@import "config.less"; /*************************************************************************** Header / Footer NavigationBar ***************************************************************************/ .ui-bar-s { border: none; background : rgba(248, 246, 239, 1); // #F8F6EF /* Header Background */ color: @color_bar_title_text; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size : 28 * @unit_base; .ui-link-inherit { color: @color_bar_title_text; } > .ui-btn.ui-btn-back { background : transparent; position : absolute; right : 0px; .ui-icon-header-back-btn { top : 8 * @unit_base; left : auto; right : 13 * @unit_base; margin-top : 0px } } } /* Header style */ .ui-header.ui-bar-s{ position : fixed; top : 0px; min-height : 55 * @unit_base; .ui-title { display: inline-block; color : @color_bar_title_text; min-height : 28 * @unit_base; max-height : 34 * @unit_base; /* temporary UX strange */ font-size : 28 * @unit_base; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; outline: 0 !important; text-align: left; margin: 16*@unit_base 8*@unit_base 5*@unit_base 8*@unit_base; } /* header button position : need to press area more... */ >.ui-btn { .ui-btn-inner.ui-btn-icon-only .ui-icon { left : 0px; top : 0px; margin-top : 0px; } } > .ui-btn.ui-btn-back { right : 13 * @unit_base; } img { display: inline-block; height: 16 * @unit_base; width: 16 * @unit_base; margin-left: 8 * @unit_base; } .ui-title-text-sub { position : absolute; top : 36 * @unit_base; left : 8 * @unit_base; font-size : 12 * @unit_base; img { height: 16 * @unit_base; width: 16 * @unit_base; margin-left: 8 * @unit_base; } } > .ui-btn{ position : absolute; top : 16 * @unit_base; margin-top : 0px; height : 34 * @unit_base; width : 34 * @unit_base; background: transparent; color : @color_bar_title_button_text; } > .ui-btn.ui-btn-icon_only { -o-border-radius : 0px; -ms-border-radius : 0px; -moz-border-radius : 0px; -webkit-border-radius : 0px; border-radius : 0px; } > .ui-btn:nth-child(2) { right : 13 * @unit_base; } > .ui-btn:nth-child(3) { right : 56 * @unit_base; } > img + h1 + a.ui-btn:nth-child(3) { right : 13 * @unit_base; } > img + h1 + a.ui-btn:nth-child(4) { right : 56 * @unit_base; } > img + h1 + span.ui-title-text-sub + a.ui-btn:nth-child(4) { right : 11 * @unit_base; } > img + h1 + span.ui-title-text-sub + a.ui-btn:nth-child(5) { right : 58 * @unit_base; } > .ui-btn.ui-btn-down-s { background : @color_bar_btn_press; color : @color_bar_title_button_text_press; } &.ui-title-multiline { .ui-title { min-height : 24 * @unit_base; max-height : 24 * @unit_base; /* temporary UX strange */ font-size : 22 * @unit_base; margin: 9*@unit_base 8*@unit_base 22*@unit_base 8*@unit_base; } } } .ui-footer.ui-bar-s { height : 49 * @unit_base; text-align : center; bottom : 0px; >.ui-btn.ui-btn-back, >[data-icon="naviframe-more"] { background : transparent; >.ui-btn-icon-only { width : 56 * @unit_base; height : 49 * @unit_base; padding : 0px; -webkit-box-shadow : none /* temp code */ } } [data-icon="naviframe-more"] { position : absolute; left : 0 * @unit_base; top : 0 * @unit_base; box-shadow : none; border-width : 0px; .ui-icon-naviframe-more { left : 13 * @unit_base; top : 8 * @unit_base; margin-top : 0px; } .ui-btn-inner { border: none; background: transparent; box-shadow: none; } } >[data-role="button"] { font-size : 15 * @unit_base; font-weight : bold; color : @color_tabbar_btn_normal; } [data-role="controlgroup"] { margin-left : auto; margin-right : auto; margin-top : 6 * @unit_base; /* temp value */ margin-bottom : 6 * @unit_base; /* temp value */ padding-left : 58 * @unit_base; padding-right : 58 * @unit_base; [data-role="button"] { background : transparent; min-width : 77 * @unit_base; border-style : solid; border-color : @color_bar_divider_line; border-top-width : 0px; border-bottom-width : 0px; border-left-width : 1px; border-right-width : 1px; border-radius : 0px; box-shadow : none; padding : 0px; margin-left : -4 * @unit_base; margin-right : -5 * @unit_base; &.ui-btn-down-s, .ui-btn-active-s { .ui-btn-inner { background : @color_bg; .ui-btn-text { color : @color_bar_title_text; } } } >.ui-btn-inner { border : 0px solid; box-shadow : none; } .ui-btn-text { font-size : 17 * @unit_base; color : rgba(58, 58, 58, 1); } &.ui-corner-right { border-right-width : 0px; } &.ui-corner-left { border-left-width : 0px; } } } > [data-role="button"]:not([data-icon="naviframe-more"]) { top : 6 * @unit_base; } > p { margin-top : 8 * @unit_base; margin-bottom : 8 * @unit_base; } > h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { display: inline-block; } } /*************************************************************************** Content Top calculate ***************************************************************************/ .ui-content { position : relative; top : 0; } /*************************************************************************** Content Top calculate ***************************************************************************/ .ui-body-s { border: 1px solid #2a2a2a; background: @color_bg; color: @color_text; font-weight: normal; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; .ui-link-inherit { color: #fff; } .ui-link { /* ui-body-link */ color: #2489CE; font-weight: bold; &:hover { color: #2489CE; } &:active { color: #2489CE; } &:visited { color: #2489CE; } } } .ui-br { } .ui-btn-box-s { padding: 1 * @unit_base; } .ui-btn-box-s.ui-btn-up-s { .LESSbutton_box_style; .LESSborder-radius-all( 0.3rem ); .LESSbutton_text1_style; } .ui-btn.ui-btn-corner-all .ui-btn-box-s.ui-btn-up-s { .LESSborder-radius-all( 1.2rem ); } .ui-btn-box-s .ui-btn-inner { border: 1px solid; border-color: rgb(199, 197, 190); .LESSborder-radius-all( 0.3rem ); .LESSbox-boxsizing( border-box ); .LESSbutton_inner_box_style; height: 100%; } .ui-btn.ui-btn-corner-all.ui-btn-box-s .ui-btn-inner { .LESSborder-radius-all( 1.2rem ); } .ui-ctxpopup .ui-btn-box-s{ &.ui-btn-up-s, &.ui-btn-hover-s { background: transparent !important; border: none; box-shadow: none; padding: 0; color: white !important; } &.ui-btn-down-s { background: @color_ctxbutton_press !important; border: none; box-shadow: none; padding: 0; color: white !important; .LESSborder-radius-all( 0 ); } .ui-btn-inner { background: transparent ! important; box-shadow: none; border: none; } } .ui-ctxpopup .ui-btn-down-s { background: @color_ctxbutton_press !important; } .ui-header .ui-btn-box-s, .ui-footer .ui-btn-box-s, .ui-btn-back.ui-btn-up-s, .ui-btn-back.ui-btn-hover-s, .ui-btn-back.ui-btn-down-s, .ui-popup-container .ui-btn-box-s { font-weight: normal; .LESSborder-radius-all( 0.9 rem ); } .ui-btn-box-s.ui-btn-hover-s { .LESSbutton_hover_style; .LESSbutton_text1_style; .LESSborder-radius-allimportant( 0.3em ); } .ui-btn-box-s.ui-btn-hover-s.ui-btn-corner-circle { .LESSborder-radius-allimportant( 1em ); } .ui-btn-box-s.ui-btn-hover-s.ui-btn-corner-all { .LESSborder-radius-allimportant( 1.2em ); } .ui-btn-box-s.ui-btn-hover-s.ui-btn-round { .LESSborder-radius-allimportant( 1.2em ); } .ui-btn-box-s.ui-btn-down-s .ui-btn-inner { .LESSbutton_down_style; } .ui-btn-up-s, .ui-btn-hover-s, .ui-btn-down-s { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; } /* /* Structure */ /* links within "buttons" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ a.ui-link-inherit { text-decoration: none !important; } /* Active class used as the "on" state across all themes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* button default color for active state */ .ui-btn-active { /* global-active */ color: @color_button_text_normal; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; background: @color_button_press; outline: none; //font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; a.ui-link-inherit { color: @color_button_text_normal; } } /* button inner top highlight -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .ui-btn-inner { //border : none; } /* corner rounding classes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .ui-corner-tl { .LESSborder-radius-topleft(.3em); } .ui-corner-tr { .LESSborder-radius-topright(.3em); } .ui-corner-bl { .LESSborder-radius-bottomleft(.3em); } .ui-corner-br { .LESSborder-radius-bottomright(.3em); } .ui-corner-top { .LESSborder-radius-topleft(.3em); .LESSborder-radius-topright(.3em); } .ui-corner-bottom { .LESSborder-radius-bottomleft(.3em); .LESSborder-radius-bottomright(.3em); } .ui-corner-right { .LESSborder-radius-topright(.3em); .LESSborder-radius-bottomright(.3em); } .ui-corner-left { .LESSborder-radius-topleft(.3em); .LESSborder-radius-bottomleft(.3em); } .ui-corner-all { //.LESSborder-radius-all(.3em); } .ui-corner-none { .LESSborder-radius-all(0); } /*************************************************************************** Icon (Naviframe) ***************************************************************************/ .ui-header, .ui-footer { .ui-btn .ui-btn-icon-only .ui-icon { width: 32 * @unit_base; height: 32 * @unit_base; } } .ui-btn-back .ui-btn-inner .ui-icon-header-back-btn { width: 32 * @unit_base; height: 32 * @unit_base; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; } .ui-btn-up-s { .ui-icon-header-back-btn { background-image: url(images/page/00_icon_Back.png); } .ui-icon-naviframe-more { background-image: url(images/page/00_icon_more.png); } .ui-icon-naviframe-cancel { background-image: url(images/00_icon_cancel.png); } /* FIXME : check ux if it needs to be deprecated... */ .ui-icon-naviframe-edit { background-image: url(images/page/00_icon_edit.png); } .ui-icon-naviframe-plus { background-image: url(images/page/00_icon_plus.png); } } .ui-btn-down-s, .ui-btn-hover-s { .ui-icon-header-back-btn { background-image: url(images/page/00_icon_Back_press.png); } .ui-icon-naviframe-more { background-image: url(images/page/00_icon_more_press.png); } .ui-icon-naviframe-cancel { background-image: url(images/00_icon_cancel_press.png); } /* FIXME: check ux if it needs to be deprecated.. */ .ui-icon-naviframe-edit { background-image: url(images/page/00_icon_edit_press.png); } .ui-icon-naviframe-plus { background-image: url(images/page/00_icon_plus_press.png); } } /* Interaction cues -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ .ui-disabled { filter: Alpha(Opacity=30); opacity: .3; zoom: 1; } .ui-disabled, .ui-disabled a { cursor: default !important; pointer-events: none; }