using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents; using Tizen.NUI.Components; namespace Tizen.NUI.Samples { using tlog = Tizen.Log; public class Example { public Example(string name, string title) { = name; this.title = title; } public Example() { } private string name; public string Name { get { return name; } } private string title; public string Title { get { return title; } } static public int CompareByTitle(Example lhs, Example rhs) { return String.Compare(lhs.title, lhs.title); } }; public class DaliTableView { static readonly string tag = "NUITEST"; static private uint mCurPage = 0; static public string DEMO_IMAGE_DIR = CommonResource.GetDaliResourcePath() + "DaliDemo/"; static public string LOGO_PATH = DEMO_IMAGE_DIR + "Logo-for-demo.png"; const float TILE_LABEL_PADDING = 8.0f; // Border between edge of tile and the example text const float BUTTON_PRESS_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.35f; // Time to perform button scale effect. const float ROTATE_ANIMATION_TIME = 0.5f; // Time to perform rotate effect. const int EXAMPLES_PER_ROW = 3; const int ROWS_PER_PAGE = 3; const int EXAMPLES_PER_PAGE = EXAMPLES_PER_ROW * ROWS_PER_PAGE; Vector3 TABLE_RELATIVE_SIZE = new Vector3(0.95f, 0.9f, 0.8f); // TableView's relative size to the entire stage. The Y value means sum of the logo and table relative heights. Vector4[] BUBBLE_COLOR = { new Vector4( 0.3255f, 0.3412f, 0.6353f, 0.32f ), new Vector4( 0.3647f, 0.7569f, 0.8157f, 0.32f ), new Vector4( 0.3804f, 0.7412f, 0.6510f, 0.32f ), new Vector4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.13f ) }; const int NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE_COLOR = 4; string[] SHAPE_IMAGE_TABLE = { DEMO_IMAGE_DIR + "shape-circle.png", DEMO_IMAGE_DIR + "shape-bubble.png" }; const int NUMBER_OF_SHAPE_IMAGES = 2; const int NUM_BACKGROUND_IMAGES = 18; const float BACKGROUND_SPREAD_SCALE = 1.5f; const uint BACKGROUND_ANIMATION_DURATION = 15000; // 15 secs const float BUBBLE_MIN_Z = -1.0f; const float BUBBLE_MAX_Z = 0.0f; const uint CORE_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint CORE_MINOR_VERSION = 4; const uint CORE_MICRO_VERSION = 50; const uint ADAPTOR_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint ADAPTOR_MINOR_VERSION = 4; const uint ADAPTOR_MICRO_VERSION = 50; const uint TOOLKIT_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint TOOLKIT_MINOR_VERSION = 4; const uint TOOLKIT_MICRO_VERSION = 50; public void AddExample(Example example) { mExampleList.Add(example); } public void SortAlphabetically(bool sortAlphabetically) { mSortAlphabetically = sortAlphabetically; } private const uint FOCUS_ANIMATION_ACTOR_NUMBER = 2; public delegate void ExampleClicked(string name); private ExampleClicked onClicked; public DaliTableView(ExampleClicked onClicked) { this.onClicked = onClicked; } public void Initialize() { NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow().KeyEvent += OnKeyEvent; Size2D stageSize = NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow().WindowSize; // Background mRootActor = CreateBackground("LauncherBackground"); // Add logo ImageView logo = new ImageView(LOGO_PATH); logo.Name = "LOGO_IMAGE"; logo.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; logo.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.TopCenter; logo.ParentOrigin = new Position(0.5f, 0.1f, 0.5f); logo.WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.UseNaturalSize; logo.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.UseNaturalSize; float logoScale = (float)(NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow().Size.Height) / 1080.0f; logo.Scale = new Vector3(logoScale, logoScale, 0); //// The logo should appear on top of everything. mRootActor.Add(logo); // Scrollview occupying the majority of the screen mScrollView = new ScrollView(); mScrollView.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; mScrollView.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.BottomCenter; mScrollView.ParentOrigin = new Vector3(0.5f, 1.0f - 0.05f, 0.5f); mScrollView.WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; mScrollView.