// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Include test fixture. GEN_INCLUDE(['../testing/chromevox_unittest_base.js']); /** * Test fixture. * @constructor * @extends {ChromeVoxUnitTestBase} */ function CvoxCursorSelectionUnitTest() {} CvoxCursorSelectionUnitTest.prototype = { __proto__: ChromeVoxUnitTestBase.prototype, /** @override */ closureModuleDeps: [ 'cvox.CursorSelection' ] }; TEST_F('CvoxCursorSelectionUnitTest', 'Reverse', function() { this.loadDoc(function() {/*!



*/}); var a = new cvox.Cursor($('a'), 0, ''); var b = new cvox.Cursor($('b'), 0, ''); var aa = new cvox.CursorSelection(a, a); assertEquals(false, aa.isReversed()); aa.setReversed(true); assertEquals(true, aa.isReversed()); var ab = new cvox.CursorSelection(a, b); assertEquals(false, ab.isReversed()); ab.setReversed(true); assertEquals(true, ab.isReversed()); assertEquals(true, ab.start.equals(b)); assertEquals(true, ab.end.equals(a)); ab.setReversed(false); assertEquals(false, ab.isReversed()); assertEquals(true, ab.start.equals(a)); assertEquals(true, ab.end.equals(b)); ab = new cvox.CursorSelection(b, a); assertEquals(false, ab.isReversed()); assertEquals(true, ab.start.equals(a)); assertEquals(true, ab.end.equals(b)); var ba = new cvox.CursorSelection(b, a, true); assertEquals(true, ba.isReversed()); assertEquals(true, ba.start.equals(b)); assertEquals(true, ba.end.equals(a)); ba = new cvox.CursorSelection(a, b, true); assertEquals(true, ba.isReversed()); assertEquals(true, ba.start.equals(b)); assertEquals(true, ba.end.equals(a)); }); /** Tests correctness of collapsing selections. */ TEST_F('CvoxCursorSelectionUnitTest', 'Collapse', function() { this.loadDoc(function() {/*!

This is a test.

*/}); var text = $('1').firstChild; var a = new cvox.Cursor(text, 0, 'This is a test.'); var b = new cvox.Cursor(text, 13, 'This is a test.'); var c = new cvox.Cursor(text, 5, 'This is a test.'); var d = new cvox.Cursor(text, 8, 'This is a test.'); var aa = new cvox.CursorSelection(a, a).collapse(); assertEquals(0, aa.start.index); assertEquals(0, aa.end.index); var ab = new cvox.CursorSelection(a, b).collapse(); assertEquals(0, ab.start.index); assertEquals(1, ab.end.index); var ba = new cvox.CursorSelection(b, a, true).collapse(); assertEquals(12, ba.absStart().index); assertEquals(13, ba.absEnd().index); var cd = new cvox.CursorSelection(c, d).collapse(); assertEquals(5, cd.start.index); assertEquals(6, cd.end.index); var dc = new cvox.CursorSelection(d, c, true).collapse(); assertEquals(7, dc.absStart().index); assertEquals(8, dc.absEnd().index); });