/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Nokia Corporation. * Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. * * Author: Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) * Jens Georg * * This file is part of Rygel. * * Rygel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rygel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ using GUPnP; /** * Dummy implementation of Rygel.MediaContainer to pass on to * Rygel.WritableContianer for creation. */ private class Rygel.BaseMediaContainer : MediaContainer { /** * Create a media container with the specified details. * * @param id See the id property of the #RygelMediaObject class. * @param parent The parent container, if any. * @param title See the title property of the #RygelMediaObject class. * @param child_count The initially-known number of child items. */ public BaseMediaContainer (string id, MediaContainer? parent, string title, int child_count) { Object (id : id, parent : parent, title : title, child_count : child_count); } /** * Fetches the list of media objects directly under this container. * * @param offset zero-based index of the first item to return * @param max_count maximum number of objects to return * @param sort_criteria sorting order of objects to return * @param cancellable optional cancellable for this operation * * @return A list of media objects. */ public override async MediaObjects? get_children (uint offset, uint max_count, string sort_criteria, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error { return null; } /** * Recursively searches this container for a media object with the given ID. * * @param id ID of the media object to search for * @param cancellable optional cancellable for this operation * * @return the found media object. */ public override async MediaObject? find_object (string id, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error { return null; } } /** * CreateObject action implementation. */ internal class Rygel.ObjectCreator: GLib.Object, Rygel.StateMachine { private static PatternSpec comment_pattern = new PatternSpec ("**"); private const string INVALID_CHARS = "/?<>\\:*|\""; // In arguments private string container_id; private string elements; private DIDLLiteObject didl_object; private MediaObject object; private ContentDirectory content_dir; private ServiceAction action; private Serializer serializer; private DIDLLiteParser didl_parser; private Regex title_regex; public Cancellable cancellable { get; set; } public ObjectCreator (ContentDirectory content_dir, owned ServiceAction action) { this.content_dir = content_dir; this.cancellable = content_dir.cancellable; this.action = (owned) action; this.serializer = new Serializer (SerializerType.GENERIC_DIDL); this.didl_parser = new DIDLLiteParser (); try { var pattern = "[" + Regex.escape_string (INVALID_CHARS) + "]"; this.title_regex = new Regex (pattern, RegexCompileFlags.OPTIMIZE, RegexMatchFlags.NOTEMPTY); } catch (Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } } public async void run () { try { this.parse_args (); this.parse_didl (); var container = yield this.fetch_container (); /* Verify the create class. Note that we always assume * createClass@includeDerived to be false. * * DLNA.ORG_AnyContainer is a special case. We are allowed to * modify the UPnP class to something we support and * fetch_container took care of this already. */ if (!container.can_create (this.didl_object.upnp_class) && this.container_id != MediaContainer.ANY) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA ("Creating of objects with class %s " + "is not supported in %s", this.didl_object.upnp_class, container.id); } if (this.didl_object is DIDLLiteContainer && !this.validate_create_class (container)) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (_("upnp:createClass value not supported")); } yield this.create_object_from_didl (container); if (this.object is MediaItem) { yield container.add_item (this.object as MediaItem, this.cancellable); } else { yield container.add_container (this.object as MediaContainer, this.cancellable); } yield this.wait_for_object (container); this.object.serialize (serializer, this.content_dir.http_server); // Conclude the successful action this.conclude (); if (this.container_id == MediaContainer.ANY && (this.object is MediaItem && (this.object as MediaItem).place_holder)) { var queue = ObjectRemovalQueue.get_default (); queue.queue (this.object, this.cancellable); } } catch (Error err) { this.handle_error (err); } } /** * Check the supplied input parameters. */ private void parse_args () throws Error { /* Start by parsing the 'in' arguments */ this.action.get ("ContainerID", typeof (string), out this.container_id, "Elements", typeof (string), out this.elements); if (this.elements == null) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (_("'Elements' argument missing.")); } else if (comment_pattern.match_string (this.elements)) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (_("Comments not allowed in XML")); } if (this.container_id == null) { // Sorry we can't do anything without ContainerID