/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections.Generic; using Tizen.Applications; namespace ElmSharp.Test { public class TestRunner : CoreUIApplication { internal Window _firstPageWindow; private static bool s_terminated; public static string ResourceDir { get; private set; } public string Profile { get; set; } public TestRunner() { s_terminated = false; } protected override void OnCreate() { ResourceDir = DirectoryInfo.Resource; var testCases = GetTestCases(); CreateFirstPage(testCases); base.OnCreate(); } protected override void OnTerminate() { s_terminated = true; base.OnTerminate(); } public void RunStandalone(string[] args) { ResourceDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(TestRunner).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location), "res"); EcoreSynchronizationContext.Initialize(); var testCases = GetTestCases(); TestCaseBase theTest = null; if (args.Count() > 0) { theTest = testCases.Where((testCase) => testCase.TestName == args[0] || testCase.GetType().ToString() == args[0]).FirstOrDefault(); } if (theTest != null) { StartTC(theTest); EcoreMainloop.Begin(); } else { CreateFirstPage(testCases); EcoreMainloop.Begin(); } Elementary.Shutdown(); } private IEnumerable GetTestCases() { Assembly asm = typeof(TestRunner).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; Type testCaseType = typeof(TestCaseBase); var tests = from test in asm.GetTypes() where testCaseType.IsAssignableFrom(test) && !test.GetTypeInfo().IsInterface && !test.GetTypeInfo().IsAbstract select Activator.CreateInstance(test) as TestCaseBase; return from test in tests orderby test.TestName select test; } internal static void UIExit() { EcoreMainloop.Quit(); } private Window CreateWindow(bool isSecond = false) { Window window = new Window("ElmSharp UI Tests") { AvailableRotations = DisplayRotation.Degree_0 | DisplayRotation.Degree_180 | DisplayRotation.Degree_270 | DisplayRotation.Degree_90 }; window.Show(); if (isSecond) { window.BackButtonPressed += (s, e) => { window.Hide(); window.Unrealize(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); }; } else { window.BackButtonPressed += (s, e) => { UIExit(); }; } return window; } private void CreateFirstPage(IEnumerable testCases) { _firstPageWindow = CreateWindow(); Console.WriteLine("Screen DPI : {0}", _firstPageWindow.ScreenDpi.X); Conformant conformant = new Conformant(_firstPageWindow); conformant.Show(); Box box = new Box(_firstPageWindow) { AlignmentX = -1, AlignmentY = -1, WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, }; box.Show(); var bg = new Background(_firstPageWindow); bg.Color = Color.White; bg.SetContent(box); conformant.SetContent(bg); GenList list = new GenList(_firstPageWindow) { Homogeneous = true, AlignmentX = -1, AlignmentY = -1, WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1 }; GenItemClass defaultClass = new GenItemClass("default") { GetTextHandler = (data, part) => { TestCaseBase tc = data as TestCaseBase; return tc == null ? "" : tc.TestName; } }; foreach (var tc in testCases.Where((tc) => tc.TargetProfile.HasFlag(GetTargetProfile()))) { list.Append(defaultClass, tc); } if (Profile == "wearable") { list.Prepend(defaultClass, null); list.Append(defaultClass, null); } list.ItemSelected += (s, e) => { TestCaseBase tc = e.Item.Data as TestCaseBase; StartTCFromList(tc); }; list.Show(); box.PackEnd(list); } private void StartTC(TestCaseBase tc) { Window window = CreateWindow(); tc.Run(window); } private void StartTCFromList(TestCaseBase tc) { Window window = CreateWindow(true); tc.Run(window); } private TargetProfile GetTargetProfile() { switch (Profile) { case "wearable" : return TargetProfile.Wearable; case "mobile" : return TargetProfile.Mobile; case "tv": return TargetProfile.Tv; } return TargetProfile.Mobile; } static void Main(string[] args) { Elementary.Initialize(); Elementary.ThemeOverlay(); var profile = Elementary.GetProfile(); Console.WriteLine("ELM_PROFILE : {0}", profile); Console.WriteLine("ELM_SCALE : {0}", Elementary.GetScale()); TestRunner testRunner = new TestRunner(); testRunner.Profile = profile; testRunner.Run(args); // if running with appfw is failed, below line will be executed. if (!s_terminated) { testRunner.RunStandalone(args); } } } }