# DEPS files look like -*- Python -*- vars = { "chrome_rev": "250916", # NOTE! These four should match their counterparts in chromium/src/DEPS. # Be sure to update them when updating chrome_rev, above. # (This is not essential for Breakpad, because we do not use its code # in the build that goes into Chromium. But might as well update it too.) "gtest_rev": "643", "gyp_rev": "1846", "lss_rev": "24", "breakpad_rev": "1271", "lcov_rev": "149720", "tools_rev": "12760", # These are URL prefixes rather than revision numbers, so keep them separate. "chromium_trunk": "http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk", "googlecode_url": "http://%s.googlecode.com/svn", "native_client_trunk": "http://src.chromium.org/native_client/trunk", } deps = { "breakpad": ((Var("googlecode_url") % "google-breakpad") + "/trunk@" + Var('breakpad_rev')), "native_client/tools/perf_expectations": Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/perf_expectations@" + Var("chrome_rev"), "testing/gtest": "http://googletest.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@" + Var("gtest_rev"), "third_party": Var("native_client_trunk") + "/src/third_party@" + Var("tools_rev"), "validator_snapshots": Var("native_client_trunk") + "/src/validator_snapshots@" + Var("tools_rev"), "third_party/lcov": Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/third_party/lcov@" + Var("lcov_rev"), "third_party/lss": ((Var("googlecode_url") % "linux-syscall-support") + "/trunk/lss@" + Var("lss_rev")), "third_party/valgrind": Var("chromium_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/valgrind@" + Var("chrome_rev"), "tools/clang": Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/clang@" + Var("chrome_rev"), "tools/gyp": "http://gyp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@" + Var("gyp_rev"), "tools/valgrind": Var("chromium_trunk") + "/src/tools/valgrind@" + Var("chrome_rev"), } deps_os = { "win": { # GNU binutils assembler for x86-32. "third_party/gnu_binutils": (Var("native_client_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/gnu_binutils@" + Var("tools_rev")), # GNU binutils assembler for x86-64. "third_party/mingw-w64/mingw/bin": (Var("native_client_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/mingw-w64/mingw/bin@" + Var("tools_rev")), "third_party/NSIS": (Var("native_client_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/NSIS@" + Var("tools_rev")), }, "unix": { # Ragel for validator_ragel "third_party/ragel": (Var("native_client_trunk") + "/deps/third_party/ragel@" + Var("tools_rev")), } } hooks = [ { "pattern": ".", "action": ["python", "native_client/build/download_toolchains.py", "--keep", "--arm-untrusted", "native_client/TOOL_REVISIONS"], }, { "pattern": ".", "action": ["python", "native_client/build/gyp_nacl"], }, ] include_rules = [ "+native_client/src/include", "+gtest", ]