throw new ContentDirectoryError.INVALID_ARGS (_("Missing ContainerID argument")); } } /** * Parse the given DIDL-Lite snippet. * * Parses the DIDL-Lite and performs checking of the passed meta-data * according to UPnP and DLNA guidelines. */ private void parse_didl () throws Error { // FIXME: This will take the last object in the DIDL-Lite, maybe we // should limit it to one somehow. this.didl_parser.object_available.connect ((didl_object) => { this.didl_object = didl_object; }); try { this.didl_parser.parse_didl (this.elements); } catch (Error parse_err) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA ("Bad metadata"); } if (this.didl_object == null) { var message = _("No objects in DIDL-Lite from client: '%s'"); throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (message, this.elements); } if (didl_object.id == null || didl_object.id != "") { var msg = _("@id must be set to \"\" in CreateObject call"); throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (msg); } if (didl_object.title == null) { var msg = _("dc:title must not be empty in CreateObject call"); throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (msg); } // FIXME: Is this check really necessary? passes without it. // These flags must not be set on items. if (didl_object is DIDLLiteItem && ((didl_object.dlna_managed & (OCMFlags.UPLOAD | OCMFlags.CREATE_CONTAINER | OCMFlags.UPLOAD_DESTROYABLE)) != 0)) { var msg = _("Flags that must not be set were found in 'dlnaManaged'"); throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (msg); } if (didl_object.upnp_class == null || didl_object.upnp_class == "" || !didl_object.upnp_class.has_prefix ("object")) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (_("Invalid upnp:class given in CreateObject")); } if (didl_object.restricted) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (_("Cannot create restricted item")); } // Handle DIDL_S items... if (this.didl_object.upnp_class == "object.item") { var resources = this.didl_object.get_resources (); if (resources != null && resources.data.protocol_info.dlna_profile == "DIDL_S") { this.didl_object.upnp_class = PlaylistItem.UPNP_CLASS; } } } /** * Modify the give UPnP class to be a more general one. * * Used to simplify the search for a valid container in the * DLNA.ORG_AnyContainer use-case. * Example: object.item.videoItem.videoBroadcast → object.item.videoItem * * @param upnp_class the current UPnP class which will be modified in-place. */ private void generalize_upnp_class (ref string upnp_class) { char *needle = upnp_class.rstr_len (-1, "."); if (needle != null) { *needle = '\0'; } } private async SearchExpression build_create_class_expression (SearchExpression expression) { // Take create-classes into account if (!(this.didl_object is DIDLLiteContainer)) { return expression; } var didl_container = this.didl_object as DIDLLiteContainer; var create_classes = didl_container.get_create_classes (); if (create_classes == null) { return expression; } var builder = new StringBuilder ("("); foreach (var create_class in create_classes) { builder.append_printf ("(upnp:createClass derivedfrom \"%s\") AND", create_class); } // remove dangeling AND builder.truncate (builder.len - 3); builder.append (")"); try { var parser = new Rygel.SearchCriteriaParser (builder.str); yield parser.run (); var rel = new LogicalExpression (); rel.operand1 = expression; rel.op = LogicalOperator.AND; rel.operand2 = parser.expression; return rel; } catch (Error error) { assert_not_reached (); } } /** * Find a container that can create items matching the UPnP class of the * requested item. * * If the item's UPnP class cannot be found, generalize the UPnP class until * we reach object.item according to DLNA guideline * * @returns a container able to create the item or null if no such container * can be found. */ private async MediaObject? find_any_container () throws Error { var root_container = this.content_dir.root_container as SearchableContainer; if (root_container == null) { return null; } var upnp_class = this.didl_object.upnp_class; var expression = new RelationalExpression (); expression.op = SearchCriteriaOp.DERIVED_FROM; expression.operand1 = "upnp:createClass"; // Add container's create classes to the search expression if there // are some var search_expression = yield this.build_create_class_expression (expression); while (upnp_class != "object") { expression.operand2 = upnp_class; uint total_matches; var result = yield root_container.search (search_expression, 0, 1, out total_matches, root_container.sort_criteria, this.cancellable); if (result.size > 0) { this.didl_object.upnp_class = upnp_class; return result[0]; } else { this.generalize_upnp_class (ref upnp_class); } } if (upnp_class == "object") { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (_("UPnP class '%s' not supported"), this.didl_object.upnp_class); } return null; } /** * Get the container to create the item in. * * This will either try to fetch the container supplied by the caller or * search for a container if the caller supplied the "DLNA.ORG_AnyContainer" * id. * * @return an instance of WritableContainer matching the criteria * @throws ContentDirectoryError for various problems */ private async WritableContainer fetch_container () throws Error { MediaObject media_object = null; if (this.container_id == MediaContainer.ANY) { media_object = yield this.find_any_container (); } else { media_object = yield this.content_dir.root_container.find_object (this.container_id, this.cancellable); } if (media_object == null || !