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.SizeRelativeToParent; mScrollView.SetSizeModeFactor(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.6f, 0.0f)); ushort buttonsPageMargin = (ushort)((1.0f - TABLE_RELATIVE_SIZE.X) * 0.5f * stageSize.Width); mScrollView.SetPadding(new PaddingType(buttonsPageMargin, buttonsPageMargin, 0, 0)); mScrollView.ScrollCompleted += OnScrollComplete; mScrollView.ScrollStarted += OnScrollStart; mPageWidth = stageSize.Width * TABLE_RELATIVE_SIZE.X * 0.5f; // Populate background and bubbles - needs to be scrollViewLayer so scroll ends show View bubbleContainer = new View(); bubbleContainer.WidthResizePolicy = bubbleContainer.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; bubbleContainer.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; bubbleContainer.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.Center; bubbleContainer.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.Center; SetupBackground(bubbleContainer); mRootActor.Add(bubbleContainer); mRootActor.Add(mScrollView); // Add scroll view effect and setup constraints on pages ApplyScrollViewEffect(); // Add pages and tiles Populate(); if (mCurPage != mScrollView.GetCurrentPage()) { mScrollView.ScrollTo(mCurPage, 0.0f); } // Remove constraints for inner cube effect ApplyCubeEffectToPages(); // Set initial orientation uint degrees = 0; Rotate(degrees); // Background animation mAnimationTimer = new Timer(BACKGROUND_ANIMATION_DURATION); mAnimationTimer.Tick += PauseBackgroundAnimation; mAnimationTimer.Start(); mBackgroundAnimsPlaying = true; tlog.Debug(tag, $"Initialize() end!"); } private bool PauseBackgroundAnimation(object source, Timer.TickEventArgs e) { PauseAnimation(); return false; } private void PauseAnimation() { if (mBackgroundAnimsPlaying) { foreach (Animation anim in mBackgroundAnimations) { anim.Stop(); } mBackgroundAnimsPlaying = false; } } private void PlayAnimation() { if (!mBackgroundAnimsPlaying) { foreach (Animation anim in mBackgroundAnimations) { anim.Play(); } mBackgroundAnimsPlaying = true; } mAnimationTimer.Interval = BACKGROUND_ANIMATION_DURATION; } private void OnKeyEvent(object sender, Window.KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key.State == Key.StateType.Down) { } } private void OnScrollStart(object source, Scrollable.StartedEventArgs e) { mScrolling = true; } private void OnScrollComplete(object source, Scrollable.CompletedEventArgs e) { // move focus to 1st item of new page mScrolling = false; mCurPage = mScrollView.GetCurrentPage(); } // Creates the background image private View CreateBackground(string stylename) { View background = new View(); NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow().Add(background); background.StyleName = stylename; background.Name = "BACKGROUND"; background.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; background.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.Center; background.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.Center; background.WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; background.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; return background; } private View CreateTile(string name, string title, Vector3 sizeMultiplier, Vector2 position) { ImageView focusableTile = new ImageView(); focusableTile.StyleName = "DemoTile"; focusableTile.ResourceUrl = CommonResource.GetDaliResourcePath() + "DaliDemo/demo-tile-texture.9.png"; focusableTile.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; focusableTile.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.Center; focusableTile.WidthResizePolicy = focusableTile.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.SizeRelativeToParent; focusableTile.SetSizeModeFactor(sizeMultiplier); focusableTile.Name = name; // Set the tile to be keyboard focusable focusableTile.Focusable = true; // Register a property with the ImageView. This allows us to inject the scroll-view position into the shader. PropertyValue value = new PropertyValue(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); int propertyIndex = focusableTile.RegisterProperty("uCustomPosition", value); // Create an ImageView for the 9-patch border around the tile. ImageView borderImage = new ImageView(); borderImage.ResourceUrl = CommonResource.GetDaliResourcePath() + "DaliDemo/item-background.9.png"; borderImage.