
Download the Native Client SDK

To build Native Client modules, you must download and install the Native Client Software Development Kit (SDK). This page provides an overview of the Native Client SDK, and instructions for how to download and install the SDK.


The Native Client SDK includes the following:

support for multiple Pepper versions
The SDK contains bundles that let you compile Native Client modules using different versions of the Pepper Plugin API (e.g., Pepper 31 or Pepper Canary). Review the Release Notes for a description of the new features included in each Pepper version to help you decide which bundle to use to develop your application. In general, Native Client modules compiled using a particular Pepper version will work in corresponding versions of Chrome and higher. For example, a module compiled using the Pepper 31 bundle will work in Chrome 31 and higher.
update utility
The naclsdk utility (naclsdk.bat on Windows) lets you download new bundles that are available, as well as new versions of existing bundles.
Each platform includes three toolchains: one for compiling Portable Native Client (PNaCl) applications, one for compiling architecture-specific Native Client applications with newlib, and one for compiling architecture-specific Native Client applications with glibc. Newlib and glibc are two different implementations of the C standard library. All three toolchains contain Native Client-compatible versions of standard compilers, linkers, and other tools. See NaCl and PNaCl to help you choose the right toolchain.
Each example in the SDK includes C or C++ source files and header files illustrating how to use NaCl and Pepper, along with a Makefile to build the example using each of the toolchains.
The SDK includes a number of additional tools that you can use for tasks such as validating Native Client modules and running modules from the command line.

Follow the steps below to download and install the Native Client SDK.


Download and install the SDK

  1. Download the SDK update utility: nacl_sdk.zip.

  2. Unzip the SDK update utility:

    • On Mac/Linux, run the command “unzip nacl_sdk.zip” in a terminal window.

    • On Windows, right-click on the .zip file and select “Extract All...”. A dialog box will open; enter a location and click “Extract”.

    Unzipping the SDK update utility creates a directory called nacl_sdk with the following files and directories:

    • naclsdk (and naclsdk.bat for Windows) — the front end of the update utility, i.e., the command you run to download the latest bundles

    • sdk_cache — a directory with a manifest file that lists the bundles you have already downloaded

    • sdk_tools — the back end of the update utility, also known as the “sdk_tools” bundle

  3. To see the SDK bundles that are available for download, go to the nacl_sdk directory and run naclsdk with the "list" command. The SDK includes a separate bundle for each version of Chrome/Pepper.

    On Mac/Linux:

    $ cd nacl_sdk
    $ ./naclsdk list

    On Windows:

    > cd nacl_sdk
    > naclsdk list

    You should see output similar to this:

     I: installed
     *: update available
      I  sdk_tools (stable)
         vs_addin (dev)
         pepper_27 (post_stable)
         pepper_28 (post_stable)
         pepper_29 (post_stable)
         pepper_30 (post_stable)
         pepper_31 (stable)
         pepper_32 (beta)
         pepper_canary (canary)

    The sample output above shows that there are a number of bundles available for download, and that you have already installed the latest revision of the sdk_tools bundle (it was included in the zip file you downloaded). Each bundle is labeled post-stable, stable, beta, dev, or canary. These labels usually correspond to the current versions of Chrome. (In the example above, Chrome 31 is stable, Chrome 32 is beta, etc.). We generally recommend that you download and use a “stable” bundle, as applications developed with “stable” bundles can be used by all current Chrome users. This is because Native Client is designed to be backward-compatible (for example, applications developed with the pepper_31 bundle can run in Chrome 31, Chrome 32, etc.). Thus in the example above, pepper_31 is the recommended bundle to use.

  4. Run naclsdk with the “update” command to download recommended bundles.

    On Mac/Linux:

    $ ./naclsdk update

    On Windows:

    > naclsdk update

    By default, naclsdk only downloads bundles that are recommended—generally those that are “stable.” Continuing with the earlier example, the “update” command would only download the pepper_31 bundle, since the bundles pepper_32 and greater are not yet stable. If you want the pepper_32 bundle, you must ask for it explicitly:

    $ ./naclsdk update pepper_32

    Note that you never need to update the sdk_tools bundle—it is updated automatically (if necessary) whenever you run naclsdk.

Staying up-to-date and getting new versions of bundles

  1. Run naclsdk with the “list” command again; this will show you the list of available bundles and verify which bundles you have installed.

    On Mac/Linux:

    $ ./naclsdk list

    On Windows:

    > naclsdk list

    Continuing with the earlier example, if you previously downloaded the pepper_31 bundle, you should see output similar to this:

     I: installed
     *: update available
      I  sdk_tools (stable)
         vs_addin (dev)
         pepper_27 (post_stable)
         pepper_28 (post_stable)
         pepper_29 (post_stable)
         pepper_30 (post_stable)
      I  pepper_31 (stable)
         pepper_32 (beta)
         pepper_canary (canary)
  2. Running naclsdk with the “update” command again will verify that your bundles are up-to-date, or warn if you there are new versions of previously installed bundles.

    On Mac/Linux:

    $ ./naclsdk update

    On Windows:

    > naclsdk update

    Continuing with the earlier example, you should see output similar to this:

    pepper_31 is already up-to-date.
  3. To check if there is a new version of a previously installed bundle, you can run the “list” command again:

     I: installed
     *: update available
      I  sdk_tools (stable)
         vs_addin (dev)
         pepper_27 (post_stable)
         pepper_28 (post_stable)
         pepper_29 (post_stable)
         pepper_30 (post_stable)
      I* pepper_31 (stable)
         pepper_32 (beta)
         pepper_canary (canary)

    An asterisk next to a bundle indicates that there is an update available for that bundle. If you run the “update” command now, naclsdk will warn you with a message similar to this:

    WARNING: pepper_31 already exists, but has an update available.
    Run update with the --force option to overwrite the existing directory.
    Warning: This will overwrite any modifications you have made within this directory.

    To dowload the new version of a bundle and overwrite the existing directory for that bundle, run naclsdk with the --force option.

    On Mac/Linux:

    $ ./naclsdk update --force

    On Windows:

    > naclsdk update --force
  4. For more information about the naclsdk utility, run:

    On Mac/Linux:

    $ ./naclsdk help

    On Windows:

    > naclsdk help

Next steps:
