#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { unshift @INC, ($::ENV{'BUILD_DIR'} || '/usr/lib/build'); } use strict; use Build; sub expand { my ($config, $str) = @_; my @xspec; my %cf = %$config; $cf{'save_expanded'} = 1; Build::Rpm::parse(\%cf, [ "$str" ], \@xspec); return @xspec && ref($xspec[0]) ? $xspec[0]->[1] : ''; } my ($dist, $buildroot, $rpmdeps, $archs, $configdir, $release, $changelog); while (@ARGV) { if ($ARGV[0] eq '--root') { shift @ARGV; $buildroot = shift @ARGV; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--dist') { shift @ARGV; $dist = shift @ARGV; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--archpath') { shift @ARGV; $archs = shift @ARGV; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--configdir') { shift @ARGV; $configdir = shift @ARGV; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--release') { shift @ARGV; $release = shift @ARGV; next; } if ($ARGV[0] eq '--changelog') { shift @ARGV; $changelog = shift @ARGV; next; } last; } die("Usage: substitutedeps --dist --archpath [--configdir ] \n") unless @ARGV == 2; my $spec = $ARGV[0]; my $specdir = $spec; $specdir =~ s/[^\/]*$//; $specdir = "./" if $specdir eq ''; my $newspec = $ARGV[1]; my $cf = Build::read_config_dist($dist, $archs, $configdir); $cf->{'warnings'} = 1; ####################################################################### my $xspec = []; my $d = Build::parse($cf, $spec, $xspec) || {}; my @sdeps = @{$d->{'deps'} || []}; my @neg = map {substr($_, 1)} grep {/^-/} @{$d->{'deps'} || []}; my %neg = map {$_ => 1} @neg; @sdeps = grep {!$neg{$_}} @sdeps; @sdeps = Build::do_subst($cf, @sdeps); @sdeps = grep {!$neg{$_}} @sdeps; my %sdeps = map {$_ => 1} @sdeps; open(F, '>', $newspec) || die("$newspec: $!\n"); my $used; my $inchangelog = 0; my $mainpkg = ''; my $pkg; for my $l (@$xspec) { $used = 1; if (ref($l)) { if (!defined($l->[1])) { $used = 0; $l = $l->[0]; } else { $l = $l->[1]; } } if ($inchangelog) { $inchangelog = 0 if $l =~ /^\s*%[^%]/; next if $inchangelog; } if ($changelog && ($l =~ /\s*\%changelog\b/)) { $inchangelog = 1; next; } if ($l =~ /^Name\s*:\s*(\S+)/i) { $pkg = $mainpkg = $1 unless $mainpkg; } if ($l =~ /^\s*%package\s+(-n\s+)?(\S+)/) { if ($1) { $pkg = $2; } else { $pkg = "$mainpkg-$2"; } } if ($l =~ /^Release:/i) { my $oldl = $l; if (defined $release) { if (!($l =~ s//$release/g)) { if ($l =~ /<(?:CI_CNT|B_CNT)>/) { # XXX: should pass ci_cnt/b_cnt instead if ($release =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { my ($ci, $b) = ($1, $2); $l =~ s//$ci/; $l =~ s//$b/; } elsif ($release =~ /(\d+)$/) { my $b = $1; $l =~ s//$b/ unless $l =~ s//$b/; } } else { $l =~ s/^(Release:\s*).*/$1$release/i; } } } # this is to be compatible to legacy autobuild. # you can specify a releaseprg in the project configuration, # if your package contains this file it is executed and its # output is used as a release. # use only if you really must. if ($cf->{'releaseprg'} && -f "$specdir$cf->{'releaseprg'}") { my $newl = $l; $newl =~ s/^Release:\s*//; $oldl =~ s/^Release:\s*//; my $project = expand($cf, "%?_project") || 'BUILD_BASENAME'; my $arch = expand($cf, "%?_target_cpu") || 'noarch'; $::ENV{'BUILD_OLDRELEASE'} = $oldl; my @nl; my $interpreter = "/bin/bash"; if (open(RP, '<', "$specdir$cf->{'releaseprg'}")) { @nl = ; close RP; if (@nl && $nl[0] =~ /^#!\s*(\S*)/) { $interpreter = $1; } } if ($buildroot) { my $sd = $specdir; $sd =~ s/^\Q$buildroot\E//; open(RP, "-|", 'chroot', $buildroot, $interpreter, "$sd$cf->{'releaseprg'}", $project, $newl, $pkg, $arch) || die("$cf->{'releaseprg'}: $!\n"); } else { open(RP, "-|", $interpreter, "$specdir$cf->{'releaseprg'}", $project, $newl, $pkg, $arch) || die("$cf->{'releaseprg'}: $!\n"); } @nl = grep {$_ ne ''} ; if (!close(RP)) { warn("$cf->{'releaseprg'} failed: $?\n"); } # and another compatibility hack: if the prg returns pkg:, # the release of the package will be used. yuck... if (@nl && $nl[0] =~ s/^pkg://) { my $relpkg = $nl[0]; chomp $relpkg; if ($buildroot) { open(RP, "-|", 'chroot', $buildroot, 'rpm', '-q', '--qf', '%{RELEASE}', $relpkg) || die("rpm: $!\n"); } else { open(RP, "-|", 'rpm', '-q', '--qf', '%{RELEASE}', $relpkg) || die("rpm: $!\n"); } @nl = grep {$_ ne ''} ; if (!close(RP)) { warn("rpm package query of '$relpkg' failed: $?\n"); } } if ($nl[0]) { chomp $nl[0]; $l =~ s/^(Release:\s*).*/$1$nl[0]/i; if (defined $release) { if (!($l =~ s//$release/g)) { if ($l =~ /<(?:CI_CNT|B_CNT)>/) { # XXX: should pass ci_cnt/b_cnt instead if ($release =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { my ($ci, $b) = ($1, $2); $l =~ s//$ci/; $l =~ s//$b/; } elsif ($release =~ /(\d+)$/) { my $b = $1; $l =~ s//$b/ unless $l =~ s//$b/; } } } } } } # all compat stuff done. we return to your scheduled program } if (!$used || ($l !~ /^(?:Build)?Requires:/i)) { print F "$l\n"; next; } my $isbuildrequires = 0; $isbuildrequires = 1 if $l =~ /^BuildRequires:/i; my $r = $l; $r =~ s/^[^:]*:\s*//; my @deps = $r =~ /([^\s\[,]+)(\s+[<=>]+\s+[^\s\[,]+)?[\s,]*/g; my @ndeps = (); my $replace = 0; my @f2 = Build::do_subst_vers($cf, @deps); my %f2 = @f2; if ($isbuildrequires) { delete $f2{$_} for @neg; delete $f2{$_} for grep {/^-/} keys %f2; } while (@deps) { my ($pack, $vers) = splice(@deps, 0, 2); $vers = '' unless defined $vers; if (($isbuildrequires && $sdeps{$pack}) || exists($f2{$pack})) { push @ndeps, "$pack$vers"; delete $f2{$pack}; } else { $replace = 1; } } if (%f2) { while (@f2) { my ($pack, $vers) = splice(@f2, 0, 2); next unless exists $f2{$pack}; $vers = '' unless defined $vers; push @ndeps, "$pack$vers"; } $replace = 1 } if ($replace) { $l =~ /^(.*?:\s*)/; print F $1.join(' ', @ndeps)."\n" if @ndeps; } else { print F "$l\n"; } } if ($changelog) { print F "%changelog\n"; if (open(CF, '<', $changelog)) { while() { print F $_; } close CF; } } close(F) || die("close: $!\n"); exit(0);