/* * @LANG: c++ * @ALLOW_GENFLAGS: -T0 -T1 -F0 -F1 -G0 -G1 -G2 -P */ #include "cppscan1.h" %%{ machine Scanner; access fsm->; action pass { fsm->pass(fc); } action buf { fsm->buf(fc); } action emit_slit { fsm->token( TK_Slit ); } action emit_dlit { fsm->token( TK_Dlit ); } action emit_id { fsm->token( TK_Id ); } action emit_integer_decimal { fsm->token( TK_IntegerDecimal ); } action emit_integer_octal { fsm->token( TK_IntegerOctal ); } action emit_integer_hex { fsm->token( TK_IntegerHex ); } action emit_float { fsm->token( TK_Float ); } action emit_symbol { fsm->token( fsm->tokBuf.data[0] ); } action tokst { fsm->tokStart = fsm->col; } # Single and double literals. slit = ( 'L'? ( "'" ( [^'\\\n] | /\\./ )* "'" ) $buf ) >tokst %emit_slit; dlit = ( 'L'? ( '"' ( [^"\\\n] | /\\./ )* '"' ) $buf ) >tokst %emit_dlit; # Identifiers id = ( [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z0-9_]* ) >tokst $buf %emit_id; # Floating literals. fract_const = digit* '.' digit+ | digit+ '.'; exponent = [eE] [+\-]? digit+; float_suffix = [flFL]; float = ( fract_const exponent? float_suffix? | digit+ exponent float_suffix? ) >tokst $buf %emit_float; # Integer decimal. Leading part buffered by float. integer_decimal = ( ( '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ) [ulUL]{0,3} $buf ) %emit_integer_decimal; # Integer octal. Leading part buffered by float. integer_octal = ( '0' [0-9]+ [ulUL]{0,2} $buf ) %emit_integer_octal; # Integer hex. Leading 0 buffered by float. integer_hex = ( '0' ( 'x' [0-9a-fA-F]+ [ulUL]{0,2} ) $buf ) %emit_integer_hex; # Only buffer the second item, first buffered by symbol. */ namesep = '::' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_NameSep );}; deqs = '==' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_EqualsEquals );}; neqs = '!=' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_NotEquals );}; and_and = '&&' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_AndAnd );}; or_or = '||' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_OrOr );}; mult_assign = '*=' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_MultAssign );}; percent_assign = '%=' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_PercentAssign );}; plus_assign = '+=' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_PlusAssign );}; minus_assign = '-=' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_MinusAssign );}; amp_assign = '&=' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_AmpAssign );}; caret_assign = '^=' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_CaretAssign );}; bar_assign = '|=' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_BarAssign );}; plus_plus = '++' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_PlusPlus );}; minus_minus = '--' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_MinusMinus );}; arrow = '->' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_Arrow );}; arrow_star = '->*' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_ArrowStar );}; dot_star = '.*' @buf %{fsm->token( TK_DotStar );}; # Buffer both items. * div_assign = '/=' @{fsm->buf('/');fsm->buf(fc);} %{fsm->token( TK_DivAssign );}; # Double dot is sent as two dots. dot_dot = '..' %{fsm->token('.'); fsm->buf('.'); fsm->token('.');}; # Three char compounds, first item already buffered. */ dot_dot_dot = '...' %{fsm->buf('.'); fsm->buf('.'); fsm->token( TK_DotDotDot );}; # All compunds compound = namesep | deqs | neqs | and_and | or_or | mult_assign | div_assign | percent_assign | plus_assign | minus_assign | amp_assign | caret_assign | bar_assign | plus_plus | minus_minus | arrow | arrow_star | dot_star | dot_dot | dot_dot_dot; # Single char symbols. symbol = ( punct - [./_"'] ) >tokst $buf %emit_symbol | # Do not immediately buffer slash, may be start of comment. '/' >tokst %{ fsm->buf('/'); fsm->token( '/' ); } | # Dot covered by