
The sockets manifest property declares which permissions are available for the $ref:sockets.udp, $ref:sockets.tcp and $ref:sockets.tcpServer APIs.

Sample manifest.json

  "name": "My Sockets {{platform}}",
  "sockets": {
    "udp": {
      // Permission for chrome.sockets.udp.send:
      // The application is allowed to send udp packets
      // to any host:port combination.
      "send": "*"
    "tcp": {
      // Permission for chrome.sockets.tcp.connect:
      // The application is allowed to connect only to the
      // tcp server on port 80.
      "connect": ""
    "tcpServer": {
      // Permission for chrome.sockets.tcpServer.listen:
      // The application is allowed to accept new client
      // connections on the local address at port 80.
      "listen": ""


{{+partials.type type:apis.manifestTypes.byName.sockets/}}