!cxx E0+unexpectedEof++unexpected end of file E0+invalidChar++invalid character E0+unknownHash++invalid character after '#' E1+unknownNamedConstant++unknown #! named constant %1 E1+unexpectedToken++unexpected token %1 E0+unterminatedString++string with no closing quote E0+missingCloseParen++missing closing parenthesis E1+invalidNumber++invalid number %1 E1+invalidAfiiGlyphId++invalid AFII glyph identifier %1 E1+callNonFunction++call of non-function object %1 E0+tooManyArgs++too many arguments for function E0+oddKeyArgs++odd number of keyword/value arguments E0+missingArg++missing argument for function call E1+syntacticKeywordAsVariable++syntactic keyword %1 used as variable E1+undefinedVariableReference++reference to undefined variable %1 E1+badCharName++no character with name %1 E1+keywordNotAllowedCall++syntactic keyword %1 not valid in call position E1+symbolRequired++symbol required (got %1) E1+unknownTopLevelForm++unknown top level form %1 E1+badModeForm++bad form %1 in mode group E1+duplicateDefinition++identifier %1 already defined in same part+first definition was here E1+identifierLoop++loop in specification of value of %1 E0+outOfRange++argument out of range E1+unitLoop++loop in specification of value of unit %1 E1+badUnitDefinition++bad value specified for unit %1 E1+duplicateUnitDefinition++unit %1 already defined in same part+first definition was here E1+undefinedQuantity++quantity %1 undefined E0+incompatibleDimensions++incompatible dimensions E3+notABoolean++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a boolean E3+notAPair++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a pair E3+notAList++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a list E3+notASymbol++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a symbol E3+notAString++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a string E3+notAStringOrSymbol++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a string or symbol E3+notASymbolOrString++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 neither a string not a symbol E3+notAChar++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a char E3+notATimeString++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not an ISO8601 time string E3+notAStyle++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a style E3+notAnExactInteger++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not an exact integer E3+notAQuantity++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a quantity E3+notAColorSpace++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a color-space E3+notANumber++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a number E3+notASosofo++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a sosofo E3+notAnOptSingletonNode++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not an optional singleton node list E3+notASingletonNode++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a singleton node list E3+notANodeList++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a node list E3+notANamedNodeList++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a named node list E3+notALengthSpec++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a length or length-spec E3+notAQuantityOrLengthSpec++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a quantity or length-spec E3+notAPriority++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not an integer or the symbol "force" E3+notAPattern++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a valid element matching pattern E3+notAnAddress++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not an address E3+notAGlyphId++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a glyph-id E3+notAGlyphSubstTable++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a glyph-subst-table E3+notAGlyphIdPairList++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a list of pairs of glyph-ids E3+notAProcedure++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a procedure E3+notAVector++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a vector E0+duplicateRootRule++root rule already defined in same part with same importance+first definition was here E1+duplicateInitialValue++initial value already declared for characteristic %1 in same part+first declaration was here E1+invalidStyleKeyword++%1 is not a valid keyword in a style expression E2+invalidMakeKeyword++%1 is not a valid keyword in a make expression for flow object class %2 E1+unknownFlowObjectClass++%1 is not the name of any flow object class E1+atomicContent++content expression cannot be specified in make expression for atomic flow object class %1 E0+labelNotASymbol++value for "label:" not a symbol E1+badConnection++no port for label %1 E0+badContentMap++invalid content map E1+contentMapBadPort++content map references non-existent port %1 E1+invalidCharacteristicValue++invalid value for %1 characteristic E0+condFail++no clause in cond expression matched E1+caseFail++no clause in case expression matched %1 E1+caseElse++expected "else" not %1 E0+caseUnresolvedQuantities++sorry, cannot handle unresolvable quantities in datums in case expression E1+errorProc++%1 E0+divideBy0++division by zero E1+invalidKeyArg++procedure does not have %1 keyword argument E0+keyArgsNotKey++argument not a keyword E0+oneBody++support for more than one style-specification-body not yet