/* * @LANG: c++ * @CFLAGS: -I../aapl */ #include #include using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; %%{ machine mailbox; action prn_char { cout << *p; } action prn_space { cout << ' '; } action prn_word { cout.write(ws, p-ws); cout << ' '; } action prn_addr1 { cout << "| "; cout.write(ws+1, p-ws-2); } action prn_addr2 { cout << "| "; cout.write(ws, p-ws); } action prn_tab { cout << '\t'; } action prn_nl { cout << '\n'; } action prn_separator { cout << "------\n"; } action prn_from { cout << "FROM\n"; } action prn_to { cout << "TO\n"; } action prn_subj { cout << "SUBJECT\n"; } action start_word { ws = p; } action start_headers { preserve = p; } action end_headers {preserve = 0;} day = upper lower{2}; month = upper lower{2}; year = digit{4}; time = digit{2} ':' digit{2} ( ':' digit{2} )?; letterZone = upper{3}; numZone = [+\-] digit{4}; zone = letterZone | numZone; dayNum = ( digit | ' ' ) digit; date = day ' ' month ' ' dayNum ' ' time ' ' ( year | year ' ' zone | zone ' ' year ); fromLine = 'From ' [^\n]* ' ' date '\n' @start_headers; headerChar = print - [ :]; headersToPrint = 'From' | 'To' | 'Subject'; headersToConsume = headerChar+ - headersToPrint; action init_hlen {hlen = 0;} action hlen {hlen++ < 50} consumeHeaderBody = ':' @init_hlen ( [^\n] | ( '\n' [ \t] ) )* when hlen '\n'; consumeHeader = headersToConsume consumeHeaderBody; addrWS = ( [ \t]+ | '\n' [ \t]+ ); addrComment = '(' [^)]* ')'; addrWord = [^"'@,<>() \t\n]+; addrAddr1 = '<' [^>]* '>'; addrAddr2 = addrWord '@' addrWord; addrString = '"' [^"]* '"' | "'" [^']* "'"; addrItem = ( addrAddr1 %prn_addr1 | addrAddr2 %prn_addr2 | addrWord %prn_word | addrString %prn_word ) >start_word; address = ( addrWS | addrComment | addrItem )** >prn_tab; addrHeader = ( 'From' %prn_from | 'To' %prn_to ) ':' @init_hlen ( address ( ',' @prn_nl address )* ) when hlen '\n' %prn_nl; subjectHeader = 'Subject:' @prn_subj @prn_tab @init_hlen ( ' '* <: ( [^\n] @prn_char | ( '\n' [ \t]+ ) %prn_space )** ) when hlen '\n' %prn_nl; header = consumeHeader | addrHeader | subjectHeader; messageLine = ( [^\n]* when hlen '\n' @init_hlen ) - fromLine; main := ( fromLine %prn_separator header* '\n' @end_headers @init_hlen messageLine* )*; }%% %% write data; #define BUFSIZE 8192 void test( char *buf ) { int cs, len = strlen( buf ); char *preserve = 0, *ws = 0; int hlen = 0; %% write init; char *p = buf; char *pe = p + len; %% write exec; if ( cs < mailbox_first_final ) { cout << endl << endl; cout << "DID NOT FINISH IN A FINAL STATE" << endl; } } int main() { test( "From user@host.com Wed Nov 28 13:30:05 2001\n" "From: \"Adrian D. Thurston\" \n" "Subject: the squirrel has landed\n" "\n" "Message goes here. \n" "From (trick from line).\n" "From: not really a header\n" "\n" "From user2@host2.com Wed Nov 28 13:30:05 2001\n" "To: \"(kill 1)\" Edgar Allen Poe (da man)\n" "Subject: (no subject) this is a really long subject which should fail the length constraint \n" "Other: 0123456789\n" "\n" "Message goes here. \n" "\n" ); test( "From user@host.com Wed Nov 28 13:30:05 2001\n" "To: \"(kill 2)\" some guy \n" "From: \"Adrian D. Thurston this name is far too long\" \n" "Subject: the squirrel has landed\n" "\n" "From user2@host2.com Wed Nov 28 13:30:05 2001\n" "To: Edgar Allen Poe (da man)\n" "Subject: (no subject) \n" "\n" ); test( "From user@host.com Wed Nov 28 13:30:05 2001\n" "To: \"(kill 3)\" some guy \n" "From: \"Adrian D. Thurston This name is fore sure absolutely too long\" \n" "Subject: the squirrel has landed\n" "\n" ); test( "From user@host.com Wed Nov 28 13:30:05 2001\n" "From: \"Adrian D. Thurston \" \n" "Subject: (kill 4) the squirrel has landed\n" "Other: This is another header field, not interpreted, that is too long\n" "\n" ); test( "From user@host.com Wed Nov 28 13:30:05 2001\n" "From: \"Adrian D. Thurston \" \n" "Subject: (kill 5)the squirrel has landed\n" "\n" "This message line is okay.\n" "But this message line is far too long and will cause an error.\n" ); return 0; } #ifdef _____OUTPUT_____ ------ FROM "Adrian D. Thurston" | thurston@cs.queensu.ca SUBJECT the squirrel has landed ------ TO "(kill 1)" Edgar Allen Poe | ep@net.com SUBJECT (no subject) this is a really long subject whic DID NOT FINISH IN A FINAL STATE ------ TO "(kill 2)" some guy | sg@net.com FROM "Adrian D. Thurston this name is far too long" DID NOT FINISH IN A FINAL STATE ------ TO "(kill 3)" some guy | sg@net.com FROM DID NOT FINISH IN A FINAL STATE ------ FROM "Adrian D. Thurston " | t@cs.ca SUBJECT (kill 4) the squirrel has landed DID NOT FINISH IN A FINAL STATE ------ FROM "Adrian D. Thurston " | t@cs.ca SUBJECT (kill 5)the squirrel has landed DID NOT FINISH IN A FINAL STATE #endif