/* * @LANG: c * @ALLOW_GENFLAGS: -T0 -T1 -G0 -G1 -G2 */ /** * Test a high character to make sure signedness * isn't messing us up. */ #include #include #include struct high { int cs; }; %%{ machine high; variable cs fsm->cs; # We Want the header portion. alphtype unsigned int; main := ( 0x20 .. 0xefffffff @1 @{printf("gothigh1\n");} | 0xf0000000 @1 @{printf("gothigh1\n");} | 0x200 .. 0xfe000000 @1 @{printf("gothigh2\n");} | any @0 @{printf("else\n");} )*; }%% %% write data; void high_init( struct high *fsm ) { %% write init; } void high_execute( struct high *fsm, const unsigned int *_data, int _len ) { const unsigned int *p = _data; const unsigned int *pe = _data+_len; %% write exec; } int high_finish( struct high *fsm ) { %% write eof; if ( fsm->cs == high_error ) return -1; if ( fsm->cs >= high_first_final ) return 1; return 0; } struct high high; #define BUFSIZE 1024 char cbuf[BUFSIZE]; unsigned int buf[BUFSIZE]; int buflen = 0; char numbuf[9]; int numlen = 0; struct tokenizer { int cs; }; %%{ machine tokenizer; variable cs fsm->cs; action bufdigit { if ( numlen < 8 ) numbuf[numlen++] = fc; } action writeDigit { /* Null terminate the buffer storing the number and reset. */ numbuf[numlen] = 0; numlen = 0; /* Store the number in the buf. If the buf is full then * flush and reset the buffer. */ buf[buflen++] = strtoul( numbuf, 0, 16 ); if ( buflen == BUFSIZE ) { high_execute( &high, buf, BUFSIZE ); buflen = 0; } } action finish { if ( buflen > 0 ) high_execute( &high, buf, buflen ); if ( high_finish( &high ) > 0 ) printf("ACCEPT\n"); else printf("FAIL\n"); } num = ( digit | 'a'..'f' )+ $bufdigit %writeDigit; main := ( num $1 %0 | space )* %/finish; }%% %% write data; void tokenizer_init( struct tokenizer *fsm ) { %% write init; } void tokenizer_execute( struct tokenizer *fsm, const char *_data, int _len ) { const char *p = _data; const char *pe = _data+_len; %% write exec; } int tokenizer_finish( struct tokenizer *fsm ) { %% write eof; if ( fsm->cs == tokenizer_error ) return -1; if ( fsm->cs >= tokenizer_first_final ) return 1; return 0; } struct tokenizer tok; void test( char *cbuf ) { int len = strlen( cbuf ); high_init( &high ); tokenizer_init( &tok ); tokenizer_execute( &tok, cbuf, len ); if ( tokenizer_finish( &tok ) <= 0 ) printf("Tokenizer FAIL\n"); } char data[] = "10 20 30 40 50 200 300 400 \n" "d0000000 f0000000 fd000000 fe000000\n" "ff000000 ffffffffffffffffffffffffff\n" "ff\n"; int main() { test( data ); return 0; } #ifdef _____OUTPUT_____ else gothigh1 gothigh1 gothigh1 gothigh1 gothigh1 gothigh2 gothigh1 gothigh2 gothigh1 gothigh2 gothigh1 gothigh2 gothigh1 gothigh2 gothigh2 gothigh2 else else gothigh1 ACCEPT #endif