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; borderImage.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.Center; borderImage.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.Center; borderImage.WidthResizePolicy = borderImage.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; borderImage.Opacity = 0.8f; focusableTile.Add(borderImage); TextLabel label = new TextLabel(); label.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; label.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.Center; label.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.Center; label.StyleName = "LauncherLabel"; label.MultiLine = true; label.Text = title; label.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; label.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; label.WidthResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; label.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; var fit = new PropertyMap(); fit.Add("enable", new PropertyValue(true)).Add("minSize", new PropertyValue(5.0f)).Add("maxSize", new PropertyValue(50.0f)); label.TextFit = fit; // Pad around the label as its size is the same as the 9-patch border. It will overlap it without padding. label.SetPadding(new PaddingType((int)TILE_LABEL_PADDING, (int)TILE_LABEL_PADDING, (int)TILE_LABEL_PADDING, (int)TILE_LABEL_PADDING)); focusableTile.Add(label); // Connect to the touch events focusableTile.TouchEvent += OnTilePressed; return focusableTile; } private bool DoTilePress(View actor, PointStateType pointState) { bool consumed = false; if (PointStateType.Down == pointState) { mPressedActor = actor; consumed = true; } // A button press is only valid if the Down & Up events // both occurred within the button. if ((PointStateType.Up == pointState) && (mPressedActor == actor)) { // ignore Example button presses when scrolling or button animating. if ((!mScrolling) && (!mPressedAnimation)) { string name = actor.Name; foreach (Example example in mExampleList) { if (example.Name == name) { consumed = true; break; } } } if (consumed) { mPressedAnimation = new Animation((int)(BUTTON_PRESS_ANIMATION_TIME * 1000.0)); mPressedAnimation.EndAction = Animation.EndActions.Discard; // scale the content actor within the Tile, as to not affect the placement within the Table. View content = actor.GetChildAt(0); mPressedAnimation.AnimateTo(content, "Scale", new Vector3(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f), 0, (int)((BUTTON_PRESS_ANIMATION_TIME * 0.5f) * 1000.0), new AlphaFunction(AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseOut)); mPressedAnimation.AnimateTo(content, "Scale", Vector3.One, (int)((BUTTON_PRESS_ANIMATION_TIME * 0.5f) * 1000.0), (int)((BUTTON_PRESS_ANIMATION_TIME * 0.5f) * 1000.0), new AlphaFunction(AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseOut)); mPressedAnimation.AnimateTo(content, "Orientation", new Rotation(new Radian(new Degree(180)), new Vector3(0, 1, 0))); mPressedAnimation.Play(); mPressedAnimation.Finished += OnPressedAnimationFinished; } } return consumed; } private void OnPressedAnimationFinished(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = mPressedActor?.Name; mPressedAnimation = null; mPressedActor = null; onClicked(name); } private bool OnTilePressed(object source, View.TouchEventArgs e) { return DoTilePress(source as View, e.Touch.GetState(0)); } private List tiles = new List(); private void Populate() { Vector2 stageSize = NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow().WindowSize; mTotalPages = (uint)((mExampleList.Count() + EXAMPLES_PER_PAGE - 1) / EXAMPLES_PER_PAGE); // Populate ScrollView. if (mExampleList.Count() > 0) { if (mSortAlphabetically) { mExampleList.Sort(Example.CompareByTitle); } int pageCount = mExampleList.Count / (ROWS_PER_PAGE * EXAMPLES_PER_ROW) + ((0 == mExampleList.Count % (ROWS_PER_PAGE * EXAMPLES_PER_ROW)) ? 