1" ] } if (is_tsan) { executable_args += [ "--tsan=1" ] } if (use_cfi_diag) { executable_args += [ "--cfi-diag=1" ] } if (fail_on_san_warnings) { executable_args += [ "--fail-san=1" ] } } mixed_test(target_name) { target_type = "executable" forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "use_xvfb" ]) forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ]) if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } deps += [ # Give tests the default manifest on Windows (a no-op elsewhere). "//build/win:default_exe_manifest", ] write_runtime_deps = _runtime_deps_file deps += [ ":$_gen_runner_target" ] deps += _fuzztest_deps if (!defined(data_deps)) { data_deps = [] } data_deps += [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] } } else { # This is a catch-all clause for NaCl toolchains and other random # configurations that might define tests; test() in these configs # will just define the underlying executables. assert(!defined(invoker.use_xvfb) || !invoker.use_xvfb, "use_xvfb should not be defined for a non-linux configuration") mixed_test(target_name) { target_type = "executable" forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY) forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ]) if (!defined(deps)) { deps = [] } deps += _fuzztest_deps if (!defined(data_deps)) { data_deps = [] } data_deps += [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] } } } # Defines a type of test that invokes a script to run, rather than # invoking an executable. # # The script must implement the # [test executable API](//docs/testing/test_executable_api.md). # # The template must be passed the `script` parameter, which specifies the path # to the script to run. It may optionally be passed a `args` parameter, which # can be used to include a list of args to be specified by default. The # template will produce a `$root_build_dir/run_$target_name` wrapper and write # the runtime_deps for the target to # $root_build_dir/${target_name}.runtime_deps, as per the conventions listed in # the [test wrapper API](//docs/testing/test_wrapper_api.md). template("script_test") { generate_wrapper(target_name) { testonly = true wrapper_script = "${root_build_dir}/bin/run_${target_name}" executable = "//testing/test_env.py" executable_args = [ "@WrappedPath(" + rebase_path(invoker.script, root_build_dir) + ")" ] if (defined(invoker.args)) { executable_args += invoker.args } data = [ invoker.script ] if (defined(invoker.data)) { data += invoker.data } if (tests_have_location_tags) { data += [ "//testing/location_tags.json" ] } data_deps = [ "//testing:test_scripts_shared" ] if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) { data_deps += invoker.data_deps } forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "args", "data", "data_deps", "script", ]) forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ]) write_runtime_deps = "${root_build_dir}/${target_name}.runtime_deps" } } # Defines a test target that uses exit code for pass/fail. template("isolated_script_test") { script_test(target_name) { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [ "args", "deps", "script", ]) forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ]) deps = [ "//testing:run_isolated_script_test" ] if (defined(invoker.deps)) { deps += invoker.deps } script = "//testing/scripts/run_isolated_script_test.py" data = [ invoker.script ] args = [ rebase_path(invoker.script, root_build_dir), "--script-type=bare", ] if (defined(invoker.args)) { args += invoker.args } } } # Test defaults. set_defaults("test") { if (is_android) { configs = default_shared_library_configs configs -= [ "//build/config/android:hide_all_but_jni_onload" ] configs += [ "//build/config/android:hide_all_but_jni" ] # Compress sections to stay under 4gb hard limit on 32-bit current_cpu. # https://crbug.com/1354616 if (symbol_level == 2 && !use_debug_fission && (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "x86")) { configs += [ "//build/config:compress_debug_sections" ] } } else { configs = default_executable_configs } }