# PerformanceTest project for Ubuntu build and debug - **Dali** Ubuntu build and **tizenfx-stub** Ubuntu build should be done(be set up) before running this project. - Please check this references first : [NUI Ubuntu guide](https://code.sec.samsung.net/confluence/display/GFX/NUI+running+on+Ubuntu+backend), [DALi Ubuntu guide](https://code.sec.samsung.net/confluence/display/GFX/DALi+Getting+Started+Guide) ### nuget.config - Please check the ~/.nuget/NuGet/NuGet.Config file to set nuget package sources. - At least, these 2 sources should be included : https://tizen.myget.org/F/dotnet/api/v3/index.json, https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json ![](./.pic/NugetConfig.png) ### VS Code related setting - Please change the paths shown blow as for your environment. - .vscode/launch.json ![](./.pic/launch.png) ### csproj file - Set the target framework installed in your environment. - PerformanceTest.csproj - Please check .NET version like below. Should be 3.1 version. ![](./.pic/csproj-file.png) ### Start debugging - Open VS Code by the command, **"$ code PerformanceTest.code-workspace"** in /TizenFX/test/PerformanceTest/ folder. - Do run and debug by clicking "play button" as shown below ![](./.pic/run.png)