Sign up for TrueBlue - Basic information

Please complete the form below using an email address and password that’s easy to remember. By filling it out now, you’ll never have to enter your information again as long as you’re logged in on

This form is for customers 13 years or older. If you would like to enroll a child under 13 years old in TrueBlue, please call at 1-800-JETBLUE (538-2583), TTY/TDD 1-800-336-5530

Step 1 Step 2

Contact information

Use your name as it appears on a government-issued ID
Please provide a phone where we can call you with important flight updates.

Email and password

(Your email will also be your Username)
Must be 8-40 characters long. Only alphanumerical characters, dashes and underscores are allowed.

Enrollment Code  (optional)