/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/ ** ** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:FDL$ ** GNU Free Documentation License ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free ** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of ** this file. ** ** Other Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms ** and conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you ** and Nokia. ** ** ** ** ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ /*! \qmltype Number \inqmlmodule QtQuick 2 \brief The Number object provides represents a number value The QML Number object extends the JS Number object with locale aware functions. \sa {QtQuick2::Locale}{Locale} */ /*! \qmlmethod string Number::toLocaleString(locale,format,precision) Converts the Number to a string suitable for the specified \a locale in the specified \a format, with the specified \a precision. Valid formats are: \list \li 'f' Decimal floating point, e.g. 248.65 \li 'e' Scientific notation using e character, e.g. 2.4865e+2 \li 'E' Scientific notation using E character, e.g. 2.4865E+2 \li 'g' Use the shorter of e or f \li 'G' Use the shorter of E or f \endlist If precision is not specified, the precision will be 2. If the format is not specified 'f' will be used. If \a locale is not specified, the default locale will be used. The following example shows a number formatted for the German locale: \code import QtQuick 2.0 Text { text: "The value is: " + Number(4742378.423).toLocaleString(Qt.locale("de_DE")) } \endcode You can apply toLocaleString() directly to constants, provided the decimal is included in the constant, e.g. \code 123.0.toLocaleString(Qt.locale("de_DE")) // OK 123..toLocaleString(Qt.locale("de_DE")) // OK 123.toLocaleString(Qt.locale("de_DE")) // fails \endcode */ /*! \qmlmethod string Number::toLocaleCurrencyString(locale,symbol) Converts the Number to a currency using the currency and conventions of the specified \a locale. If \a symbol is specified it will be used as the currency symbol. \sa Locale::currencySymbol() */ /*! \qmlmethod string Number::fromLocaleString(locale,number) Returns a Number by parsing \a number using the conventions of the supplied \a locale. If \a locale is not supplied the default locale will be used. For example, using the German locale: \code var german = Qt.locale("de_DE"); var d; d = Number.fromLocaleString(german, "1234,56) // d == 1234.56 d = Number.fromLocaleString(german, "1.234,56") // d == 1234.56 d = Number.fromLocaleString(german, "1234.56") // throws exception d = Number.fromLocaleString(german, "1.234") // d == 1234.0 \endcode */