(media_object is MediaContainer)) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.NO_SUCH_CONTAINER (_("No such container")); } if (!(media_object is WritableContainer)) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.RESTRICTED_PARENT (_("Object creation in %s not allowed"), media_object.id); } // If the object to be created is an item, ocm_flags must contain // OCMFlags.UPLOAD, it it's a container, ocm_flags must contain // OCMFlags.CREATE_CONTAINER if (!((this.didl_object is DIDLLiteItem && (OCMFlags.UPLOAD in media_object.ocm_flags)) || (this.didl_object is DIDLLiteContainer && (OCMFlags.CREATE_CONTAINER in media_object.ocm_flags)))) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.RESTRICTED_PARENT (_("Object creation in %s not allowed"), media_object.id); } // FIXME: Check for @restricted=1 missing? return media_object as WritableContainer; } private void conclude () { /* Retrieve generated string */ string didl = this.serializer.get_string (); /* Set action return arguments */ this.action.set ("ObjectID", typeof (string), this.object.id, "Result", typeof (string), didl); this.action.return (); this.completed (); } private bool validate_create_class (WritableContainer container) { var didl_cont = this.didl_object as DIDLLiteContainer; var create_classes = didl_cont.get_create_classes (); if (create_classes == null) { return true; } foreach (var create_class in create_classes) { if (!container.can_create (create_class)) { return false; } } return true; } private void handle_error (Error error) { if (error is ContentDirectoryError) { this.action.return_error (error.code, error.message); } else { this.action.return_error (701, error.message); } warning (_("Failed to create item under '%s': %s"), this.container_id, error.message); this.completed (); } private string get_generic_mime_type () { if (!(this.object is MediaItem)) { return ""; } var item = this.object as MediaItem; if (item is ImageItem) { return "image"; } else if (item is VideoItem) { return "video"; } else { return "audio"; } } /** * Transfer information passed by caller to a MediaObject. * * WritableContainer works on MediaObject so we transfer the supplied data * to one. Additionally some checks are performed (e.g. whether the DLNA * profile is supported or not) or sanitize the supplied title for use as * part of the on-disk filename. * * This function fills ObjectCreator.object. */ private async void create_object_from_didl (WritableContainer container) throws Error { this.object = this.create_object (this.didl_object.id, container, this.didl_object.title, this.didl_object.upnp_class); if (this.object is MediaItem) { this.extract_item_parameters (); } // extract_item_parameters could not find an uri if (this.object.uris.size == 0) { var uri = yield this.create_uri (container, this.object.title); this.object.uris.add (uri); if (this.object is MediaItem) { (this.object as MediaItem).place_holder = true; } } else { if (this.object is MediaItem) { var file = File.new_for_uri (this.object.uris[0]); (this.object as MediaItem).place_holder = !file.is_native (); } } this.object.id = this.object.uris[0]; this.parse_and_verify_didl_date (); } private void extract_item_parameters () throws Error { var item = this.object as MediaItem; var resources = this.didl_object.get_resources (); if (resources != null && resources.length () > 0) { var resource = resources.nth (0).data; var info = resource.protocol_info; if (info != null) { if (info.dlna_profile != null) { if (!this.is_profile_valid (info.dlna_profile)) { var msg = _("DLNA profile '%s' not supported"); throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (msg, info.dlna_profile); } item.dlna_profile = info.dlna_profile; } if (info.mime_type != null) { item.mime_type = info.mime_type; } } string sanitized_uri = null; if (this.is_valid_uri (resource.uri, out sanitized_uri)) { item.add_uri (sanitized_uri); } if (resource.size >= 0) { item.size = resource.size; } } if (item.mime_type == null) { item.mime_type = this.get_generic_mime_type (); } if (item.size < 0) { item.size = 0; } } private void parse_and_verify_didl_date () throws Error { if (!