0 : 1); mPages = new View[pageCount]; int pageIndex = 0; uint exampleCount = 0; for (int t = 0; t < mTotalPages; t++) { // Create Table TableView page = new TableView(ROWS_PER_PAGE, EXAMPLES_PER_ROW); page.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; page.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.Center; page.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.Center; page.WidthResizePolicy = page.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; mScrollView.Add(page); // Calculate the number of images going across (columns) within a page, according to the screen resolution and dpi. const float margin = 2.0f; const float tileParentMultiplier = 1.0f / EXAMPLES_PER_ROW; for (uint row = 0; row < ROWS_PER_PAGE; row++) { for (uint column = 0; column < EXAMPLES_PER_ROW; column++) { Example example = mExampleList.ElementAt((int)exampleCount++); // Calculate the tiles relative position on the page (between 0 & 1 in each dimension). Vector2 position = new Vector2((float)(column) / (EXAMPLES_PER_ROW - 1.0f), (float)(row) / (EXAMPLES_PER_ROW - 1.0f)); View tile = CreateTile(example.Name, example.Title, new Vector3(tileParentMultiplier, tileParentMultiplier, 1.0f), position); tile.SetPadding(new PaddingType((int)margin, (int)margin, (int)margin, (int)margin)); page.AddChild(tile, new TableView.CellPosition(row, column)); tiles.Add(tile); if (exampleCount == mExampleList.Count) { break; } } if (exampleCount == mExampleList.Count) { break; } } mPages[pageIndex++] = page; if (exampleCount == mExampleList.Count) { break; } } } // Update Ruler info. mScrollRulerX = new RulerPtr(new FixedRuler(mPageWidth)); mScrollRulerY = new RulerPtr(new DefaultRuler()); mScrollRulerX.SetDomain(new RulerDomain(0.0f, (mTotalPages + 1) * stageSize.Width * TABLE_RELATIVE_SIZE.X * 0.5f, true)); mScrollRulerY.Disable(); mScrollView.SetRulerX(mScrollRulerX); mScrollView.SetRulerY(mScrollRulerY); } private void SetupBackground(View bubbleContainer) { // Add bubbles to the bubbleContainer. // Note: The bubbleContainer is parented externally to this function. AddBackgroundActors(bubbleContainer, NUM_BACKGROUND_IMAGES); } private void AddBackgroundActors(View layer, int count) { int shapeType = 0; Random sizeRandom = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); Random shapeRandom = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int randSize = sizeRandom.Next(10, 400); shapeType = shapeRandom.Next(0, NUMBER_OF_SHAPE_IMAGES); Console.WriteLine("randSize is {0}, shapeType is {1}", randSize, shapeType); ImageView dfActor = new ImageView(); dfActor.Size2D = new Vector2(randSize, randSize); dfActor.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; dfActor.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.Center; // Set the Image URL and the custom shader at the same time PropertyMap effect = CreateDistanceFieldEffect(); PropertyMap imageMap = new PropertyMap(); imageMap.Insert(ImageVisualProperty.URL, new PropertyValue(SHAPE_IMAGE_TABLE[shapeType])); imageMap.Insert(Visual.Property.Shader, new PropertyValue(effect)); imageMap.Insert(Visual.Property.MixColor, new PropertyValue(BUBBLE_COLOR[i % NUMBER_OF_BUBBLE_COLOR])); dfActor.ImageMap = imageMap; layer.Add(dfActor); } // Positioning will occur when the layer is relaid out layer.Relayout += InitialiseBackgroundActors; } private void InitialiseBackgroundActors(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Delete current animations mBackgroundAnimations.Clear(); View actor = sender as View; // Create new animations Size2D size = actor.Size2D; Random childPosRandom = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); Random animationDurationRandom = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); for (uint i = 0, childCount = actor.GetChildCount(); i < childCount; ++i) { View child = actor.GetChildAt(i); // Calculate a random position Vector3 childPos = new Vector3(childPosRandom.Next((int)(-size.Width * 0.5f * BACKGROUND_SPREAD_SCALE), (int)(size.Width * 0.85f * BACKGROUND_SPREAD_SCALE)), childPosRandom.Next((int)(-size.Height), (int)(size.Height)), childPosRandom.Next((int)BUBBLE_MIN_Z, (int)BUBBLE_MAX_Z)); child.Position = childPos; // Kickoff animation Animation animation = new