CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: function simpleTestFunction called CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: function simpleTestFunction called with arguments: 1 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: function simpleTestFunction called with arguments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: function simpleTestFunction3 called Tests traceCalls(fn) console command. Debugger was enabled. Running: testSimpleMonitor Start monitoring function. Set timer for test function. Console message received: function simpleTestFunction called Stop monitoring. Running: testSimpleMonitorWith1Arg Start monitoring function. Set timer for test function. Console message received: function simpleTestFunction called with arguments: 1 Stop monitoring. Running: testSimpleMonitorWithManyArgs Start monitoring function. Set timer for test function. Console message received: function simpleTestFunction called with arguments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Stop monitoring. Running: testSimpleUnmonitor Start monitoring function. Set timer for test function. Console message received: function simpleTestFunction3 called Stop monitoring. Running: testUnmonitorFuntionNotMonitored Debugger was disabled.