(this.didl_object is DIDLLiteItem)) { return; } var didl_item = this.didl_object as DIDLLiteItem; if (didl_item.date == null) { return; } var parsed_date = new Soup.Date.from_string (didl_item.date); if (parsed_date != null) { (this.object as MediaItem).date = parsed_date.to_string (Soup.DateFormat.ISO8601); return; } int year = 0, month = 0, day = 0; if (didl_item.date.scanf ("%4d-%02d-%02d", out year, out month, out day) != 3) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (_("Invalid date format: %s"), didl_item.date); } var date = GLib.Date (); date.set_dmy ((DateDay) day, (DateMonth) month, (DateYear) year); if (!date.valid ()) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (_("Invalid date: %s"), didl_item.date); } (this.object as MediaItem).date = didl_item.date + "T00:00:00"; } private MediaObject create_object (string id, WritableContainer parent, string title, string upnp_class) throws Error { switch (upnp_class) { case ImageItem.UPNP_CLASS: return new ImageItem (id, parent, title); case PhotoItem.UPNP_CLASS: return new PhotoItem (id, parent, title); case VideoItem.UPNP_CLASS: return new VideoItem (id, parent, title); case AudioItem.UPNP_CLASS: return new AudioItem (id, parent, title); case MusicItem.UPNP_CLASS: return new MusicItem (id, parent, title); case PlaylistItem.UPNP_CLASS: return new PlaylistItem (id, parent, title); case MediaContainer.UPNP_CLASS: case MediaContainer.STORAGE_FOLDER: return new BaseMediaContainer (id, parent, title, 0); case MediaContainer.PLAYLIST: var container = new BaseMediaContainer (id, parent, title, 0); container.upnp_class = upnp_class; return container; default: var msg = _("Cannot create object of class '%s': Not supported"); throw new ContentDirectoryError.BAD_METADATA (msg, upnp_class); } } /** * Simple check for the validity of an URI. * * Check is done by parsing the URI with soup. Additionaly a cleaned-up * version of the URI is returned in sanitized_uri. * * @param uri the input URI * @param sanitized_uri containes a sanitized version of the URI on return * @returns true if the URI is valid, false otherwise. */ private bool is_valid_uri (string? uri, out string sanitized_uri) { sanitized_uri = null; if (uri == null || uri == "") { return false; } var soup_uri = new Soup.URI (uri); if (soup_uri == null || soup_uri.scheme == null) { return false; } sanitized_uri = soup_uri.to_string (false); return true; } /** * Transform the title to be usable on legacy file-systems such as FAT32. * * The function trims down the title to 205 chars (leaving room for an UUID) * and replaces all special characters. * * @param title of the the media item * @return the cleaned and shortened title */ private string mangle_title (string title) throws Error { var mangled = title.substring (0, int.min (title.length, 205)); mangled = this.title_regex.replace_literal (mangled, -1, 0, "_", RegexMatchFlags.NOTEMPTY); return UUID.get () + "-" + mangled; } /** * Create an URI from the item's title. * * Create an unique URI from the supplied title by cleaning it from * unwanted characters, shortening it and adding an UUID. * * @param container to create the item in * @param title of the item to base the name on * @returns an URI for the newly created item */ private async string create_uri (WritableContainer container, string title) throws Error { var dir = yield container.get_writable (this.cancellable); if (dir == null) { throw new ContentDirectoryError.RESTRICTED_PARENT (_("Object creation in %s not allowed"), container.id); } var file = dir.get_child_for_display_name (this.mangle_title (title)); return file.get_uri (); } /** * Wait for the new object * * When creating an object in the back-end via WritableContainer.add_item * or WritableContainer.add_container there might be a delay between the * creation and the back-end having the newly created item available. This * function waits for the item to become available by hooking into the * container_updated signal. The maximum time to wait is 5 seconds. * * @param container to watch */ private async void wait_for_object (WritableContainer container) { debug ("Waiting for new object to appear under container '%s'…", container.id); MediaObject object = null; while (object == null) { try { object = yield container.find_object (this.object.id, this.cancellable); } catch (Error error) { var msg = _("Error from container '%s' on trying to find the newly added child object '%s' in it: %s"); warning (msg, container.id, this.object.id, error.message); } if (object == null) { var id = container.container_updated.connect ((container) => { this.wait_for_object.callback (); }); uint timeout = 0; timeout = Timeout.add_seconds (5, () => { debug ("Timeout on waiting for 'updated' signal on '%s'.", container.id); timeout = 0; this.wait_for_object.callback (); return false; }); yield; container.disconnect (id); if (timeout != 0) { Source.remove (timeout); } else { break; } } } debug ("Finished waiting for new object to appear under container '%s'", container.id); this.object = object; } /** * Check if the profile is supported. * * The check is performed against the MediaEngine's database explicitly excluding * the transcoders. * * @param profile to check * @returns true if the profile is supported, false otherwise. */ private bool is_profile_valid (string profile) { unowned GLib.List profiles, result; var plugin = this.content_dir.root_device.resource_factory as MediaServerPlugin; profiles = plugin.upload_profiles; var p = new DLNAProfile (profile, ""); result = profiles.find_custom (p, DLNAProfile.compare_by_name); return result != null; } }