# list of desktop files to put in ibar by default minus the .desktop extension # each line is 1 entry in ibar and it is a list of desktop files to # look for in order of preference - first found is put in to ibar terminology xterm rxvt urxvt gnome-terminal konsole xfce4-terminal exo-terminal-emulator lxde-x-terminal-emulator lxterminal mlterm roxterm Terminal terminator vala-terminal sylpheed claws-mail thunderbird evolution KMail firefox iceweasel chromium-browser chromium eve epiphany midori konqueror opera rekonq dooble xchat pidgin konversation kvirc loqui lostirc quassel qutim enjoy banshee rhythmbox amarok listen audacious xmms2 gimp inkscape libreoffice-startcenter openoffice.org-startcenter koffice