// This file was generated by the Gtk# code generator. // Any changes made will be lost if regenerated. namespace Gst { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; #region Autogenerated code [Flags] [GLib.GType (typeof (Gst.MessageTypeGType))] public enum MessageType : uint { Unknown = 0, Eos = 1, Error = 2, Warning = 4, Info = 8, Tag = 16, Buffering = 32, StateChanged = 64, StateDirty = 128, StepDone = 256, ClockProvide = 512, ClockLost = 1024, NewClock = 2048, StructureChange = 4096, StreamStatus = 8192, Application = 16384, Element = 32768, SegmentStart = 65536, SegmentDone = 131072, DurationChanged = 262144, Latency = 524288, AsyncStart = 1048576, AsyncDone = 2097152, RequestState = 4194304, StepStart = 8388608, Qos = 16777216, Progress = 33554432, Toc = 67108864, ResetTime = 134217728, StreamStart = 268435456, NeedContext = 536870912, HaveContext = 1073741824, Extended = 2147483648, DeviceAdded = 2147483649, DeviceRemoved = 2147483650, PropertyNotify = 2147483651, StreamCollection = 2147483652, StreamsSelected = 2147483653, Redirect = 2147483654, DeviceChanged = 2147483655, InstantRateRequest = 2147483656, Any = 4294967295, } internal class MessageTypeGType { [DllImport ("gstreamer-1.0-0.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] static extern IntPtr gst_message_type_get_type (); public static GLib.GType GType { get { return new GLib.GType (gst_message_type_get_type ()); } } } #endregion }