Breedline is a BSD-licensed simplistic alternative to readline. Please see the LICENSE-BSD file for the exact license. Breedline provides a limited alternative to readline. It has only support for the most basic readline-like editing interface as well as a callback-based interface for integrating to various mainloops. Glib and murphy mainloop integration convenience libraries are readily provided. Breedline should work with most terminal emulators that support just the following set of VT100 escape sequences: - move cursor to beginning of line (ESC[0G) - move cursor right by %d (ESC[%dC) - erase right of cursor til the end of line (ESC[0K) I have tested it only with xterm, vt100, ansi, and linux console terminal settings in practice but in principle it should work with almost all non-dumb terminals out there. Currently breedline supports the following editing commands: - basic cursor positioning: o left: left arrow/ctrl-b o right: right arrow/ctrl-f o beginning of line: home/ctrl-a/ o end of line: end/ctrl-e o word left: ctrl left arrow o word right: ctrl right arrow - basic editing: o erase: backspace o delete: ctrl-d o kill line: ctrl-u (saves to yank buffer) o kill rest of line: ctrl-k (saves to yank buffer) o yank: ctrl-y - basic history: o previous: up arrow/ctrl-p o next: down arrow/ctrl-n - miscallanea: o redraw line: ctrl-l