Tests that adding a text track does not make controls visible. EVENT(canplaythrough) ** Initial state: no text tracks, controls should not be visible ** EXPECTED (video.textTracks.length == '0') OK EXPECTED (video.controls == 'false') OK EXPECTED (internals.shadowRoot(video).firstChild == 'null') OK ** Add a text track, controls should not become visible ** RUN(video.addTextTrack('captions')) EXPECTED (video.textTracks.length == '1') OK EXPECTED (video.controls == 'false') OK EXPECTED (internals.shadowRoot(video).firstChild == 'null') OK ** Enable controls ** RUN(video.setAttribute('controls','controls')) EXPECTED (video.textTracks.length == '1') OK EXPECTED (video.controls == 'true') OK EXPECTED (internals.shadowRoot(video).firstChild != 'null') OK EXPECTED (panel.style['display'] != 'none') OK END OF TEST