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[DoNotCheckSecurity] readonly attribute boolean closed; [Replaceable, DoNotCheckSecurity] readonly attribute unsigned long length; attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString status; [MeasureAs=WindowDefaultStatus] attribute DOMString defaultStatus; // This attribute is an alias of defaultStatus and is necessary for legacy uses. [ImplementedAs=defaultStatus, MeasureAs=WindowDefaultstatus] attribute DOMString defaultstatus; // Self referential attributes [Replaceable, DoNotCheckSecurity] readonly attribute Window self; [DoNotCheckSecurity, Unforgeable] readonly attribute Window window; [Replaceable, DoNotCheckSecurity] readonly attribute Window frames; [DoNotCheckSecurity, Custom=Setter] attribute Window opener; [Replaceable, DoNotCheckSecurity] readonly attribute Window parent; [DoNotCheckSecurity, Unforgeable] readonly attribute Window top; // DOM Level 2 AbstractView Interface readonly attribute Document document; // CSSOM View Module MediaQueryList matchMedia(DOMString query); // styleMedia has been removed from the CSSOM View specification. readonly attribute StyleMedia styleMedia; // DOM Level 2 Style Interface CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle([Default=Undefined] optional Element element, [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString, Default=Undefined] optional DOMString? pseudoElement); // WebKit extensions [MeasureAs=GetMatchedCSSRules] CSSRuleList getMatchedCSSRules([Default=Undefined] optional Element element, [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString, Default=Undefined] optional DOMString? pseudoElement); [Replaceable] readonly attribute double devicePixelRatio; [RuntimeEnabled=ApplicationCache, LogActivity=GetterOnly] readonly attribute ApplicationCache applicationCache; [RuntimeEnabled=SessionStorage, LogActivity=GetterOnly, RaisesException=Getter] readonly attribute Storage sessionStorage; [RuntimeEnabled=LocalStorage, LogActivity=GetterOnly, RaisesException=Getter] readonly attribute Storage localStorage; // This is the interface orientation in degrees. Some examples are: // 0 is straight up; -90 is when the device is rotated 90 clockwise; // 90 is when rotated counter clockwise. [RuntimeEnabled=OrientationEvent, MeasureAs=WindowOrientation] readonly attribute long orientation; [Replaceable] readonly attribute Console console; // cross-document messaging [DoNotCheckSecurity, Custom, RaisesException] void postMessage(SerializedScriptValue message, DOMString targetOrigin, optional sequence transfer); [Replaceable] readonly attribute Performance performance; [MeasureAs=UnprefixedRequestAnimationFrame] long requestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback); void cancelAnimationFrame(long id); [DeprecateAs=PrefixedRequestAnimationFrame] long webkitRequestAnimationFrame(RequestAnimationFrameCallback callback); [DeprecateAs=PrefixedCancelAnimationFrame, ImplementedAs=cancelAnimationFrame] void webkitCancelAnimationFrame(long id); [DeprecateAs=PrefixedCancelRequestAnimationFrame, ImplementedAs=cancelAnimationFrame] void webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(long id); [Replaceable] readonly attribute CSS CSS; // Event handler attributes [RuntimeEnabled=CSSAnimationUnprefixed] attribute EventHandler onanimationend; [RuntimeEnabled=CSSAnimationUnprefixed] attribute EventHandler onanimationiteration; [RuntimeEnabled=CSSAnimationUnprefixed] attribute EventHandler onanimationstart; [RuntimeEnabled=OrientationEvent] attribute EventHandler onorientationchange; attribute EventHandler onsearch; [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchcancel; [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchend; [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchmove; [RuntimeEnabled=Touch] attribute EventHandler ontouchstart; attribute EventHandler ontransitionend; attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationend; attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationiteration; attribute EventHandler onwebkitanimationstart; attribute EventHandler onwebkittransitionend; attribute EventHandler onwheel; [MeasureAs=WindowCaptureEvents] void captureEvents(); [MeasureAs=WindowReleaseEvents] void releaseEvents(); // Additional constructors. [MeasureAs=PrefixedTransitionEventConstructor] attribute TransitionEventConstructor WebKitTransitionEvent; [RuntimeEnabled=CSSAnimationUnprefixed] attribute WebKitAnimationEventConstructor AnimationEvent; [MeasureAs=PrefixedWindowURL] attribute URLConstructor webkitURL; // FIXME: deprecate this. [MeasureAs=PrefixedMutationObserverConstructor] attribute MutationObserverConstructor WebKitMutationObserver; // window.toString() requires special handling in V8 [DoNotCheckSignature, DoNotCheckSecurity, Custom, NotEnumerable] stringifier; [NotEnumerable] getter Window (unsigned long index); [Custom, NotEnumerable] getter Window (DOMString name); }; // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#transferable-objects // // Expressing the Transferable typedef in IDL depends on http://crbug.com/240176. // The postMessage() methods taking a Transferable array argument have custom // binding code that is able to handle the Transferables that we currently // recognize. To be able to declare a postMessage() signature that matches // the implementation, we provide a Transferable typedef but with an // incomplete type. // // FIXME: make this typedef accurate once enough of http://crbug.com/240176 // is in place. // FIXME: consider putting this typedef in an .idl file containing spec-wide // utility type definitions. typedef MessagePort Transferable; Window implements GlobalEventHandlers; Window implements WindowBase64; Window implements WindowEventHandlers; Window implements WindowTimers;