IoTCon(Tizen IoT Connectivity) Test Program If you install the "iotcon package", you can test operations of iotcon. The result of test is printed out through DLOG. If you specify the LOG_TAG value to 'ICTEST'(&'IOTCON'), you can see the output of test programs. There are four pairs of test programs. 1. Basic Test It is for testing CRUDN methods. A client can require CRUDN operations to server's resource through iotcon_remote_resource_get/put/post/delete() and iotcon_remote_resource_observe_register(). $ /usr/bin/iotcon-test-basic-server $ /usr/bin/iotcon-test-basic-client 2. Interface Test You can check the operations of resource that contains child resources. If the client require GET operation to server's parent resource, server sends response with representation including children's information. The contents of information are decided by the resource interface set by server. Client can send desired interface with request to server. $ /usr/bin/iotcon-test-iface-server $ /usr/bin/iotcon-test-iface-client 3. Get Device/Platform Information Test Because device information and platform information are set by iotcon, you can check the information through iotcon_get_device_info() and iotcon_get_platform_info(). $ /usr/bin/iotcon-test-device-client 4. Resource Encapsulation Test It is for testing resource encapsulation. Resource Encapsulation consists of lite resource, resource monitoring, and resource caching. If the server uses lite resource, there is no need to create a request handler. The client can check resource's state using iotcon_remote_resource_start_monitoring(). Also, the client can keep the resource's representation up to date using iotcon_remote_resource_start_caching(). $ /usr/bin/iotcon-test-encap-server $ /usr/bin/iotcon-test-encap-client