Animation(animationDurationRandom.Next(30, 160) * 1000); animation.AnimateBy(child, "Position", new Vector3(0.0f, -2000.0f, 0.0f), new AlphaFunction(AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.Linear)); animation.Looping = true; animation.Play(); mBackgroundAnimations.Add(animation); } } private PropertyMap CreateDistanceFieldEffect() { string fragmentShaderPrefix = "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable\n"; string fragmentShader = "varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord;\n" + "\n" + "uniform mediump float uGlowBoundary;\n" + "uniform mediump vec2 uOutlineParams;\n" + "uniform lowp vec4 uOutlineColor;\n" + "uniform lowp vec4 uShadowColor;\n" + "uniform mediump vec2 uShadowOffset;\n" + "uniform lowp vec4 uGlowColor;\n" + "uniform lowp float uDoOutline;\n" + "uniform lowp float uDoShadow;\n" + "uniform lowp float uDoGlow;\n" + "\n" + "uniform sampler2D sTexture;\n" + "uniform lowp vec4 uColor;\n" + "\n" + "void main()\n" + "{\n" + "// sample distance field\n" + "mediump float smoothing = 0.5;\n" + "mediump float distance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;\n" + "mediump float smoothWidth = fwidth(distance);\n" + "mediump float alphaFactor = smoothstep(smoothing - smoothWidth, smoothing + smoothWidth, distance);\n" + "lowp vec4 color;\n" + "if (uDoShadow == 0.0)\n" + "{\n" + "mediump float alpha = uColor.a * alphaFactor;\n" + "lowp vec4 rgb = uColor;\n" + "\n" + "if (uDoOutline > 0.0)\n" + "{\n" + "mediump float outlineWidth = uOutlineParams[1] + smoothWidth;\n" + "mediump float outlineBlend = smoothstep(uOutlineParams[0] - outlineWidth, uOutlineParams[0] + outlineWidth, distance);\n" + "alpha = smoothstep(smoothing - smoothWidth, smoothing + smoothWidth, distance);\n" + "rgb = mix(uOutlineColor, uColor, outlineBlend);\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "if (uDoGlow > 0.0)\n" + "{\n" + "rgb = mix(uGlowColor, rgb, alphaFactor);\n" + "alpha = smoothstep(uGlowBoundary, smoothing, distance);\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "// set fragment color\n" + "color = vec4(rgb.rgb, alpha);\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "else // (uDoShadow > 0.0)\n" + "{\n" + "mediump float shadowDistance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord - uShadowOffset).a;\n" + "mediump float inText = alphaFactor;\n" + "mediump float inShadow = smoothstep(smoothing - smoothWidth, smoothing + smoothWidth, shadowDistance);\n" + "\n" + "// inside object, outside shadow\n" + "if (inText == 1.0)\n" + "{\n" + "color = uColor;\n" + "}\n" + "// inside object, outside shadow\n" + "else if ((inText != 0.0) && (inShadow == 0.0))\n" + "{\n" + "color = uColor;\n" + "color.a *= inText;\n" + "}\n" + "// outside object, completely inside shadow\n" + "else if ((inText == 0.0) && (inShadow == 1.0))\n" + "{\n" + "color = uShadowColor;\n" + "}\n" + "// inside object, completely inside shadow\n" + "else if ((inText != 0.0) && (inShadow == 1.0))\n" + "{\n" + "color = mix(uShadowColor, uColor, inText);\n" + "color.a = uShadowColor.a;\n" + "}\n" + "// inside object, inside shadow's border\n" + "else if ((inText != 0.0) && (inShadow != 0.0))\n" + "{\n" + "color = mix(uShadowColor, uColor, inText);\n" + "color.a *= max(inText, inShadow);\n" + "}\n" + "// inside shadow's border\n" + "else if (inShadow != 0.0)\n" + "{\n" + "color = uShadowColor;\n" + "color.a *= inShadow;\n" + "}\n" + "// outside shadow and object\n" + "else \n" + "{\n" + "color.a = 0.0;\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "gl_FragColor = color;\n" + "\n" + "}"; PropertyMap map = new PropertyMap(); PropertyMap customShader = new PropertyMap(); string fragmentShaderString; fragmentShaderString = fragmentShaderPrefix + fragmentShader; customShader.Insert(Visual.ShaderProperty.FragmentShader, new PropertyValue(fragmentShaderString)); customShader.Insert(Visual.ShaderProperty.ShaderHints, new PropertyValue((int)Shader.Hint.Value.OUTPUT_IS_TRANSPARENT)); map.Insert(Visual.Property.Shader, new PropertyValue(customShader)); return map; } private void ApplyScrollViewEffect() { // Remove old effect if exists. if (mScrollViewEffect) { mScrollView.RemoveEffect(mScrollViewEffect); } // Just one effect for now SetupInnerPageCubeEffect(); mScrollView.ApplyEffect(mScrollViewEffect); } private void SetupInnerPageCubeEffect() { Vector2 stageSize = NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow().WindowSize; Path path = new Path(); PropertyArray points = new PropertyArray(); points.PushBack(new PropertyValue(new Vector3(stageSize.X * 0.5f, 0.0f, stageSize.X * 0.5f))); points.PushBack(new PropertyValue(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); points.PushBack(new PropertyValue(new Vector3(-stageSize.X * 0.5f, 0.0f, stageSize.X * 0.5f))); path.Points = points; PropertyArray controlPoints = new PropertyArray(); controlPoints.PushBack(new PropertyValue(new Vector3(stageSize.X * 0.5f, 0.0f, stageSize.X * 0.3f))); controlPoints.PushBack(new PropertyValue(new Vector3(stageSize.X * 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); controlPoints.PushBack(new PropertyValue(new Vector3(-stageSize.X * 0.3f, 0.0f, 0.0f))); controlPoints.PushBack(new PropertyValue(new Vector3(-stageSize.X * 0.5f, 0.0f, stageSize.X * 0.3f))); path.ControlPoints = controlPoints; mScrollViewEffect = new ScrollViewPagePathEffect(path, new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), ScrollView.Property.ScrollFinalX, new Vector3(stageSize.X * TABLE_RELATIVE_SIZE.X, stageSize.Y * TABLE_RELATIVE_SIZE.Y, 0.0f), mTotalPages); } void ApplyCubeEffectToPages() { uint pageCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mPages.Count(); i++) { View page = mPages[i]; mScrollViewEffect.ApplyToPage(page, pageCount++); } } void Rotate(uint degrees) { // Resize the root actor Vector2 stageSize = NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow().WindowSize; Vector3 targetSize = new Vector3(stageSize.X, stageSize.Y, 1.0f); if (degrees == 90 || degrees == 270) { targetSize = new Vector3(stageSize.Y, stageSize.X, 1.0f); } if (mRotateAnimation) { mRotateAnimation.Stop(); mRotateAnimation.Clear(); } mRotateAnimation = new Animation((int)(ROTATE_ANIMATION_TIME * 1000.0)); mRotateAnimation.AnimateTo(mRootActor, "Orientation", new Rotation(new Radian(new Degree(360 - degrees)), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)), new AlphaFunction(AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseOut)); mRotateAnimation.AnimateTo(mRootActor, "Size", targetSize, new AlphaFunction(AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions.EaseOut)); mRotateAnimation.Play(); } internal View mRootActor; // All content (excluding background is anchored to this Actor) private Animation mRotateAnimation; // Animation to rotate and resize mRootActor. private Animation mPressedAnimation; // Button press scaling animation. private ScrollView mScrollView; // ScrollView container (for all Examples) private ScrollViewPagePathEffect mScrollViewEffect; // Effect to be applied to the scroll view private RulerPtr mScrollRulerX; // ScrollView X (horizontal) ruler private RulerPtr mScrollRulerY; // ScrollView Y (vertical) ruler private View mPressedActor; // The currently pressed actor. private Timer mAnimationTimer; // Timer used to turn off animation after a specific time period // This struct encapsulates all data relevant to each of the elements used within the custom keyboard focus effect. private struct FocusEffect { public Animation animation; // The animation for the parent keyboard focus highlight actor }; FocusEffect[] mFocusEffect = new FocusEffect[FOCUS_ANIMATION_ACTOR_NUMBER]; // The elements used to create the custom focus effect private View[] mPages; // List of pages. private List mBackgroundAnimations = new List(); // List of background bubble animations private List mExampleList = new List(); // List of examples. private float mPageWidth; // The width of a page within the scroll-view, used to calculate the domain private uint mTotalPages; // Total pages within scrollview. private bool mScrolling; // Flag indicating whether view is currently being scrolled private bool mSortAlphabetically; // Sort examples alphabetically. private bool mBackgroundAnimsPlaying; // Are background animations playing } }