float. '.' %emit_symbol; # Comments and whitespace. commc = '/*' @{fsm->pass('/'); fsm->pass('*');} ( any* $0 '*/' @1 ) $pass; commcc = '//' @{fsm->pass('/'); fsm->pass('/');} ( any* $0 '\n' @1 ) $pass; whitespace = ( any - ( 0 | 33..126 ) )+ $pass; action onEOFChar { /* On EOF char, write out the non token buffer. */ fsm->nonTokBuf.append(0); cout << fsm->nonTokBuf.data; fsm->nonTokBuf.clear(); } # Using 0 as eof. If seeingAs a result all null characters get ignored. EOF = 0 @onEOFChar; # All outside code tokens. tokens = ( id | slit | dlit | float | integer_decimal | integer_octal | integer_hex | compound | symbol ); nontok = ( commc | commcc | whitespace | EOF ); position = ( '\n' @{ fsm->line += 1; fsm->col = 1; } | [^\n] @{ fsm->col += 1; } )*; main := ( ( tokens | nontok )** ) & position; }%% %% write data; void Scanner::init( ) { Scanner *fsm = this; /* A count of the number of characters in * a token. Used for % sequences. */ count = 0; line = 1; col = 1; %% write init; } int Scanner::execute( char *data, int len ) { Scanner *fsm = this; char *p = data; char *pe = data + len; %% write exec; if ( cs == Scanner_error ) return -1; if ( cs >= Scanner_first_final ) return 1; return 0; } int Scanner::finish( ) { %% write eof; if ( cs == Scanner_error ) return -1; if ( cs >= Scanner_first_final ) return 1; return 0; } void Scanner::token( int id ) { /* Leader. */ if ( nonTokBuf.length > 0 ) { nonTokBuf.append(0); cout << nonTokBuf.data; nonTokBuf.clear(); } /* Token data. */ tokBuf.append(0); cout << '<' << id << '>' << tokBuf.data; tokBuf.clear(); } void Buffer::empty() { if ( data != 0 ) { free( data ); data = 0; length = 0; allocated = 0; } } void Buffer::upAllocate( int len ) { if ( data == 0 ) data = (char*) malloc( len ); else data = (char*) realloc( data, len ); allocated = len; } void test( char *buf ) { Scanner scanner(cout); scanner.init(); scanner.execute( buf, strlen(buf) ); /* The last token is ignored (because there is no next token). Send * trailing null to force the last token into whitespace. */ char eof = 0; if ( scanner.execute( &eof, 1 ) <= 0 ) { cerr << "cppscan: scan failed" << endl; return; } cout.flush(); } int main() { test( "/*\n" " * Copyright \n" " */\n" "\n" "/* Construct an fsmmachine from a graph. */\n" "RedFsmAp::RedFsmAp( FsmAp *graph, bool complete )\n" ":\n" " graph(graph),\n" "{\n" " assert( sizeof(RedTransAp) <= sizeof(TransAp) );\n" "\n" " reduceMachine();\n" "}\n" "\n" "{\n" " /* Get the transition that we want to extend. */\n" " RedTransAp *extendTrans = list[pos].value;\n" "\n" " /* Look ahead in the transition list. */\n" " for ( int next = pos + 1; next < list.length(); pos++, next++ ) {\n" " if ( ! keyOps->eq( list[pos].highKey, nextKey ) )\n" " break;\n" " }\n" " return false;\n" "}\n" "\n" ); test( "->*\n" ".*\n" "/*\"*/\n" "\"/*\"\n" "L'\"'\n" "L\"'\"\n" ); return 0; } #ifdef _____OUTPUT_____ /* * Copyright */ /* Construct an fsmmachine from a graph. */ <195>RedFsmAp<197>::<195>RedFsmAp<40>( <195>FsmAp <42>*<195>graph<44>, <195>bool <195>complete <41>) <58>: <195>graph<40>(<195>graph<41>)<44>, <123>{ <195>assert<40>( <195>sizeof<40>(<195>RedTransAp<41>) <60><<61>= <195>sizeof<40>(<195>TransAp<41>) <41>)<59>; <195>reduceMachine<40>(<41>)<59>; <125>} <123>{ /* Get the transition that we want to extend. */ <195>RedTransAp <42>*<195>extendTrans <61>= <195>list<91>[<195>pos<93>]<46>.<195>value<59>; /* Look ahead in the transition list. */ <195>for <40>( <195>int <195>next <61>= <195>pos <43>+ <218>1<59>; <195>next <60>< <195>list<46>.<195>length<40>(<41>)<59>; <195>pos<212>++<44>, <195>next<212>++ <41>) <123>{ <195>if <40>( <33>! <195>keyOps<211>-><195>eq<40>( <195>list<91>[<195>pos<93>]<46>.<195>highKey<44>, <195>nextKey <41>) <41>) <195>break<59>; <125>} <195>return <195>false<59>; <125>} <214>->* <215>.* /*"*/ <192>"/*" <193>L'"' <192>L"'" #endif