This test checks the names of all sorts of different functions. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS new Function(' return 1; ').toString().replace(/[ \n]+/g, ' ') is 'function anonymous() { return 1; }' PASS document.documentElement.onclick.toString().replace(/[ \n]+/g, ' ') is 'function onclick(event) { return 2; }' PASS ''.constructor is String FAIL Boolean.toString() should be function Boolean() { [native code] }. Was function Boolean() { [native code] }. FAIL Date.toString() should be function Date() { [native code] }. Was function Date() { [native code] }. FAIL Error.toString() should be function Error() { [native code] }. Was function Error() { [native code] }. FAIL EvalError.toString() should be function EvalError() { [native code] }. Was function EvalError() { [native code] }. FAIL Function.toString() should be function Function() { [native code] }. Was function Function() { [native code] }. FAIL Number.toString() should be function Number() { [native code] }. Was function Number() { [native code] }. FAIL Object.toString() should be function Object() { [native code] }. Was function Object() { [native code] }. FAIL RangeError.toString() should be function RangeError() { [native code] }. Was function RangeError() { [native code] }. FAIL ReferenceError.toString() should be function ReferenceError() { [native code] }. Was function ReferenceError() { [native code] }. FAIL RegExp.toString() should be function RegExp() { [native code] }. Was function RegExp() { [native code] }. FAIL String.toString() should be function String() { [native code] }. Was function String() { [native code] }. FAIL SyntaxError.toString() should be function SyntaxError() { [native code] }. Was function SyntaxError() { [native code] }. FAIL TypeError.toString() should be function TypeError() { [native code] }. Was function TypeError() { [native code] }. FAIL URIError.toString() should be function URIError() { [native code] }. Was function URIError() { [native code] }. PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE