using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Tizen.NUI.Samples { // Make custom view to ignore Layout features so we can use Depth information public class Custom3DView : CustomView { // Default View Enabled SizeNegotiations, and It is Breakdown the depth values. // So we need to create CustomView whitch CustomViewBehavior.DisableSizeNegotiation. public Custom3DView() : base("Custom3DView", CustomViewBehaviour.DisableSizeNegotiation) { } } // copied from public class DisposeTest : IExample { public struct Vec2 { float x; float y; public Vec2(float xIn, float yIn) { x = xIn; y = yIn; } } public struct Vec3 { float x; float y; float z; public Vec3(float xIn, float yIn, float zIn) { x = xIn; y = yIn; z = zIn; } } struct TexturedQuadVertex { public Vec3 position; public Vec3 normal; public Vec2 texcoord; } static readonly string VERTEX_SHADER = "attribute mediump vec3 aPosition;\n" + "attribute mediump vec3 aNormal;\n" + "attribute mediump vec2 aTexCoord;\n" + "uniform mediump mat4 uMvpMatrix;\n" + "uniform mediump mat3 uNormalMatrix;\n" + "uniform mediump vec3 uSize;\n" + "varying mediump vec3 vNormal;\n" + "varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord;\n" + "varying mediump vec3 vPosition;\n" + "void main()\n" + "{\n" + " vec4 pos = vec4(aPosition, 1.0)*vec4(uSize,1.0);\n"+ " gl_Position = uMvpMatrix*pos;\n" + " vPosition = aPosition;\n" + " vNormal = normalize(uNormalMatrix * aNormal);\n" + " vTexCoord = aTexCoord;\n" + "}\n"; static readonly string FRAGMENT_SHADER = "uniform lowp vec4 uColor;\n" + "uniform sampler2D sTexture;\n" + "varying mediump vec3 vNormal;\n" + "varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord;\n" + "varying mediump vec3 vPosition;\n" + "mediump vec3 uLightDir = vec3(2.0, 0.5, 1.0);\n" + // constant light dir "mediump vec3 uViewDir = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n" + // constant view dir. "mediump vec3 uAmbientColor = vec3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);\n" + "mediump vec3 uDiffuseColor = vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);\n" + "mediump vec3 uSpecularColor = vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n" + "void main()\n" + "{\n" + " mediump vec3 lightdir = normalize(uLightDir);\n" + " mediump vec3 eyedir = normalize(uViewDir);\n" + " mediump vec4 texColor = texture2D( sTexture, vTexCoord ) * uColor;\n" + " mediump float diffuse = min(max(-dot(vNormal, lightdir) + 0.1, 0.0), 1.0);\n" + " mediump vec3 reflectdir = reflect(-lightdir, vNormal);\n" + " mediump float specular = pow(max(0.0, dot(reflectdir, eyedir)), 50.0);\n" + " mediump vec4 color = texColor * vec4(uAmbientColor + uDiffuseColor * diffuse, 1.0) + vec4(uSpecularColor, 0.0) * specular;\n" + " gl_FragColor = color;\n" + "}\n"; // Copy from dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/primitive/primitive-visual.cpp // NOTE. I add one more slices for texture coordinate private global::System.IntPtr SphereVertexDataPtr() { TexturedQuadVertex[] vertices = new TexturedQuadVertex[SPHERE_VERTEX_NUMBER]; const int slices = SPHERE_SLICES; const int stacks = SPHERE_STACKS; // Build start. { int vertexIndex = 0; //Track progress through vertices. float x; float y; float z; //Top stack. vertices[vertexIndex].position = new Vec3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f); vertices[vertexIndex].normal = new Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); vertices[vertexIndex].texcoord = new Vec2(0.5f, 1.0f); vertexIndex++; //Middle stacks. for (int i = 1; i < stacks; i++) { //Note. This vertex method is not common. //We set one more vertexes for correct texture coordinate. at j == slices //j==0 and j==slices have equal position, normal, but there texcoord.x is different for (int j = 0; j <= slices; j++, vertexIndex++) { float cos_j = (float)Math.Cos(2.0f * (float)Math.PI * j / (float)slices); float sin_j = (float)Math.Sin(2.0f * (float)Math.PI * j / (float)slices); float cos_i = (float)Math.Cos((float)Math.PI * i / (float)stacks); float sin_i = (float)Math.Sin((float)Math.PI * i / (float)stacks); x = cos_j * sin_i; y = cos_i; z = sin_j * sin_i; vertices[vertexIndex].position = new Vec3(x / 2.0f, y / 2.0f, z / 2.0f); vertices[vertexIndex].normal = new Vec3(x, y, z); vertices[vertexIndex].texcoord = new Vec2((float)j / (float)slices, 1.0f - (float)i / (float)stacks); } } //Bottom stack. vertices[vertexIndex].position = new Vec3(0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f); vertices[vertexIndex].normal = new Vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); vertices[vertexIndex].texcoord = new Vec2(0.5f, 0.0f); } // Build done. int length = Marshal.SizeOf(vertices[0]); global::System.IntPtr pA = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(length * SPHERE_VERTEX_NUMBER); for (int i = 0; i < SPHERE_VERTEX_NUMBER; i++) { Marshal.StructureToPtr(vertices[i], pA + i * length, true); } return pA; } private ushort[] SphereIndexData() { ushort[] indices = new ushort[SPHERE_INDEX_NUMBER]; const int slices = SPHERE_SLICES; const int stacks = SPHERE_STACKS; // Build start. { int indiceIndex = 0; //Used to keep track of progress through indices. int previousCycleBeginning = 1; //Stores the index of the vertex that started the cycle of the previous stack. int currentCycleBeginning = 1 + slices + 1; //Top stack. Loop from index 1 to index slices, as not counting the very first vertex. for (int i = 1; i <= slices; i++, indiceIndex += 3) { indices[indiceIndex] = 0; indices[indiceIndex + 1] = (ushort)(i + 1); indices[indiceIndex + 2] = (ushort)i; } //Middle Stacks. Want to form triangles between the top and bottom stacks, so loop up to the number of stacks - 2. //Note. This index method is not common. //We increase Beginning indexes slices+1 cause we add one more vertexes for correct texture coordinate. for (int i = 0; i < stacks - 2; i++, previousCycleBeginning += slices + 1, currentCycleBeginning += slices + 1) { for (int j = 0; j < slices; j++, indiceIndex += 6) { indices[indiceIndex] = (ushort)(previousCycleBeginning + j); indices[indiceIndex + 1] = (ushort)(previousCycleBeginning + 1 + j); indices[indiceIndex + 2] = (ushort)(currentCycleBeginning + j); indices[indiceIndex + 3] = (ushort)(currentCycleBeginning + j); indices[indiceIndex + 4] = (ushort)(previousCycleBeginning + 1 + j); indices[indiceIndex + 5] = (ushort)(currentCycleBeginning + 1 + j); } } //Bottom stack. Loop around the last stack from the previous loop, and go up to the penultimate vertex. for (int i = 0; i < slices; i++, indiceIndex += 3) { indices[indiceIndex] = (ushort)(previousCycleBeginning + slices + 1); indices[indiceIndex + 1] = (ushort)(previousCycleBeginning + i); indices[indiceIndex + 2] = (ushort)(previousCycleBeginning + i + 1); } } // Build done. return indices; } const int SPHERE_SLICES = 30; // >= 3 const int SPHERE_STACKS = 20; // >= 1 const int SPHERE_VERTEX_NUMBER = (SPHERE_SLICES + 1) * (SPHERE_STACKS - 1) + 2; const int SPHERE_INDEX_NUMBER = 6 * SPHERE_SLICES * (SPHERE_STACKS - 1); private const int AutoDisposedObjectCount = 10; private const int ManualDisposedObjectCount = 10; private Window win; private View root; private Timer timer; private bool toggle = false; private string resource; private List views; private Animation rotateAnimation; public void Activate() { win = NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow(); resource = Tizen.Applications.Application.Current.DirectoryInfo.Resource; // Set layer behavior as Layer3D. without this, Rendering will be broken win.GetDefaultLayer().Behavior = Layer.LayerBehavior.Layer3D; root = new View() { Name = "root", Size = new Size(10, 10), BackgroundColor = Color.Blue, }; win.Add(root); views = new List(); rotateAnimation = new Animation(1500); //1.5s AddManyViews(); toggle = true; timer = new Timer(3000); //3s timer.Tick += OnTimerTick; timer.Start(); } private bool OnTimerTick(object source, Timer.TickEventArgs e) { toggle = !toggle; if (toggle) { AddManyViews(); } else { RemoveAllViews(); FullGC(); } return true; } private Geometry GenerateGeometry() { PropertyMap vertexFormat = new PropertyMap(); vertexFormat.Add("aPosition", new PropertyValue((int)PropertyType.Vector3)); vertexFormat.Add("aNormal", new PropertyValue((int)PropertyType.Vector3)); vertexFormat.Add("aTexCoord", new PropertyValue((int)PropertyType.Vector2)); PropertyBuffer vertexBuffer = new PropertyBuffer(vertexFormat); vertexBuffer.SetData(SphereVertexDataPtr(), SPHERE_VERTEX_NUMBER); ushort[] indexBuffer = SphereIndexData(); Geometry geometry = new Geometry(); geometry.AddVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer); geometry.SetIndexBuffer(indexBuffer, SPHERE_INDEX_NUMBER); geometry.SetType(Geometry.Type.TRIANGLES); return geometry; } private void AddManyViews() { Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < AutoDisposedObjectCount; i++) { int viewSize = 150; var view = new Custom3DView() { Size = new Size(viewSize, viewSize, viewSize), Position = new Position( rand.Next(10, win.WindowSize.Width - 10), rand.Next(10, win.WindowSize.Height - 10), rand.Next(-3 * viewSize, 3 * viewSize) ), }; root.Add(view); PixelData pixelData = PixelBuffer.Convert(ImageLoading.LoadImageFromFile( resource + "/images/PopupTest/circle.jpg", new Size2D(), FittingModeType.ScaleToFill )); Texture texture = new Texture( TextureType.TEXTURE_2D, pixelData.GetPixelFormat(), pixelData.GetWidth(), pixelData.GetHeight() ); texture.Upload(pixelData); TextureSet textureSet = new TextureSet(); textureSet.SetTexture(0u, texture); Renderer renderer = new Renderer(GenerateGeometry(), new Shader(VERTEX_SHADER, FRAGMENT_SHADER)); renderer.SetTextures(textureSet); view.AddRenderer(renderer); rotateAnimation.AnimateBy(view, "Orientation", new Rotation(new Radian(new Degree(360.0f)), Vector3.YAxis)); } for (int i = 0; i < ManualDisposedObjectCount; i++) { int viewSize = 150; var view = new Custom3DView() { Size = new Size(viewSize, viewSize, viewSize), Position = new Position( rand.Next(10, win.WindowSize.Width - 10), rand.Next(10, win.WindowSize.Height - 10), rand.Next(-3 * viewSize, 3 * viewSize) ), }; root.Add(view); views.Add(view); PixelData pixelData = PixelBuffer.Convert(ImageLoading.LoadImageFromFile( resource + "/images/PaletteTest/red2.jpg", new Size2D(), FittingModeType.ScaleToFill )); Texture texture = new Texture( TextureType.TEXTURE_2D, pixelData.GetPixelFormat(), pixelData.GetWidth(), pixelData.GetHeight() ); texture.Upload(pixelData); TextureSet textureSet = new TextureSet(); textureSet.SetTexture(0u, texture); Renderer renderer = new Renderer(GenerateGeometry(), new Shader(VERTEX_SHADER, FRAGMENT_SHADER)); renderer.SetTextures(textureSet); view.AddRenderer(renderer); rotateAnimation.AnimateBy(view, "Orientation", new Rotation(new Radian(new Degree(-360.0f)), Vector3.YAxis)); } rotateAnimation.Looping = true; rotateAnimation.Play(); } private void RemoveAllViews() { uint cnt = root.ChildCount; for (int i = (int)(cnt - 1); i >= 0; i--) { root.Remove(root.GetChildAt((uint)i)); } foreach(var view in views) { var renderer = view.GetRendererAt(0); renderer.Dispose(); view.Dispose(); } views.Clear(); rotateAnimation.Clear(); } private void FullGC() { global::System.GC.Collect(); global::System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); global::System.GC.Collect(); } public void Deactivate() { timer.Stop(); RemoveAllViews(); rotateAnimation?.Dispose(); root.Unparent(); root.Dispose(); } } }