implemented E0+specNotArc++specification document does not have the DSSSL architecture as a base architecture E0+noStyleSpec++specification document did not contain a style-specification-body element E1+unknownCharName++unknown character name %1 E0+noCurrentNode++attempt to use current node when there is none E0+noCurrentProcessingMode++attempt to process node in illegal context E0+invalidRadix++radix must be 2, 8, 10 or 16 E0+sosofoContext++this context requires a sosofo E0+styleContext++this context requires a style object E0+notInCharacteristicValue++procedure can only be used in evaluation of characteristic value E1+expressionNotImplemented++sorry, %1 expression not implemented E1+colorArgCount++%1 color requires three arguments E1+colorArgType++arguments for %1 color must be numbers E1+colorArgRange++arguments for %1 color must be in the range 0 to 1 E1+colorProcResType++result of procedure in %1 color must be a number E1+unknownColorSpaceFamily++unknown color-space family %1 E1+colorSpaceNoArgs++%1 color-space family does not take any arguments E1+colorSpaceArgError++invalid parameters for %1 color-space family E1+notABuiltinInheritedC++%1 is not a pre-defined inherited characteristic E1+invalidNumberFormat++invalid number format %1 E1+invalidPublicIdChar++invalid character %1 in public identifier I1+debug++debug %1 E0+useLoop++circular use of specification parts E1+missingPart++no style-specification or external-specification with ID %1 E0+noParts++document did not contain any style-specifications or external-specifications E0+tableCellOutsideTable++table-cell flow object not inside a table E0+tableRowOutsideTable++table-row flow object not inside a table E1+noNodePropertyValue++no value for node property %1 E0+returnNotNodeList++value returned by procedure was not a node-list I0+stackTrace++called from here I1+stackTraceEllipsis++called from here...(%1 calls omitted) E0+processNodeLoop++node processing loop detected E0+spliceNotList++unquote-splicing expression does not evaluate to a list E0+readOnly++object is read-only E1+topLevelAssignment++assignment to top-level variable %1 E0+continuationDead++invalid call to continuation E0+patternEmptyGi++empty generic identifier in pattern E0+patternNotList++pattern is not a list E1+patternBadGi++%1 cannot be used as a generic identifier in a pattern E1+patternBadMember++%1 cannot occur in a pattern E0+patternMissingQualifierValue++value missing for qualifier in pattern E1+patternUnknownQualifier++unknown pattern qualifier %1 E2+patternBadQualifierValue++bad value %1 for %2 qualifier in pattern E0+patternChildRepeat++repeat qualifier not allowed inside children qualifier E0+patternBadAttributeQualifier++bad value for attributes qualifier in pattern E1+ambiguousStyle++characteristic %1 applied in style rule with same specificity+other style rule is here E0+ambiguousMatch++node matches more than one pattern with the same specificity E1+uninitializedVariableReference++reference to uninitialized variable %1 E1+actualLoop++circular use of actual value of characteristic %1 E1+duplicateCharacteristic++characteristic %1 already defined in same part+first definition was here E1+duplicateFlowObjectClass++flow object class %1 already defined in same part+first definition was here E1+undefinedMode++mode %1 not defined E1+duplicateCharName++duplicate character name %1 E1+duplicateSdataEntityName++duplicate SDATA entity name %1 E1+duplicateSdataEntityText++duplicate SDATA entity text %1 W0+unsupportedDeclaration++unsupported declaration will be ignored W1+unsupportedCharRepertoire++unsupported character repertoire %1 will be ignored E0+badDeclaration++error in declaration element E1+duplicateDeclaration++duplicate declaration element (%1) E1+invalidIdentifier++%1 is not a valid identifier E0+badLanguageDefinition++error in language definition E0+noCurrentLanguage++no current language E3+notALanguage++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a language E3+notAPositiveInteger++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a po E3+notAnInteger++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not an integer E3+notAKeyword++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a keyword E3+notAnAlist++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not an alist E3+notACharList++%2 argument for primitive %1 of wrong type: %3 not a list of characters E3+lengthError++%2 argument for primitive %1 has wrong length W1+noExactRepresentation++quantity %1 can't be represented exactly E0+duplicateDefLangDecl++default language already declared in this part+first declaration was here E1+defLangDeclRequiresLanguage++%1 not a language as required in a default-language-declaration E1+invalidUnitName++%1 is not a valid unit name E1+invalidCharName++%1 is not a valid character name E1+invalidCharNumber++%1 is not a valid character number E1+unknownCharProperty++unknown character property %1 E0+badAddCharProperty++error in character property declaration E1+duplicateCharPropertyDecl++duplicate definition for character property %1+first definition was here E2+duplicateAddCharProperty++duplicate character property declaration %1 for character %2 E0+returnNotSosofo++value returned by procedure was not a sosofo E0+varCharPropertyExprUnsupported++variable expressions for character property values currently not supported