# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/arm.gni") if (is_chrome_branded) { _default_ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome" } else { _default_ffmpeg_branding = "Chromium" } if (is_chromeos) { _default_ffmpeg_branding = _default_ffmpeg_branding + "OS" } declare_args() { # Controls whether we build the Chromium or Google Chrome version of FFmpeg. # The Google Chrome version contains additional codecs. Typical values are # Chromium, Chrome, ChromiumOS, and ChromeOS. ffmpeg_branding = _default_ffmpeg_branding # When set to false will build Chromium against Chrome's FFmpeg headers, but # not build ffmpegsumo itself. Users are expected to build and provide # their own version of ffmpegsumo. build_ffmpegsumo = true } assert(ffmpeg_branding == "Chromium" || ffmpeg_branding == "Chrome" || ffmpeg_branding == "ChromiumOS" || ffmpeg_branding == "ChromeOS") if (cpu_arch == "x86") { ffmpeg_arch = "ia32" } else if (cpu_arch == "arm" && arm_version == 7 && arm_use_neon) { ffmpeg_arch = "arm-neon" } else { ffmpeg_arch = cpu_arch } os_config = os if ((is_linux || is_chromeos) && is_msan) { os_config = "linux-noasm" } else if (is_chromeos) { os_config = "linux" }