This test ensures that the descendants of children of non-stacking context overflow-scroll divs do not get promoted needlessly. Only the immediate child of an overflow-scroll div, or an unclipped descendant, need to be promoted. (GraphicsLayer (bounds 1832.00 1682.00) (children 1 (GraphicsLayer (bounds 1832.00 1682.00) (contentsOpaque 1) (drawsContent 1) (children 4 (GraphicsLayer (position 28.00 320.00) (bounds 402.00 402.00) (drawsContent 1) (children 4 (GraphicsLayer (position 1.00 1.00) (bounds 385.00 385.00) (children 1 (GraphicsLayer (bounds 385.00 950.00) (shouldFlattenTransform 0) ) ) ) (GraphicsLayer (position 1.00 386.00) (bounds 385.00 15.00) (drawsContent 1) ) (GraphicsLayer (position 386.00 1.00) (bounds 15.00 385.00) (drawsContent 1) ) (GraphicsLayer (position 386.00 386.00) (bounds 15.00 15.00) (drawsContent 1) ) ) ) (GraphicsLayer (position 39.00 331.00) (bounds 180.00 300.00) (contentsOpaque 1) (drawsContent 1) (backgroundColor #808080) ) (GraphicsLayer (position 39.00 961.00) (bounds 180.00 300.00) (contentsOpaque 1) (drawsContent 1) (backgroundColor #0000FF) ) (GraphicsLayer (position 39.00 641.00) (bounds 180.00 300.00) (contentsOpaque 1) (drawsContent 1) (backgroundColor #808080) (children 1 (GraphicsLayer (position 0.00 -200.00) (bounds 100.00 100.00) (contentsOpaque 1) ) ) ) ) ) ) )