#!/bin/bash -p # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Using codesign, sign the contents of the versioned directory. Namely, this # includes the framework and helper app. After signing, the signatures are # verified. set -eu # Environment sanitization. Set a known-safe PATH. Clear environment variables # that might impact the interpreter's operation. The |bash -p| invocation # on the #! line takes the bite out of BASH_ENV, ENV, and SHELLOPTS (among # other features), but clearing them here ensures that they won't impact any # shell scripts used as utility programs. SHELLOPTS is read-only and can't be # unset, only unexported. export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" unset BASH_ENV CDPATH ENV GLOBIGNORE IFS POSIXLY_CORRECT export -n SHELLOPTS ME="$(basename "${0}")" readonly ME if [[ ${#} -ne 3 ]]; then echo "usage: ${ME} app_path codesign_keychain codesign_id" >& 2 exit 1 fi app_path="${1}" codesign_keychain="${2}" codesign_id="${3}" versioned_dir="${app_path}/Contents/Versions/@VERSION@" # An .app bundle to be signed can be signed directly. Normally, signing a # framework bundle requires that each version within be signed individually. # http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/technotes/tn2007/tn2206.html#TNTAG13 # In Chrome's case, the framework bundle is unversioned, so it too can be # signed directly. See copy_framework_unversioned.sh. framework="${versioned_dir}/@MAC_PRODUCT_NAME@ Framework.framework" helper_app="${versioned_dir}/@MAC_PRODUCT_NAME@ Helper.app" helper_eh_app="${versioned_dir}/@MAC_PRODUCT_NAME@ Helper EH.app" helper_np_app="${versioned_dir}/@MAC_PRODUCT_NAME@ Helper NP.app" # libplugin_carbon_interpose.dylib was removed in r280670, but it's still # present on the 37.0.2062 branch (and earlier). Accounting for it here makes # it easier to merge the fix for http://crbug.com/399276 to other branches. # # TODO(mark): Remove this plugin_carbon_interpose code on the trunk as soon # as it lands. plugin_carbon_interpose="${versioned_dir}/libplugin_carbon_interpose.dylib" if [[ ! -e "${plugin_carbon_interpose}" ]]; then plugin_carbon_interpose= fi requirement_suffix="\ and certificate leaf = H\"85cee8254216185620ddc8851c7a9fc4dfe120ef\"\ " codesign -s "${codesign_id}" --keychain "${codesign_keychain}" "${framework}" \ -r="designated => identifier \"com.google.Chrome.framework\" \ ${requirement_suffix}" codesign -s "${codesign_id}" --keychain "${codesign_keychain}" "${helper_app}" \ -r="designated => identifier \"com.google.Chrome.helper\" \ ${requirement_suffix}" codesign -s "${codesign_id}" --keychain "${codesign_keychain}" \ "${helper_eh_app}" \ -r="designated => identifier \"com.google.Chrome.helper.EH\" \ ${requirement_suffix}" codesign -s "${codesign_id}" --keychain "${codesign_keychain}" \ "${helper_np_app}" \ -r="designated => identifier \"com.google.Chrome.helper.NP\" \ ${requirement_suffix}" if [[ -n "${plugin_carbon_interpose}" ]]; then plugin_carbon_interpose_identifier="com.google.Chrome.plugin_carbon_interpose" codesign -s "${codesign_id}" --keychain "${codesign_keychain}" \ "${plugin_carbon_interpose}" \ -i "${plugin_carbon_interpose_identifier}" \ -r="designated => identifier \"${plugin_carbon_interpose_identifier}\" \ ${requirement_suffix}" fi # Verify everything. codesign -v "${framework}" codesign -v "${helper_app}" codesign -v "${helper_eh_app}" codesign -v "${helper_np_app}" if [[ -n "${plugin_carbon_interpose}" ]]; then codesign -v "${plugin_carbon_interpose}" fi